What is the difference between MRI and CT scan of the brain and which is better?

Among treated citizens referred by doctors for tomography, a common question is which scanning option will be better in terms of its diagnostic properties: computer diagnostics or MRI of the brain? According to medical professionals, it cannot be said that any of the tomography options is superior in quality to the other. Each of them is more important for examination in different clinical cases. There is no point in discussing their interchangeability, although in two cases the end results are serial photographic images. Computed tomography, abbreviated CT, and magnetic resonance imaging, MRI, have many significant properties that distinguish them by functional focus. Here are examples of situations when preference is given to searching for pathology, and when it is better to resort to MRI.

What are CT and MRI?

Both computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are two effective hardware-based research methods that allow, without instrumental intervention, to obtain a clear, detailed picture of the state of the brain and the vessels that supply it. The basic principle of both examination methods is to obtain anatomically accurate images, on the basis of which doctors of various specialties then determine the diagnosis and prescribe therapy. There are three basic tomographic protocols, the same for both MRI and CT:

  • native brain tomography;
  • brain tomography with contrast;
  • angiography of cerebral vessels.

The main differences between CT and MRI are:

  • in the method by which the images are obtained;
  • in the list of contraindications;
  • in possible complications;
  • in the price of tomography.

How does a CT scan differ from an MRI of the brain?


The principle of operation of a magnetic resonance imaging scanner

Diagnosis of brain diseases using MRI is one of the most harmless and harmless examination methods.
Magnetic resonance imaging is based on the ability of high-frequency radio waves to cause vibrations in the hydrogen atoms present in the body's cells when they are exposed to a powerful magnetic field. The MRI machine records the received impulses, which are then processed by a computer. Due to the fact that different tissues of the body are characterized by signals of varying intensities, high-frequency images of the substance, meninges and vascular bed are formed with high spatial resolution. The increased power and ultra-sensitivity of modern tomograph models have made it possible for doctors to diagnose millimeter changes at an early stage of their occurrence. An MRI machine, depending on the type of model (open or closed), resembles a large installation with a narrow pipe in the center or a magnetic canopy. During the examination, the patient lies, as still as possible, on a mobile table that is placed inside the tomograph. An MRI scan lasts from 20 to 40 minutes, depending on the purpose and examination protocol. It is quite comfortable for the patient. Only loud noises from the machine can cause slight concern. This noise is safe for the patient. It occurs due to vibration of the metal coils in the device, which is caused by rapid pulses of electricity. The induction power of a tomograph (fullness) is one of the most important parameters of a tomographic installation. It is measured in Tesla. There are three types of devices that differ in magnetic field strength: low-field (0.3-0.5 Tesla), high-field (1-1.5 Tesla) and ultra-high-field (3 Tesla or more). The higher the induction level of the tomograph, the better the quality of the images it produces.

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The principle of operation of a computed tomograph

CT scans of the brain are performed using a device called a spiral CT scanner.
During the examination, the patient's body is exposed to several beams of X-rays released by the emitter sensor at different angles. Unlike conventional radiography, which offers only a flat image from several positions, a CT scan of the brain produces a set of images in the form of small sections in different projections. To do this, the device's sensors move in a spiral around the patient's body, recording information received from different angles. On a computer, this information is combined into three-dimensional models (tomograms) of a specific area or lobe of the brain. The power of a CT scanner depends on the number of slices the scanner makes per revolution of the gantry ring. The higher the shearing ability of the unit, the more accurate the scanning results will be. In St. Petersburg clinics today you can undergo examination using 4-340 slice computed tomographs. A high-quality CT scan of the brain will require a device of 32 slices or higher.

To obtain CT images of the vessels of the head, the patient is injected intravenously with an iodine-containing contrast agent, which stains the vascular bed well. Without it, high-quality visualization of the vascular system of the head and neck is impossible. The CT scan procedure is absolutely silent and fast. The average scan duration is about 5-7 minutes.

CT scan

CT is a radiation examination method; to simplify this concept, it is a three-dimensional x-ray. Ionizing radiation is used during the procedure. The sensors in modern devices are arranged in a spiral; when the patient lies down on the table, they move, allowing you to “cut” the desired area with a specified thickness of up to 1 mm.

The short length of the tunnel and the speed of the procedure make the examination easy for people with a fear of closed spaces. CT scan shows bone structures better.

Diagnostic advantages and disadvantages of brain MRI

The strength of MRI is the fact that the magnetic resonance imaging scanner is able to record even the most minor changes in soft tissue, so it has better sensitivity:

  • to differentiate gray and white matter of the brain;
  • for studying the cerebellum, posterior fossa and temporal lobes;
  • to record the consequences of vascular lesions of the brain, such as thrombosis, embolism, even if they are small;
  • differential diagnosis of tumor formations;
  • detection of a cyst, hematoma or ischemic tissue damage;
  • for pathological disorders caused by diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and senile dementia.

