How to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Prevention of varicose veins

Causes of weak blood vessels

Our well-being depends on the oxygen that the vascular system supplies to the blood. If there is not enough of it, then stagnation may occur and the body’s functioning will begin to fail. Due to failures and disorders, the elasticity of blood vessels begins to thin, which prevents the arteries from functioning properly, narrowing and expanding. Improper blood circulation leads to stagnation of blood in the tissues, progressing and causing trouble to a person. Venous fragility gradually develops, elasticity decreases, and blockage with plaques occurs. Weakened brain vessels increase the risk of stroke.

You should pay attention to the following warning signs:


  • frequent dizziness, absent-mindedness, speech impairment, loss of consciousness;
  • stars before the eyes;
  • weather sensitivity, reaction to heat;
  • lethargy, fatigue;
  • sleep disorders;
  • surges in blood pressure, rapid pulse;
  • numbness of fingers and toes, aching pain;

  • dilated veins.

Bad habits, quick snacks and overeating, as well as physical inactivity and stress also contribute to rapid wear and tear of the body.

Problems can cause diseases:

  • hypertension and hypotension;
  • ischemia;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • diabetes;
  • varicose veins, thrombophlebitis.

In addition, the elasticity of blood vessels occurs due to vitamin deficiency, hormonal imbalance, use of contraceptives and poor heredity. It is necessary to carry out timely prevention and strengthen the capillaries, arteries, and veins of the lower extremities.


Effective treatment consists of an integrated approach, which includes:

  • taking medications and multivitamins (injections, tablets, ointments);
  • nutrition adjustments;
  • excess weight loss;
  • gymnastics;
  • giving up alcohol and smoking;

  • cold and hot shower;
  • traditional methods.

This complex will effectively strengthen blood vessels and veins, preventing many diseases of the cardiac system.

Bilirubin plays an important role in the proper functioning of the human body. Its quantitative composition in the blood helps to identify the presence or absence of a possible pathology, which directly depends on the functioning of the liver, gall bladder, and nearby organs. Read more in the article: “high bilirubin in the blood in adults.”

The first 7 symptoms of varicose veins on the legs that are not taken seriously

When mentioning varicose veins, many patients imagine the disease like this: bulging veins, dark spots on the legs and a feeling of pain. However, these are symptoms of advanced development of the disease, and the patient ignores the first signs of varicose veins.

The first symptoms of varicose veins:

  • Short-term dizziness;
  • Cooling of extremities;
  • Numbness of the legs;
  • Mild pain;
  • Distracted attention;
  • Difficulty in the functioning of the speech apparatus;
  • Change in skin color on the legs.

The appearance of at least one of these symptoms indicates that the vessels need support. To prevent the progression of varicose veins on the legs, you should reconsider your diet and lifestyle. Any favorable changes can significantly reduce the risk of developing the disease.

Effective strengthening agents

To increase the elasticity of blood vessels, it is necessary to take venotonics (phlebotonics), which normalize blood fluidity and help restore blood circulation in the affected area.

Cholesterol is of great importance in a person’s life, since it is what restores and repairs damaged cells in the body and affects the functioning of the adrenal glands and brain. Read more in the article: “Latest generation statin drugs.”


Tablets from the group of flavonoids and angioprotectors correct microcirculation, normalize blood circulation, increase tone and reduce the distensibility of venous vessels, as well as improve blood circulation and eliminate the fragility of small vessels.

Drug nameDescriptionHow to useContraindications
Diosmin, Detralex, Venarus, AntistaxIncrease tone, reduce venous distensibility and capillary fragility. Highly effective for vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypertension and hypotension, atherosclerosis. 1 table each 2 times a day, 7-14 days Under 18 years of age, allergic to components.
AskorutinChildren under 12 years old - 0.5 tablet. three times a day. Adults - 1-2 tablets. three times a day for 1 month. Children under 3 years old, allergic to components.

Effective drugs also include:

TroxerutinThe plant flavonoid has an angioprotective effect, fights inflammatory processes, increases the tone and elasticity of the veins.
ActoveginSupplies blood with oxygen and improves blood circulation.
PentoxifyllinePromotes flexibility of blood vessels, delivers oxygen to tissues.
MexidolDirected against vascular fragility.
Gingko bilobaThe herbal angioprotector and anticoagulant has an antithrombotic and antiedematous effect, reduces the permeability of the walls, and expands the lumen of blood vessels. Improves memory and attention.



