Cerebrovascular accidents: treatment with folk remedies. Herbs for cleansing blood vessels and improving cerebral circulation

  • January 19, 2019
  • Diseases and conditions
  • Natalia Bardo

Impaired blood circulation in the cerebral vessels leads to the development of various diseases that are life-threatening, including atherosclerosis, hypertension and, of course, the most dangerous thing - stroke, which in most cases leads to death. In order to avoid these and other adverse consequences, it is necessary to carefully monitor the health of your own blood vessels. Is it possible to do this using folk remedies? Yes, you can. Let us next consider some particularly effective methods of folk treatment for poor circulation in this area.

Eliminating the causes of the problem

No matter how strange it may sound, you can correct the current health problem by eliminating its root causes. Let us next consider some of the reasons for the manifestation of slow blood circulation in the head.

A person in any age category should definitely know that the cause of slow blood circulation in the area in question is regular lack of sleep and chronic fatigue. The reason for this can also be prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position, in which case the problem can be observed not only in the brain area, but throughout the body as a whole.

The cause of such a dangerous pathology can be bad habits that a person suffers from. These include not only cigarette smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, but also drug addiction, as well as the abuse of especially concentrated medications intended to treat certain diseases. Also, a person suffering from blood viscosity, as a result of which blood circulation is significantly deteriorated, should definitely pay attention to the features of the daily diet. In normalizing this process, proper nutrition plays an important role.

What causes cerebrovascular accident, its symptoms

The main causes of impaired blood supply to the brain are:

  1. Damage to blood vessels by atherosclerosis, narrowing of their lumen is the most common cause. Elderly people are susceptible to the disease, but the disease “gets younger”; cases occur after 40 years.
  2. Hypertension, when blood vessels spasm or rupture, hemorrhages occur.
  3. Hypotension, in which the blood pressure in the cerebral vessels is insufficient.
  4. Thrombosis, blockage of brain vessels - atherosclerotic plaques, blood clots carried with blood from other organs.
  5. Cervical osteochondrosis with compression of the vertebral arteries leading to the brain.
  6. Inflammatory and allergic vascular diseases.

Cerebrovascular disorders can occur acutely or be chronic. Acute disorders are manifested by sudden speech impairment, facial asymmetry, development of paralysis, and loss of consciousness. Chronic ones develop gradually: memory and mental abilities decrease, motor skills, balance, orientation, sleep are disrupted, and character changes. This happens with atherosclerosis.

Important: chronic circulatory disorders are not as harmless as they seem. They can turn into acute ones at any time, that is, into a stroke against the background of an increase or decrease in blood pressure, stress, or physical overexertion.

Garlic tincture

How to clean blood vessels using folk remedies? A garlic-based tincture helps combat slow blood circulation in the head area. To prepare it, you need to take a large head of the main ingredient and, after peeling the cloves, grind them in any convenient way (it is best to use a special crush for this purpose). The resulting mass must be poured with a glass of sunflower oil and, stirring until smooth, cover with a lid and leave for a day. Every hour the mass should be shaken so that the components are evenly distributed.

After 24 hours from the start of the infusion process, you need to add lemon juice just squeezed from citrus (2-3 tablespoons) to the mixture. After mixing, the mixture should be left for a week. After this period, the product will be ready for use. It should be taken by spoon half an hour before the main meal three times a day. The optimal course of treatment for cerebral circulation with the folk remedy presented in this recipe is three months.

Treatment of “stars” on the face with folk remedies

This problem is scientifically called “rosacea”. Fragile facial vessels are damaged and minor hemorrhages occur.

The disease is not dangerous, but noticeably worsens the appearance.

To strengthen the walls of facial blood vessels, we recommend using the following methods from the folk tradition:

• Aloe juice. To enhance its healing power, the aloe leaf should first be kept in the refrigerator for a week. Then squeeze out the juice and apply it to the “stars”.

You can simply cut the leaf and wipe your face with its inner surface. Use regularly.