Magnetic resonance diagnostics is prescribed if it is necessary to find out the cause:

  • frequent fainting and dizziness;
  • frequently recurring severe headaches;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • progressive loss of vision and hearing;
  • to conduct preoperative diagnostics and ensure high-quality monitoring of the effectiveness of treatment measures.

Pros of MRI

The advantages of MRI are:

  • high information content and accuracy of results;
  • absolute safety for health, since the doctor does not use X-rays;
  • when using MRI of the brain with contrast, a hypoallergenic substance is used, which almost never causes a negative reaction in the patient;
  • no complications;
  • the opportunity to conduct a full examination even for pregnant women without fear of harming the fetus;
  • the earliest possible diagnosis of diseases even at the stage of absence of symptoms characteristic of the pathology.

It should be noted that today there is an extremely limited list of brain pathologies that cannot be determined using magnetic resonance. MRI is the gold standard in medicine for a comprehensive examination of the brain.

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Cons of MRI

The disadvantages of the study include the peculiarities of the interaction of the magnetic field with metal objects and electronic devices, which excludes access to MRI in patients:

  • with artificial heart valves and stimulators;
  • working insulin pumps;
  • surgical staples, pins, prostheses;
  • any metal objects that can move under the influence of a powerful magnetic field.

The accuracy of the resulting images may be compromised for those with tattoos made with metal-containing inks.
In most cases, dentures, braces and crowns will not cause interference (artifacts) on MRI images. The small closed space of the magnetic resonance imaging scanner, the duration of the diagnosis, the need to remain still and the presence of loud sounds can be an obstacle to the examination of patients suffering from claustrophobia and people with nervous and mental disorders. Sign up for diagnostics

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Headaches after MRI: what to do?

Today, MRI is considered one of the safest diagnostic techniques, but in some cases patients complain of severe pain in the back of the head or the top of the head. Sometimes a person feels nauseous and dizzy.

This symptomatology occurs due to the individual characteristics of the body and increased sensitivity to influences of this kind. Usually the symptoms are temporary and disappear within 24 hours. If necessary, the doctor can give recommendations to relieve symptoms.

Diagnostic advantages and disadvantages of brain CT

The radiation produced by a CT scanner makes hard and soft tissue more visible, so CT is most sensitive for:

  • detection of acute parenchymal or subarachnoid hemorrhages;
  • intracranial trauma or damage to the skull bones;
  • detection of hidden blood clots;
  • aneurysm;
  • calcifications of cerebral vessels.

Preference is given to computed tomography of the brain if there is a suspicion of basal skull fractures, bone disorders, aneurysms, hemorrhages, or hemorrhagic stroke. Given the short diagnostic time, CT is performed when it is urgently necessary to make an accurate diagnosis for vital indications, for example, after accidents, in order to determine the presence of traumatic brain injuries and find out what type of surgical intervention is required.

Pros of CT

Advantages of diagnostics:

  • fast execution;
  • accessibility - a computed tomograph is available in almost every hospital in St. Petersburg;
  • high information content.

Cons of CT

As a rule, for those who choose between CT or MRI of the brain, the main disadvantage of multislice computed tomography is the presence of x-ray radiation. The average radiation dose is 3-5 mSv per scan. Therefore, the examination is not carried out on pregnant women, as well as children under 3 years of age. Another danger is the iodine-containing contrast agent, which under certain conditions can cause serious allergic reactions or complications and poor health after the procedure.

Which MRI should be done for headaches?

The examination should be as complete as possible so that the doctor can draw up the best plan to solve the problem and find out why the patient has a headache. One of the first and main studies is MRI of the brain


If it does not provide the necessary picture of the problem, then the following may also be prescribed: MRI of the cervical spine

  • Ultrasound duplex scanning of neck vessels
  • daily monitoring of blood pressure
  • blood and urine tests.

What MRI or other diagnostic method will need to be done for headaches is determined by the doctor after collecting an anamnesis and an initial examination of the patient.

Cost difference

These types of scanning are comparable in price.