Patients should take multivitamin complexes containing the B group of vitamins, as well as microelements - magnesium, potassium, silicon, selenium, sulfur.

Drug nameDescriptionHow to use
Will directStrengthen fragile arteries, prevent the appearance of plaques, and eliminate vascular fragility.1 table each 1 time per day, drink for 1 month.
PentovitDrink three times a day after meals for 1 month.
DuovitDrink 1 tablet for 1 month. in a day.
Vitrum Cardio2 tables each
Folic acidDrink for 1-1.5 months. 2 times a day.

Also popular are the vitamins Ortho Taurine, Rheoton, Antiox, which slow down the progression of the disease and have a positive effect on the absorption of nutrients.


For vein pathology, treatment with sclerotherapy has proven itself well, when injections of medicinal solutions are injected into the affected areas of the patient’s veins. Injections of the foamy drug have a good therapeutic effect.

Drug nameDescriptionHow to useContraindications
HeparinUsed for hematopoietic disorders and heart diseases. They thin and eliminate stagnation, saturating the blood with oxygen. It is administered once a day for a week.Gastrointestinal ulcer
NadroparinAllergy to components.
FraxiparineBlood clots poorly.

Using injections you can get rid of swelling of the limbs, restore blood circulation and eliminate vasodilation in the inflamed areas of the veins. The advantages of injections also include the fact that the medicine goes directly into the blood without irritating the gastrointestinal tract.

Ointments, gels, creams

Ointments and creams for varicose veins of the legs reduce swelling, help relieve inflammation and strengthen the vascular walls. They can be used at different stages of the disease.

Drug nameDescriptionHow to useContraindications
LyotonThey strengthen the walls, restore blood circulation, saturate them with oxygen, and relieve swelling. Supports blood vessels in case of varicose veins and anus. Apply 2-3 times a day for 1 month or more.No
TroxevasinSkin wounds, injuries, burns.
NormavenAllergy to components.
VenorutilAllergy to components.

Gels and ointments are versatile. They can be used even in the presence of contraindications, which are typical for venotonics in tablets.

When are vasoconstrictor drugs needed?

Blockage of blood vessels with cholesterol plaques, decreased elasticity and tone of the walls, and fragility of the veins develop gradually. For a long time, a person may not be aware of pathological disorders in the circulatory system.

The following can be a signal to strengthen blood vessels:

  • sudden rises from bed are accompanied by dark spots or goosebumps before the eyes;
  • frequent dizziness appeared for no apparent reason, occasionally accompanied by loss of consciousness;
  • poor reaction to hot weather and increased meteosensitivity;
  • aching pain appears in the joints, the fingers of the upper and lower extremities become cold;
  • regular surges in pressure (decreases or increases), which are accompanied by a rapid pulse;
  • fatigue and constant feeling of tiredness.

If there are frequent pressure changes, take vascular-strengthening drugs.
There is no need to wait for complications of the pathological condition of the circulatory system. It is important to start treatment as early as possible.

Traditional methods

Traditional methods of treatment give good results and are successfully used to strengthen and support weak blood vessels. They also have almost no side effects.


  • Herbal collection
    . Pour vodka in equal proportions with ginseng root, Chinese lemongrass leaves and rhodiola and leave for 2 weeks. Drink 15-20 drops 3 times a day for 1 month.

  • Walnuts
    . Leave the nut partitions infused with alcoholic hawthorn tincture for 2 weeks. Take 1 tsp after meals. The course lasts 3-4 weeks.

  • Pomegranate juice
    . Antioxidants and anthocyanins lower cholesterol levels, fight cancer, plaques and atherosclerosis. Can be taken daily.

  • Yarrow juice
    . Crush fresh leaves and squeeze out a few drops of juice. Drink 1 tbsp for a month. l., instill into the nose several times a day.

  • Garlic juice
    . Several cloves are crushed with cranberries and infused for several days. Drink juice 1 tsp. 2 times a day.

  • Rose hip decoction
    . Drink 1 glass of decoction daily, mixed with 1 tsp. honey Lotions with a decoction around the eyes help well.

  • Parsley
    . Natural antioxidants and vitamin C perfectly increase capillary tone. 2 tbsp. l. pour 1 glass of boiling water, after half an hour mix with 1 glass of warm milk. Apply a soft cloth soaked in liquid to your face twice a day. The session lasts 30 minutes.

  • Chestnuts
    . Peel young fruits from prickly skins and place in 1 liter. jar and fill with vodka. Leave for 2 weeks and strain. 1 tsp. mix with honey and eat before breakfast. Course - 3 weeks.