• Infusion of parsley with milk. First chop a bunch of parsley and brew it in a glass of boiling water. Leave the resulting broth for half an hour, add 1 glass of milk. Make a mask from gauze with slits for the eyes and nose. Soak it in the resulting infusion and put it on your face for half an hour.

Repeat the procedure until the condition improves.

• Facial massage with ice cubes. Repeat every morning. To enhance the effect, you can freeze decoctions of medicinal herbs - calendula, St. John's wort, lavender, rosemary, chamomile.

• Sage. An effective remedy for severe rosacea is a warm mask of brewed sage.

To prepare it, add a small amount of boiling water – 1/3 cup – to 3 tablespoons of dry herb.

Let it brew for 30 minutes, strain, apply warm paste to your face and cover with gauze.

Leave for a quarter of an hour. When finished, rinse with water.

Alcohol tincture of herbs

When choosing an effective remedy for improving cerebral circulation, you should definitely pay attention to a tincture made on the basis of alcohol and medicinal herbs. To prepare it, you need to pour dried red clover inflorescences into a three-liter jar and add to them a couple of tablespoons of dried roots of the Caucasian dioscorea and the Siberian swollen carp. These ingredients must be poured with vodka or homemade moonshine. After mixing the mass, the container should be tightly sealed and placed in a dark place for a couple of weeks.

After the specified time has passed, it is necessary to strain the prepared product, and it is ready for use. Treatment with a folk remedy for cerebral circulation must be done every day, using a teaspoon before each meal. It is recommended to mix it with purified water before use. The optimal duration of this course is about two weeks, after which it is recommended to take a break for a month.

Use of folk remedies

In addition to traditional medications that improve blood supply to the brain, there are many folk recipes that give a similar result.

The action of such funds is aimed at three purposes:

  • decreased blood pressure;
  • cleansing blood vessels;
  • restoration of metabolic balance;
  • increased blood flow to the brain.

Let's consider each direction separately.

Reduced pressure

Among herbs for improving blood circulation in the brain, hawthorn and orchis are very popular. The first one uses fruits, and the second one uses the root. The tincture is prepared using alcohol at the rate of: a glass of 70 percent alcohol per glass of raw materials, which is poured and stored in a dark place at room temperature for 3 weeks. Then the infusion is filtered and taken a teaspoon every morning on an empty stomach.

Mulberry leaves are collected to make a decoction. A dozen fresh leaves are placed in about half a liter of boiling water and kept for 20-30 minutes. Drink throughout the day like tea. The infusion is prepared fresh daily, the course is about 1.5 months, then they take a break for a month, and after that you can take another course.

A similar preparation can be made from periwinkle and hawthorn leaves. For the recipe, take 2 tablespoons of periwinkle leaves, pour 0.5 liters of hot water into them and boil for 5 minutes, then add 2 tablespoons of hawthorn leaves and berries, boil for another 5 minutes and leave to infuse. After 2.5 hours, strain the broth and drink half a glass 3 times a day before meals. The course lasts a month.

Vessel cleaning

Citrus fruits do a good job of cleaning blood vessels from cholesterol plaques. An effective remedy can be prepared from lemon and honey. To make it, take two lemons and two oranges, grind them in a meat grinder, removing the seeds, and then pour in 2 tablespoons of honey dissolved in a steam bath. The mixture is left warm for a day, and then put in the refrigerator, where it is stored. Take 20-30 minutes before meals 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon.

Lemon works well mixed with garlic and horseradish. The ingredients are taken in equal proportions, crushed and mixed. The mass is stored in the refrigerator. Use it daily for 2 months. A teaspoon is swallowed half an hour before meals.

To clean the vessels, hop cones are used, they are poured with boiling water at the rate of: 1 tablespoon of cones per full glass of boiling water, left for 10-15 minutes and drunk immediately. This decoction is prepared 3 times every day for a month.

Based on celandine, a decoction is prepared, consisting of a tablespoon of dried herb and a glass of water. The decoction should sit for 15-20 minutes, then you can drink it. The course is 3 weeks, during which you need to drink 2 tablespoons three times a day, then you should take a break for 3 weeks.