ServicePriceDiscountsPhone number for appointment
CT scan of the brainfrom 2500 rub.up to 20% discount at night372-65-26
CT angiography of cerebral vesselsfrom 4400 rub.up to 20% discount at night372-65-26
CT tear ductsfrom 2800 rub.up to 20% discount at night372-65-26
CT scan of the larynxfrom 2500 rub.up to 20% discount at night372-65-26
CT scan of the nosefrom 2600 rub.up to 20% discount at night372-65-26
CT earfrom 2100 rub.up to 20% discount at night372-65-26
CT scan of the thyroid glandfrom 2800 rub.up to 20% discount at night372-65-26
CT scan of the skullfrom 2900 rub.up to 20% discount at night372-65-26
CT angiography of neck vesselsfrom 4400 rub.up to 20% discount at night372-65-26
ServicePriceDiscountsPhone number for appointment
CT scan of one part of the spine (cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, coccyx)from 2500 rub.up to 20% discount at night372-65-26
CT joint (knee, elbow, shoulder, hip, ankle, wrist)from 2500 rub.up to 20% discount at night372-65-26
CT scan of the jaw jointfrom 1300 rub.up to 20% discount at night372-65-26
CT scan of ribsfrom 4200 rub.up to 20% discount at night372-65-26
CT scan of the handfrom 2500 rub.up to 20% discount at night372-65-26
CT scan of the footfrom 2500 rub.up to 20% discount at night372-65-26
CT scan of the pelvisfrom 2500 rub.372-65-26
CT scan of the bones of the hip, face, legfrom 2500 rub.up to 20% discount at night372-65-26
ServicePriceDiscountsPhone number for appointment
CT scan of the throat and larynxfrom 2500 rub.up to 20% discount at night372-65-26
CT scan of the heart and coronary vesselsfrom 9900 rub.up to 20% discount at night372-65-26
CT scan of the lungs and mediastinal organsfrom 2500 rub.up to 20% discount at night372-65-26
CT scan of the retroperitoneum (kidneys and adrenal glands, urinary tract, soft tissues and lymph nodes)from 2500 rub.up to 20% discount at night372-65-26
CT scan of the abdomen (liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen)from 2500 rub.up to 20% discount at night372-65-26
CT scan of the pelvis in men (prostate, bladder, ureters, rectum)from 2500 rub.up to 20% discount at night372-65-26
CT scan of the pelvis in women (uterus, vagina and appendages, ovaries, bladder, ureters, rectum)from 2500 rub.up to 20% discount at night372-65-26
CT colonoscopyfrom 4000 rub.up to 20% discount at night372-65-26
CT virtual bronchoscopyfrom 4500 rub.up to 20% discount at night372-65-26
CT scan of the urinary system (kidneys, bladder, urinary tract)from 2500 rub.up to 20% discount at night372-65-26
CT pancreasfrom 2500 rub.up to 20% discount at night372-65-26
CT scan of the pelvis and abdomenfrom 4400 rub.up to 20% discount at night372-65-26
CT urographyfrom 4400 rub.up to 20% discount at night372-65-26
CT scan of the mammary glandsfrom 2500 rub.up to 20% discount at night372-65-26
CT soft tissue (one area)from 2500 rub.up to 20% discount at night372-65-26
CT soft tissue of the neckfrom 2500 rub.up to 20% discount at night372-65-26
ServicePriceDiscountsPhone number for appointment
CT angiography of cerebral vesselsfrom 4500 rub.up to 20% discount at night372-65-26
CT angiography of neck vesselsfrom 4500 rub.up to 20% discount at night372-65-26
CT angiography of the thoracic aortafrom 5800 rub.up to 20% discount at night372-65-26
CT angiography of the abdominal aortafrom 5800 rub.up to 20% discount at night372-65-26
CT scan of limb vesselsfrom 9800 rub.up to 20% discount at night372-65-26
CT scan of the coronary vessels of the heartfrom 9500 rub.up to 20% discount at night372-65-26
CT angiography of the pulmonary arteriesfrom 4500 rub.up to 20% discount at night372-65-26
CT angiography of the renal arteriesfrom 5800 rub.up to 20% discount at night372-65-26
CT angiography of the pelvic arteriesfrom 5800 rub.up to 20% discount at night372-65-26
CT angiography of the iliac arteryfrom 5800 rub.up to 20% discount at night372-65-26
ServicePrice according to PriceDiscount Price at NightDiscount Price During the Day
from 23.00 to 8.00from 8.00 to 23.00
MRI of the brain3300 rub.2690 rub.2990 rub.
MRI of cerebral vessels (arteries)3300 rub.2690 rub.2990 rub.
MRI of the pituitary gland (without contrast)3500 rub.2690 rub.2990 rub.
MRI of the pituitary gland with contrastfrom 7500 rub.from 6990 rub.
MRI of the brain and pituitary gland6800 rub.5380 rub.5980 rub.
MRI of the brain and cerebral vessels6600 rub.5380 rub.5980 rub.
MRI of the paranasal sinuses2900 rub.2690 rub. 2100 rub. in the Armed Forces 2990 rub. 2100 rub. in the Armed Forces
MRI of the central nervous system (MRI of the brain, MRI of the cervical, thoracic and lumbosacral region)13200 rub.9590 rub.10790 rub.
Contrast administration (based on patient weight)from 3000 to 5000 rub.only during the daytimefrom 3000 to 5000 rub.
Recording an MRI examination on film500 rub.450 rub.450 rub.
Duplicate photo800 rub.800 rub.800 rub.
Duplicate description of MRI study300 rub.300 rub.300 rub.
ServicePrice according to PriceDiscount Price at NightDiscount Price During the Day
from 23.00 to 8.00from 8.00 to 23.00
Shoulder MRI4000 rub.3190 rub.3690 rub.
MRI of the elbow joint4000 rub.3190 rub.3690 rub.
MRI of the knee joint4000 rub.3190 rub.3690 rub.
MRI of the ankle4000 rub.3190 rub.3690 rub.
MRI of the hip joints5000 rub.3190 rub.3690 rub.
Appointment with an orthopedist1800 rub.free after MRIfree after MRI
First aid program for joints (8 studies + appointment with an orthopedist + MRI of the joint)13000 rub.7500 rub.7500 rub.
ServicePrice according to PriceDiscount Price at NightDiscount Price During the Day
from 23.00 to 8.00from 8.00 to 23.00
MRI of the cervical spine or cervical vessels3300 rub.2690 rub.2990 rub.
MRI of the thoracic spine3300 rub.2690 rub.2990 rub.
MRI of the lumbosacral spine3300 rub.2690 rub.2990 rub.
MRI of the craniovertebral junction3300 rub.2690 rub.2990 rub.
MRI of the sacroiliac joints4000 rub.3190 rub.3690 rub.
MRI of the coccyx3300 rub.2690 rub.2990 rub.
MRI of two parts of the spine6600 rub.5380 rub.5980 rub.
MRI of three parts of the spine9900 rub.6900 rub.7900 rub.
MRI of the central nervous system (MRI of the brain, MRI of the cervical, thoracic and lumbosacral region)13200 rub.9590 rub.10890 rub.
Appointment with a neurologist1800 rub.free after MRIfree after MRI
Comprehensive body diagnostics (MRI of the thoracic spine, MRI of the lumbar spine, ultrasound of the abdominal organs, ultrasound of the kidneys, ultrasound of the bladder, consultation with a neurologist, consultation with a therapist)11700 rub.7000 rub.
ServicePrice according to PriceDiscount Price at NightDiscount Price During the Day
from 23.00 to 8.00from 8.00 to 23.00
MRI of cerebral vessels (MR angiography)3300 rub.2690 rub.2990 rub.
MRI of neck vessels (MR angiography of the neck)3500 rub.2690 rub.2990 rub.
MRI of the brain and cerebral vessels6800 rub.5380 rub.5980 rub.
Comprehensive examination of the vessels of the brain and neck6600 rub.5380 rub.5980 rub.
MR arteriography3300 rub.2690 rub.2990 rub.

