How a beginner can enter a trance - effective techniques

  • What is hypnosis and how to use it?
  • Experts' opinion
  • Ways to bring a person out of hypnosis
  • Conclusion

Street fortune tellers, trust scammers, sectarians and other “comrades” who practice a not entirely honest lifestyle, in addition to an intuitive knowledge of human psychology, are endowed with a hypnotic gift. By putting the victim into a trance, they shamelessly rob him dry or impose the necessary behavioral guidelines. For this reason, I would like to develop a technique for exiting a hypnotic state.

There is another situation: someone, having read books on hypnosis, decided to conduct an experiment in practice. And if he succeeded in putting the test subject into a trance, then serious problems arose with the withdrawal. Here, too, you will need knowledge of how to bring a hypnotized person into a “working” state. However, before understanding the trance withdrawal technique, it is necessary to study how hypnotization occurs.

What is hypnosis and how to use it?

Experts clearly define hypnosis as a technique for influencing the human psyche. A hypnotized person can be given certain information that will radically change his behavior style and habits. As a rule, a hypnosis session is carried out on a voluntary basis. They try to hypnotize a person without his consent in case of resistance to the patient’s treatment or in an attempt to win him over to his side in a controversial issue.

Overt and covert hypnosis

An explicit hypnotic session occurs with the consent of the person. This allows you to quickly put him into a trance because he is ready for such a state and does not offer resistance. This method is practiced by psychotherapists in the treatment of various phobias, complexes and addictions.

Hypnosis, in its hidden form, is used extremely rarely for the reason that influencing a person against his will is an extremely difficult task. In order to suggest something to a person in a hidden form, it is necessary to prepare special conditions and establish reliable contact with the object.

In covert hypnosis, the victim is given unconscious thoughts that are disguised as normal conversation. Contact may be made by telephone or other means of communication. In order for the influence on a person to bring results, he must see the hypnotist or hear his voice.

For therapeutic purposes, with covert hypnosis, the patient is put into a semi-trance state, concentrating all his attention on the words of the psychotherapist.

Since it is extremely difficult to establish reliable contact with a resisting person, they resort to additional manipulations:

  • influence by voice while conducting a monotonous conversation;
  • distract attention through casual conversation or other activities;
  • use verbal techniques to help put a person into a trance;
  • create the effect of surprise or shock the hypnotized person.

If a person does not know that he was hypnotized, then after the session he will feel confused. He cannot be left alone in this state and must be given time to recover. Hypnosis in any form is strictly prohibited for epileptics, schizophrenics and other people suffering from mental disorders.

Introduction to Hypnotic Trance

It makes no sense to consider ways of putting a person who has given consent into a hypnotic trance. These techniques are described in detail in the works of famous psychotherapists and practicing hypnotists. We will talk about working with a person at a distance, since it requires the establishment of a special connection.

It is highly advisable that the hypnotist first get to know the person. Otherwise, given the person’s resistance, it will be difficult or even impossible to establish correct contact. In any case, the work will require much more time and effort.

At a distance, a person is put into a trance using triggers that were worked out with the person before the hypnosis session. They can be certain words, movements or gestures, when used, the hypnotized person is immersed in a half-asleep state.

In overt hypnosis, the suggestibility of the individual is of great importance, but for covert manipulation this becomes a key point. Therefore, before conducting a session, it is advisable to carefully study the person, analyze his habits and behavior.

Difficulties of working at a distance

The basis of hypnotic influence on a person is suggestion, putting a certain thought or program into the consciousness. The consciousness of the person being hypnotized is completely switched off and the person loses the ability to critically evaluate incoming information. For him, after awakening, everything embedded in him during the session will become a guide to action. Under ideal conditions of voluntary hypnosis, the hidden form is much more difficult to implement.

It is difficult for a person to disconnect from external stimuli, street noise or strangers. It is most difficult to distract his attention when the hypnotized person does not understand what is happening to him.

How successful the hidden hypnotic effect will be depends on many factors. Suggestibility is influenced by the environment in which the session is conducted. In addition, it is important to ensure the correct mood of the hypnotized person, which is necessary, but difficult given the secrecy of the influence.

Close contact is also important, since as the distance between the hypnotist and people increases, the power of suggestion decreases. Of course, a lot depends on the professionalism of the hypnotist himself; professionals with extensive experience are able to make hypnotic suggestions at a fairly large distance. Quite often, to facilitate influence at a distance, text, audio and video materials are used.