An infusion of red clover, Caucasian dioscorea and Siberian bloat also helps cleanse blood vessels. Plants are taken in equal proportions. A tablespoon of plants is poured with boiling water, about a glass, and infused for 15 minutes. Then drink half a glass of the broth 2 times a day.

A decoction of the leaves is also effective:

  • lemon balm;
  • strawberries;
  • Veronica;
  • hawthorn fruit.

All ingredients are taken in approximately equal parts, 1 tablespoon of the raw material is poured into 1.5 glasses of boiling water and heated for 10 minutes, then infused for the same amount, filtered and drunk a glass once a day.

Increased blood flow to the head

A proven folk remedy that activates blood supply to the brain is a remedy made from seven herbs, for the preparation of which ready-made tinctures are used:

  • motherwort – 100 ml;
  • valerian root – 100 ml;
  • mint – 25 ml;
  • peony – 100 ml;
  • eucalyptus – 50 ml;
  • hawthorn fruit – 100 ml;
  • Corvalol - 30 ml.

They are mixed together and poured into a dark container, 10 clove buds are added and, sealed, stored in the dark for 2 weeks. After which the cloves are taken out, and the tincture is drunk 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals, mixing 30 drops with a tablespoon of water.

Massage and gymnastics will be useful for improving blood supply to the brain; you can do them at home yourself.

The massage is usually performed in a sitting position. The body is relaxed, the neck too. With gentle circular movements you need to walk over the shoulders, neck and back of the head. This will cause a rush of blood to these areas and relieve tension. Massage is recommended to be carried out regularly 2-3 times a day.

Gymnastics for better blood supply includes several simple exercises:

  1. Tilt your head in different directions, as well as forward and backward. They need to be done smoothly without sudden movements.
  2. In a standing position, clench your fists and bend your elbows, while lowering your head forward, then straighten your arms again and raise your head.
  3. Hold your breath as long as possible, then exhale slowly.

A herbal balm prepared from a heart mixture will help improve the effectiveness of massage and gymnastics. It can be bought at any pharmacy. To the collection add 2 tablespoons of plantain, celandine and immortelle herbs, dried chaga mushroom, as well as 100 grams of millet, soybeans and green buckwheat.

The mixture should be crushed and filled with odorless vegetable oil to about a third by volume of the dry ingredients. Leave in a warm place for about 2 months, then filter and heat, then leave for another month. At the end of the period, the balm will be ready. It can be rubbed into the skin of the head and neck area.


Among the best folk remedies for improving cerebral circulation is hawthorn. Doctors often recommend using decoctions made from it for those who have previously experienced a stroke or suffer from excessive blood thickening. To prepare a decoction based on hawthorn, you can use both flowers and dried fruits. Let us next consider a recipe for an effective remedy that can be used in practice by those who have problems with blood vessels located in the brain area and blood circulation.

To prepare a sweet and pleasant-tasting decoction, you need to take a tablespoon of pre-chopped berries and pour boiling water (500 ml) over them. After this, add a couple of tablespoons of sugar to the mixture and, after stirring, put on low heat to cook. After 20 minutes, remove the pan from the heat and let the mixture brew. The decoction prepared according to this recipe should be consumed chilled, one spoon at a time, before each meal, as well as before going to bed.

Despite the fact that decoctions from hawthorn fruits to improve cerebral circulation are used everywhere, some caution must be exercised when taking them in the morning, since the remedy used on an empty stomach can cause vomiting.


For brain activity, our website contains a list of nootropics, which also improve microcirculation.

For serious treatment, it is necessary to undergo an examination, since taking antiplatelet agents for osteochondrosis is pointless, and vascular tablets, if taken not according to indications, can lead to loss of consciousness.

Even piracetam and flavonoids (Bilobil intense, Tanakan, Memoplant, Ginkor) are now available by prescription.