Which is better - CT or MRI of the brain?

In the case of complex anomalies of the brain and vascular system, CT and MRI perfectly complement each other and together provide the most complete and comprehensive information.
However, any diagnosis has its own nuances and subtleties that are understandable only to medical specialists. Therefore, it is best when the choice of diagnostic method is made by your attending physician, guided by the primary diagnosis, the purposes of the tomographic examination and your state of health. Medical centers are constantly improving examination protocols in order to increase diagnostic accuracy. Therefore, if you are concerned about your well-being, and you have no direct contraindications or restrictions, it is better not to put off going to the diagnostic center for too long. Computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging will quickly and efficiently help you find out if everything is okay in your head. Author: Belik Ekaterina Mikhailovna

Radiologist with 19 years of experience

Defined types of headaches

Headaches come in different forms and occur under different circumstances, and are also characterized by different symptoms.

Sinus pain

This type of pain appears due to inflammation in the nasal sinuses, which is characterized by a runny nose, nasal congestion, and swelling of the mucous membrane. At the same time, the forehead and the entire area around the nose begin to hurt. Sinus pain disappears when the cause of its occurrence—inflammation—subsides.

In case of circulatory problems in the brain

Cerebral circulation disorders can be acute or chronic and be accompanied by headaches. With a different clinical picture, it can be acute pain in the head and eyeballs or pain along with dizziness, nausea, poor sleep, etc.

After damage to brain tissue

This type of headache occurs after injuries (injuries to superficial tissues), oxygen deprivation of tissues, accumulation of fluid in tissues, etc. The soft tissues of the brain have a large number of nerve endings. Soreness often occurs on the surface of the head and may be neurological in nature.

For osteochondrosis of the neck

With osteochondrosis, headache appears in the neck and back of the head, and then moves to one of the halves of the head. The pain may vary in intensity and nature, and may be accompanied by dizziness and nausea.

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