This is precisely the method of influence that scammers use in pursuit of their own selfish goals. However, the consequences of such exposure are unpredictable.

Trying to hypnotize a person from a distance is fraught with unpredictable consequences. If the session was conducted incorrectly or in an inappropriate environment, it will be almost impossible to predict further behavior and changes in personality. It is even more difficult to bring a person out of a trance after he has been hypnotized without him becoming aware of the influence.

Prevention: how to avoid hypnosis?

Hypnosis and NLP open up a lot of opportunities for scammers to control people for their own benefit. To avoid being another puppet, you need to develop a number of useful habits and skills:

  • You must always control and be aware of whether you are being manipulated by hypnotists at the moment or whether you yourself make a decision, agree to do a service, or disclose information.
  • You must be able to refuse people, learn to say a clear “no” when you don’t like something or don’t want to do it. If a person is embarrassed to refuse, he instantly becomes prey to NLP manipulators.
  • Make sure that there is a distance between you and strangers - physical and psychological, do not bring people you do not know closer to you;
  • Change the rules of the game. Don't be so predictable that everyone can predict your actions in advance. React differently. Naturally, this applies to relationships with strangers.
  • Do not boast about connections, money, property. Boasting and flaunting attracts the attention of dishonest people.

To manipulate a person, to force him to do something against his will, NLP manipulators often use his weaknesses. Don't show them in public. Weaknesses include not only greed and a thirst for new sensations, but also the desire to know one’s future, indecision and curiosity.

Experts' opinion

According to psychotherapists who practice the use of hypnosis in their treatment, it can help solve a person’s problems in many situations. Experts believe that hypnosis is most effective with hypnotizable people, those who have a high degree of suggestibility.

If the patient is easily put into a trance state, then the treatment of psychosomatic diseases is not difficult. All fears and phobias have a starting point and it is usually located in the center of a strong emotional event. Having found this point, the psychotherapist can easily relieve the patient’s anxious state.

To conduct an effective hypnosis session, it is important that the person can enter a trance state.

With the help of hypnosis, long-standing psychological traumas are eliminated, which are gradually reflected at the level of the physical body. Having found a key event, the psychotherapist changes the patient’s perception of it and establishes new attitudes. According to experts, the use of hypnosis techniques is the most effective way of conducting psychotherapy.

After 10-20 sessions, it is possible to radically change the situation for the better. An important point is the person’s attitude. If there is a skeptical attitude, lack of confidence in the safety of the technique and its usefulness, it will be very difficult or impossible in principle to carry out hypnotic influence.

Hypnotic sleep differs from normal sleep in that the part of the brain responsible for hearing remains awake. Thanks to this feature, the hypnotized person maintains contact with the hypnotist. This condition is observed in people who are in the transition stage from wakefulness to sleep or vice versa. Despite the naturalness of this process, some people experience fear of hypnosis.

A person is afraid that he will be forced to perform some actions against his will, will be turned into an unresponsive creature, or will not be brought out of a hypnotic trance at all. However, research conducted by scientists has convincingly proven that even under hypnosis, a person cannot be forced to do something that goes against his inner beliefs.

An experiment was conducted during which hypnotized people were instructed to take a weapon and commit murder. Volunteers instantly came out of a state of hypnotic trance, since their internal beliefs contradicted the idea of ​​​​killing.

In the process of studying hypnosis, not a single case was recorded when a person could not be brought out of a trance.


In order to enter a trance, it is necessary to completely relax the physical body and turn off all thought processes. Only by relaxing can a person plunge into an altered consciousness and experience the benefits of a trance state.

Relaxation may not occur immediately, but initially you need to physically try to relax all your muscles, including the muscles of your face, because people often forget about them. After the onset of complete relaxation, achieving an altered consciousness will occur easier and faster.

Ways to bring a person out of hypnosis

Having understood how a person is put into a hypnotic trance, we can begin to consider ways to bring him into a normal state.

Removing a person from hypnotic sleep

In order to bring a person out of a state of hypnotic sleep, the following rules must be followed:

  1. The withdrawal should be done slowly and without rushing.
  2. The hypnotist tells the person that he will now wake up on the count of “ten” and begins a calm countdown. The person slowly awakens as the hypnologist slowly counts. Some experts practice counting backwards.
  3. Before leaving the hypnotic trance, you are given a focus on feeling good, cheerful and energetic.
  4. At the end of the countdown, the hypnotized person comes to his senses. There are situations when awakening does not occur and in this case, the person is left alone. After a few minutes, he wakes up on his own.

