Therapy of vegetative-vascular dystonia is a complex and lengthy process. It is sometimes difficult for such patients to really choose
Medical information is reliable Checked by Renat Flyurovich Shaidullin Manic disorder (manic syndrome) is a mental disorder
Myopathies represent a very large group of diseases with different causes, different courses and prognosis.
Hysteria in men is a mental disorder from the group of neuroses, which is characterized by temporary
The epileptoid type is characterized by increased excitability, long periods of heavy drinking, a tendency to outbursts of anger, sexual
Cavernoma (cavernous malformations, cavernous angiomas) is a group of rare vascular formations in the central nervous system.
Chronic fatigue syndrome and immune dysfunction Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a post-infectious (ARVI) chronic
© Author: A. Olesya Valerievna, candidate of medical sciences, practicing physician, teacher at a medical university, especially for SosudInfo.ru
Painful conditions associated with disruption of the nervous system are common. But not all
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