Patients with weak blood vessels should also drink green tea with milk, chamomile, yarrow, currant and linden tea, decoctions of hawthorn, hazel, rowan, and rosehip.


The benefits of soft (therapeutic) hardening

  • Strengthens the immune system;
  • Improves resistance to infectious diseases;
  • Tones blood vessels;
  • Activates the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  • Helps the body adapt to cold;
  • Increases endurance during physical and mental stress;
  • Stimulates physical and neuropsychic development;
  • Improves the condition and elasticity of the skin;
  • Reduces the severity of edema;
  • Stimulates metabolic processes.

And this is where Petya and Vasya may become indignant: “Are we not men, or what?!” Let women and children be tempered gently, rubbed with towels, but we need to be tougher, more extreme!”

Proper nutrition

To improve the health of the vascular walls, you should stop consuming alcoholic beverages, junk food, sweets, flour, smoked foods, and preservatives. It is best to consume the following foods:

  • vegetables - beets, carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, spinach;
  • dried fruits, nuts, fresh and baked fruits;
  • cereals (rice, buckwheat, corn, oatmeal);
  • beans;
  • dietary meat;
  • fish;

  • vegetable oil (preferably olive oil).

Use milk, green tea, and herbal infusions as drinks. Diet is an integral part of the complex. By properly adjusting your diet, you can control tone, strengthen blood vessels and improve blood circulation.

Water treatments

To strengthen the vascular system, a contrast shower or alternating dousing with warm and cold water is good. You need to start with the feet and end with the shoulders, first pouring with a stream of hot water and ending with cold. A useful capillary procedure can be performed in two basins. One container should contain hot water, the other should contain cool water. The water procedure is performed every other day.

Well, let's draw conclusions:

  1. If you firmly intend to harden, do soft hardening. It is definitely beneficial for everyone, including women, children and the elderly. Personally, I chose swimming in the pool. By the way, in the pool the general strengthening effect of swimming is added to the hardening effect. Benefit two in one.
  2. If your health is poor, you have problems with the cardiovascular system, or you are elderly, avoid radical hardening. It will definitely do more harm than good.
  3. The question of whether extreme hardening shortens life expectancy remains open. To answer this question definitively, well-designed studies and large-scale data are needed.

Whatever we do with our health, we should do it wisely and knowledgeably, don’t you agree?

Be healthy and see you again!


Physical gymnastics helps maintain healthy blood vessels in tone and restore weak ones. For best results, exercises must be performed systematically in the morning and evening.

  1. Head rotation. Perform clockwise and counterclockwise for 3 minutes.
  2. Rocking. To restore blood flow. 5 minutes smoothly step from toe to heel and back.
  3. Vibromassage. Shake your arms and legs while lying on your back. Shake your limbs quickly for 2 minutes. Helps remove intoxication from the body.
  4. Fast walk. Walk in place, raising your knees high.
  5. Wall push-ups.
  6. Birch stand. Performed to improve blood circulation.

Exercises like “bridge”, “scissors”, “bicycle”, foot rotations and seated leg swings will also help strengthen fragile venous vessels. Movements must be performed smoothly. By regularly doing exercises, you can benefit the blood vessels and muscles of your body.

So, you can increase the tone of weak blood vessels at home by using:

  • medicines and multivitamins;
  • ointments, gels;
  • folk recipes (herbal decoctions and tinctures);
  • proper nutrition (lean meat, sea fish, beans, vegetables, fruits);
  • gymnastics and active lifestyle;
  • walking and healthy sleep.

The result of treatment is the removal of edema, normalization of venous tone, and prevention of the risk of phlebitis and thrombosis. Using a vascular-strengthening set of measures, you can restore tone, restore weakened arteries to their former elasticity and improve blood supply. Despite the length and painstaking nature of the recovery process, using these methods in combination, you can significantly improve the condition of your circulatory system.

Get advice on strengthening the walls of blood vessels and sign up for diagnostics

Prevention and treatment of varicose veins should be carried out only under the supervision of a therapist and phlebologist. You can make an appointment with a doctor at the Vascular Center named after N.I. Pirogov in Moscow by phone +7 (499) 464-03-03. He will examine the lower extremities and, if necessary, prepare an individual treatment program.

Make an appointment with a phlebologist at the Vascular Center named after N.I. Pirogov in Moscow. We will put together a set of medications for you to prevent varicose veins.

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