Also, after waking up, a hypnotized person may experience discomfort in sensations, attacks of nausea, panic and dizziness. Then he is again put into a hypnotic trance and instructed that there are no unpleasant symptoms. A pronounced negative reaction to hypnosis occurs in people suffering from mental disorders. Most specialists refuse to work with such patients.

When removing a person from hypnosis that was imposed by another specialist, it is necessary to find out what method was used and what goal was pursued. To do this, a person is immersed in a hypnotic trance and the previously established settings are found. Further, they are changed or completely deleted. It is better to entrust such actions to a professional psychotherapist who practices hypnotic techniques.

Self-exit from hypnotic sleep

You can plunge into a hypnotic trance, independently and when exiting such a state, the following recommendations are observed:

  1. The return to wakefulness should occur slowly in a period of time sufficient for full awakening.
  2. Before leaving, an internal setting is given to awaken and increase breathing.
  3. As with exiting with the help of a hypnologist, in self-hypnosis a command is given for good health, cheerfulness and clarity of thoughts.
  4. To control the situation, a countdown to ten is carried out.

Often, when independently exiting a hypnotic trance, a person simply goes into normal sleep mode and wakes up after about half an hour.

Blocking hypnotic influence

Hypnotic influence at a distance is widely used during negotiations, interrogations, sales promotions, sectarian gatherings and meetings of network companies. The methodology comes down to distracting attention and introducing the necessary attitude into the subconscious. At the same time, the victim does not fall into a deep trance.

To achieve the goal, techniques such as:

  1. Conducting a conversation in a monotonous voice, without intonation and quietly, inserting key phrases during the conversation. They are emphasized by changes in intonation and volume, which allows for a fixation in the subconscious of the person listening.
  2. Overload of the human perception channel. The simplest technique is when two people start talking at the same time, convincing a person and his auditory perception channel is overloaded.
  3. Creating situations that are illogical and unexpected for a person.

In sects, another technique is more common - searching for a sore spot in a person and putting pressure on him in order to subordinate him to his will. For this purpose, people who have suffered psychological trauma or are in a painful state are specially selected.

In order to determine whether external hypnotic influence is being carried out, it is necessary to listen to your inner feelings. A clear sign of hypnosis is:

  • slight drowsiness that comes suddenly;
  • body relaxation;
  • reducing the frequency of respiratory cycles and increasing the depth of breathing.

The most effective way to escape hypnotic influence is to abruptly break contact with the one who is trying to exert influence. To do this you need:

  1. Give yourself a painful sensation by pinching your arm or stepping on your foot.
  2. If the situation does not allow you to leave, then you need to stop focusing on the person’s words and not look into his eyes.
  3. Mentally begin to read poetry, sing a song or say a prayer.
  4. Start building a protective screen in your mind out of rain bricks or similar.
  5. Do not make hasty decisions if you feel obvious pressure.
  6. During gypsy hypnosis, you should not allow yourself to be taken by the hand and be distracted. Also, you should ignore all questions and not answer them.
  7. Focus on your own words and voice.

A few words about trance

So, in order to materialize a desire or perform the correct ritual, you need to learn how to enter a trance. In this special state of mind, we are, as it were, between worlds, forming a connection between the mind and the divine. Trance can be active or passive. It can be light, medium and deep. In addition, you can use the drowsy state.

Active trance is achieved through rhythmic dancing, singing, holotropic breathing, and shamanic practices. Passive through deep relaxation. In this article we will consider only passive methods. Since active ones are not suitable for everyone, there are more contraindications.

So, it is very important to learn to completely relax your body, calm your thoughts and emotions. Let's learn this right now.


You should not engage in meditation practices if you have mental problems or increased heart rate.

So let's get started...


Hypnosis in itself is not harmful or dangerous if it is not used for unseemly purposes. There are many things in the world that people use in different ways: ordinary water can be a source of strength and pleasure or a killer. Therefore, you should not be afraid of hypnosis, but simply use its power for the benefit of a person.

Daily life consists of constant interaction. To some extent, every day we are under the hypnotic influence of: sellers, advertising, teachers, loved ones. It is important to be able to control the situation and make informed decisions, relying only on yourself and common sense.

It is necessary to be wary of any incomprehensible situations and develop critical thinking. If you cultivate your will and character, you can easily resist manipulators and hypnotists.

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