List of over-the-counter drugs:


- the most famous drug. Aminoacetic acid, which improves metabolism, blocks the production of stress hormones, and has a beneficial effect on cerebral circulation. Due to the fact that when taking glycine, glucose is better absorbed, the head begins to work better. Sold without a prescription.


– extract from green tea leaves, amino acid, but without caffeine. The pressure does not increase (may decrease). Normalizes blood circulation, releases dopamine (the hormone of good mood), activates brain alpha activity. It is considered a popular dietary supplement, many note its positive effects, but doctors often treat it as a placebo.


– flavone glycosides with magnesium and B vitamins, folic acid and ginkgo leaf extract. Normalizes blood circulation in the brain, improves metabolism. As a complex remedy along with vitamins, it’s a very good option for those who don’t have everything running smoothly. Available in the form of capsules and a chocolate drink (similar to coffee). A Russian remedy from the company Evalar, which has many different dietary supplements for the brain.

All these medications and supplements can help in the initial stages, but only if a person follows a diet and finally starts moving. More serious treatment is prescribed only by a doctor, which is very correct because of the possible irreversible consequences of self-medication for the brain.


What herbs are best for cleansing blood vessels? Experts in the field of traditional medicine often recommend using periwinkle for this purpose. Both fresh and dried, this plant has a lot of amazing properties: it relieves vascular spasms, cleanses the blood, eliminates headaches, and also affects the normalization of the general condition of the uneven system. Periwinkle is often used to lower blood pressure.

In order to prepare a decoction suitable for treating cerebral circulation with the folk remedy of periwinkle, you need to take the flowers of the plant in question at the rate of a teaspoon per half liter of boiling water. The components must be combined and placed on low heat for five minutes. After the specified time, the mass must be cooled, then strain it through cheesecloth or a sieve.

The infused decoction should be consumed daily before each meal, half a glass.

Some reviews about the folk remedy in question for the treatment of cerebral circulation say that a faster onset of a positive result can be achieved if you add a small amount of dried and crushed hawthorn leaves to the indicated components. The use of this product is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women, as well as those who are breastfeeding. It is also prohibited to take this drug for those who have some heart rhythm disorders.


It is known that celandine contains a huge amount of alkaloids, as well as flavonoids, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of blood vessels and the general condition of the blood. Moreover, this plant is able to normalize blood pressure, reducing its level, and also eliminate spasms that occur in the vessels located in the brain area.

To prepare an effective decoction, you need to take pre-crushed dried celandine powder and pour boiling water over it, strictly observing the proportions: 1 tsp. per glass of water. After pouring the component, you need to let it brew for at least a couple of hours, after covering it with a lid. The finished product must be taken every day, 2 tablespoons.

Experts in the field of medicine categorically prohibit the use of the drug prepared according to the presented recipe in a dosage exceeding the specified one, as well as in the event that a person has any pathologies in the functioning of the heart.

Vitamins and dietary supplements

It is difficult for a modern person, especially one living in a city, to provide the body with a sufficient amount of vitamins and other biologically active substances. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly use multivitamins with minerals, so that they necessarily include vitamins A, C, E, the entire group B, P (rutin), PP (nicotinic acid), trace elements potassium, magnesium, zinc.

Many dietary supplements also contain a complex of vitamins and minerals. The best among them are natural supplements based on the herb Ginkgo Biloba, which improves blood circulation in the brain.


Valerian is known to be an excellent sedative. Moreover, this plant is widely used to stabilize blood flow in the vessels located in the brain area.

In order to prepare a tincture to improve cerebral circulation, you need to take the dried and crushed root of the plant in question, which can be purchased at a pharmacy at a low cost. Pour a liter of boiling water over a spoon of the prepared ingredient and let the mixture brew until it cools completely under a closed lid. The prepared decoction should be consumed throughout the day, after dividing it into small portions.

A useful remedy can be prepared by pouring valerian root with alcohol (per 2 tablespoons of herb - a glass of alcohol) and letting it brew for a couple of weeks in a dark place. Medical experts warn against taking this drug internally; it can only be inhaled before going to bed, as well as in case of nervous tension.

