Regressive hypnosis: history of origin, features and techniques of use

In the life of every person, the subconscious plays an important role, which has a strong influence on his thoughts and actions, lifestyle, views and even goals. Often, medications and psychological training alone are not enough to solve many psychological and mental problems. In this case, regressive hypnosis comes to the rescue, allowing you to put a person into a trance state in order to identify secret fears and negative aspects, many of which could have been laid down in deep childhood.

What is regression hypnosis?

The concept of “regression” in psychology is a detailed study of a person’s past, in which one can find the reasons for how he is at the present time. Accordingly, regressive hypnosis is a technique of putting a person into a very deep state of trance in order to discover important information, as well as the root causes of the problems that have arisen. This state even allows you to look into past lives and reincarnations, learn a useful lesson from this and solve your problems, breaking the circle of cyclical situations.

In modern psychology, much attention is paid to the study of regressive hypnosis, and practical experiments show positive results. With the help of trance, you can bring a person out of deep depression, as well as save him from addictions, addictions and mental trauma.

Today, regressive hypnosis is actively used to treat emotional and psychological disorders, giving the doctor the opportunity to get to the source of the disorder or pathology. The methods of immersion in trance here are more complex than those of conventional hypnosis, which is determined by the need to get to the deeper layers of the subconscious. A detailed study of past incarnations allows the doctor to track changes in the patient’s life, understand their pattern and reasons for their occurrence.


The goals of those starting practice can be completely different: from simple interest as a researcher to the desire to resolve difficult life situations. The method will be useful to most serious seekers. Immersion in the huge layer of our Self, hidden by layers of momentary thoughts, is a truly transformative and transformative experience. Here is a partial list of results that will result from the practice of regressive hypnosis:

  • increasing the level of awareness;
  • increasing the level of personal effectiveness;
  • significant improvement in health;
  • increased personal power and ability to create;
  • elimination of negative blocks and programs;
  • improvement (restoration) of relationships with relatives and children;
  • opening new directions of active and creative life.

History of Regressive Hypnosis

The origins of such hypnosis go back to ancient times, originating from religious teachings about reincarnation, which are found in Hinduism, shamanism, Gnosticism and even early Christianity. If we take the scientific basis, then the famous psychiatrist Sigmund Freud is considered the founder of regressive hypnotherapy. His main student and follower, Carl Jung, not only introduced the concept of the collective unconscious, but also began to actively work on deep immersion of a person in a trance through hypnosis.

In the mid-30s of the last century, scientist Edgar Cayce tried to substantiate the idea of ​​reincarnation and past lives from a scientific point of view, in which he achieved considerable success. A real breakthrough in the field of regression therapy was the work of the English psychiatrist Alexander Cannon, who, in addition to theoretical research activities, also carried out practical experiments and introduced patients into regressive hypnosis. His follower, the Czech scientist Stanislav Grof, founded transpersonal psychology and also worked extensively with hypnosis and regression.

Since the late 70s, American hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon has developed a unique technique for immersing a person in deep hypnosis, which is still actively used today. This technique will be discussed in more detail below. In the 1980s, British-American professor Roger J. Woolger first used hypnosis to work through traumatic memories. Other prominent scientists who have been and are still working on regressive hypnosis include Michael Newton, Brian Weiss, Peter Ramster, and Peter Mack.

To date, scientists have proven that regressive hypnosis is not only capable of plunging a person into the depths of his subconscious and “pulling out” important information from it, but also essentially confirms the multidimensionality of the human soul.

Useful literature, films

Friends, this small list will help you better understand regressive hypnosis and past lives, start with any:

Michael Newton: “Journeys of the Soul” “Purpose of the Soul” “Memories of Life After Life” “Life Between Lives. Past Lives and Journeys of the Soul"

Richard Webster: "Kindred Souls"

Dolores Cannon: “Between life and death. What awaits us on the other side? “Memory of Past Lives” “Jesus and the Essenes. Conversations through millennia" "Three waves of volunteers and the New Earth"

If you want to find more interesting things, then write the following keywords in the YouTube search bar: channeling, past lives, regressive hypnosis

And be sure to visit my YouTube channel “Alexander Tsarev” - there are more than 300 videos on the topic.

Regressive hypnosis - a tool or a weapon

Many scientists believe that regressive hypnosis can, over the course of several sessions, clear a person’s consciousness of subconscious traumas that were inflicted on him in the early periods of life. Thanks to this, you can leave behind phobias and fears, uncertainty and shyness - all that often prevents a person from growing as a person in all respects. At the same time, there are people who are unsure of the effectiveness of such a tool and, on the contrary, consider it a weapon that is used against the person himself and his consciousness.

It is best to consider the facts and become familiar with the techniques that are most in demand today in the field of regressive hypnosis:

Michael Newton Method

This scientist is a certified and internationally recognized specialist in the field of hypnotherapy, who is an honorary member of the American Psychological Association for Psychological Counseling. He developed his own method of immersing a person in regressive hypnosis based on deep visualization of the images that the patient sees during a trance.

