Emotional map of the brain: why we are ashamed of our temples, but afraid of our tonsils
Guilt and Shame: Temporal Lobes It is easy for us to understand how memory or counting can be
What is neocortex
The role of the neocortex in perception of the surrounding world and thinking
Man is the only species on earth that, in addition to satisfying the needs dictated by instincts, is able to carry out
Thalamus: functions and structure. The role of the thalamus and hypothalamus in the body
Vyacheslav Dubynin about the thalamus and hypothalamus About the similarities between the thalamus and the cerebral hemispheres, hyperactivity in
81. Spinal cord, its location, structure and membranes
The definition of “Tethered spinal cord syndrome” is an adaptation of the English term “the tethered spinal cord syndrome”
Divisions of the brain
Functional mapping of speech areas of the human brain: prospects for using the magnetoencephalography (MEG) method * 2264
General characteristics The brain is the main organ of the nervous system. Doctors are researching it
The structure of the nervous system. Spinal cord and brain
Stages of development of the nervous system In evolution, the nervous system underwent several stages of development, which became
Logopathy, activation of speech zones in children in Saratov, Russia, treatment of speech zones, logopathies
Motor speech area of ​​the cerebral cortex, Broca's center Motor speech area is the area
Coordination exercises: what is coordination, why and how to develop it
Coordination - causes and symptoms of impaired coordination of movements, as well as exercises for its development
Coordination Coordination is the process of coordinating the work of muscles necessary for the successful performance of a motor function. At
The cerebral cortex, its structure and functions. Areas of the cerebral cortex. First and second signaling systems
The cerebral cortex is represented by a uniform layer of gray matter 1.3-4.5 mm thick, consisting of more than
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