Treatment of cerebral circulation with a folk remedy prepared on the basis of valerian is strictly contraindicated for those people who have some problems with liver health, as well as pathologies associated with the functioning of the digestive system.


For migraines and hypertension, an indispensable remedy is a decoction made from elecampane. It is prepared in a simple way. To create a decoction, you need to take elecampane root (1 tablespoon) and pour boiling water (200 ml) over it. Next, the mixture should be allowed to brew for 12 hours under a closed lid and only then, after straining, use internally. The optimal dose of this product to improve cerebral circulation is 2 tbsp. l. before each meal (half an hour before) at least five times a day.

Taking any decoctions of elecampane is contraindicated for pregnant women, as well as for those who suffer from severe atherosclerosis.


When considering the list of folk recipes for improving cerebral circulation, you definitely need to pay attention to the technology for preparing a healing decoction from coltsfoot. To prepare the product according to this recipe, take a spoonful of pre-crushed leaves of the plant and pour a glass of boiling water over them. The mixture should be allowed to brew for 30 minutes. After the specified time, the decoction will be ready and can be consumed. You need to drink one tablespoon of the prepared product an hour before each meal.

Coltsfoot is a herb that improves cerebral circulation. It has a beneficial effect on the vascular system as a whole. Moreover, this remedy perfectly helps fight high blood pressure. When planning to clean blood vessels with folk remedies, you should definitely include in your daily diet a decoction made from coltsfoot. This is due to the fact that this plant helps eliminate cholesterol, the excess of which leads to the formation of atherosclerosis - a disease dangerous to human health and life.

Doctors do not recommend drinking decoctions from coltsfoot for those people who suffer from hypotension or cirrhosis.


When medical experts say that there are certain exercises to improve cerebral circulation, they are not lying at all. The technique of their execution is quite simple and can be done by people of any age. Let us next consider a particularly effective set of exercises for improving cerebral circulation, which it is advisable to do every day in the morning.

First of all, you need to make a set of rotational movements with your head, first to the left and then to the right. Then it must be replaced by turns in both directions.

At the next stage of performing the prescribed complex, you need to make the correct head tilts. When performing this exercise, you need to ensure that your chin reaches your chest and the back of your head extends as far as possible. To complete this complex it is necessary to tilt the head in both directions. When performing the exercise, you should ensure that your ear touches your shoulder.

When doing any exercises that help improve cerebral circulation, certain precautions must be taken. First of all, you need to monitor the smoothness of movements, as well as their sequence.

In addition to performing classical exercises, many doctors recommend that their patients visit specialists in the field of acupressure, who are able to professionally influence certain points located on the body.

About proper nutrition

As noted above, poor nutrition often causes problems with poor blood circulation in the vessels of the brain. In order to prevent such a disorder dangerous to human life and health, it is necessary to regularly consume foods that stimulate blood thinning, as well as the process of its movement through the vessels of the brain. These include, first of all, natural red wine (in small quantities), beets, spinach, blueberries and cranberries, apples and pumpkin seeds. It should be noted that fish, mainly fatty varieties, helps to improve the process in question. For those people who experience some problems with blood circulation, medical experts recommend eating dark chocolate made from natural cocoa beans.

Practice shows that a noticeable improvement can be observed with regular use of lemon balm and mint decoctions.

The importance of proper blood circulation in the brain

The central nervous system, consisting of the brain and spinal cord, plays a vital role in the body - it regulates all its functions. In the brain there are organ control centers, which receive information about the state of a particular tissue or part of the body. There it is analyzed, a response signal is generated, which is sent back to the organs along the nerve trunks of the spinal cord. These “commands,” as a guide to action, are a regulatory factor for protecting and maintaining the health of the body.

Nervous tissue has a very complex and fragile structure. In order for her to perform well in her leadership role, she needs a good supply of oxygen and nutrients. Their deficiency occurs when blood circulation is impaired, nerve cells are quickly damaged and die. As a result, the body loses various functions, paralysis develops, and death can occur.

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