He is responsible for the discovery of such a phenomenon as the “immortal soul,” which, in his opinion, exists in the periods between physical incarnations on Earth. During hypnotic sleep, the doctor immersed his patients in the intermediate period of their incarnation, which was called LifeBetweenLives (LBL regression). This technique is aimed at making a person better aware of himself and reaching the level of superconsciousness.

Dolores Cannon Method

American soul researcher who studied in detail the issue of reincarnation, as well as various techniques of regressive hypnosis. In the early 80s of the last century, she managed to develop her own method of immersion in a state of deep hypnosis with the ability to extract knowledge hidden there from the depths of a person’s subconscious. Based on her practice, she was able to help many patients, actually proving the phenomenon of reincarnation from a scientific point of view.

In her numerous scientific articles, she proved that the techniques she proposed have a positive effect on a person’s subconscious without causing him any harm. Over her 30 years of practice, she has successfully treated thousands of people with psychological and emotional trauma.

What problems does regressive hypnosis treat?

The most important goal of regressive hypnosis is the ability to once again relive incidents that occurred in the distant past, but to do this on a more conscious level. This allows you to change your attitude towards these events and begin to perceive them in a completely different way, thus neutralizing this impact on real life. Correct use of such hypnosis allows you to get rid of the following problems:

  • Nervousness and worries regarding unimportant things
  • Chronic fatigue and lack of sleep due to insomnia
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Harmful addictions and habits
  • Lack of confidence in yourself and your abilities, shyness
  • Phobias and various kinds of fears
  • Heal psychological wounds and traumas received in early childhood
  • Get out of depression

It is important to understand that regression hypnosis is an effective way to expand your own consciousness, as well as discover new abilities and talents. Often people who have been in such a deep trance begin to see the world in completely different colors, more rosy and promising, which gives one of the most important states - motivation. It is this that allows you to set goals and achieve them, bringing new meaning to life and setting you up for an active life position.

Getting rid of resentment as the most important aggravating factor

With the help of regressive hypnosis, you can penetrate the depths of a person’s subconscious, but he must be psychologically ready to experience all emotions again, including grievances . By the way, some scientists and esotericists believe that resentment is not an emotion, but a pattern of behavior inherent in deep childhood, aimed at getting what he wants. When a person is offended, on a subconscious level he wants to make others feel guilty and thereby achieve what he wants.

Having correctly worked through all grievances using the technique of deep hypnosis, a person can not only remove a huge burden from himself, but also improve relationships with the people around him. Often this radically changes the life position of a person who begins to take responsibility for himself and his actions, and also stops blaming others for failures.

Positive impact on human health

Both official doctors and representatives of esoteric circles are convinced that our emotions and thoughts directly affect the body. However, the state of a person’s health largely reflects not only his consciousness, but also his subconscious, which is much more important. That is why a person often cannot understand and find an explanation for a particular disease, although in appearance he may lead a healthy lifestyle and be an optimist. Much is hidden in the depths of the subconscious, where childhood fears, insecurities and hidden grievances were driven.

During the regressive hypnosis procedure, ancestral and karmic problems are resolved, which immediately has a positive effect on health. It has been noticed that after several sessions, a person’s pain in joints and bones disappears, convulsions go away, good and deep sleep improves (nightmares disappear). So this procedure has a positive effect on human health, since it “restarts” the immune system, due to which many physiological processes in the human body are improved.

Reviews about regressive hypnosis

If we analyze the reviews of those people who were immersed in a state of regressive hypnosis, we can conclude that such a procedure has a positive impact. Many note that after the session they were able to deal with their internal problems and get rid of complexes, bad habits and phobias. As for the experience of past lives, after their passage, many people become re-aware, which makes it possible to look at the world with different eyes, let go of many grievances and hostility, and improve relationships with people around them.

Among the reviews, there are also those that indicate the reluctance of people to further plunge into the depths of their subconscious. In general, this suggests that some people are simply not ready to perceive the full depth of information that is embedded in their subconscious.

Regressive hypnosis technique

It is important to understand that in order to positively immerse the patient in a state of regressive hypnosis, the specialist requires preliminary preparation. During this process, the hypnologist examines the person’s state, makes eye contact with him, asks questions and listens to answers. This allows you to create an atmosphere of friendliness and trust between the doctor and the recipient, remove tension and achieve ease.

Thanks to this, the person’s subconscious psychological defenses are removed, which allows the doctor to plunge him into a deeper trance state. The trance technique includes the following steps:

  1. Introducing a person into a trance state, but maintaining constant communication with him through leading questions. This helps the patient get comfortable in a new space, dive deep into himself, and focus on his feelings and visions.
  2. Upon reaching the required depth of trance, the hypnologist begins to ask questions that help identify the root cause of a person’s problem, drawing out all the important information from the depths of the subconscious. As a result of this, the doctor sees the source of the problem, trying to understand it as deeply as possible in order to resolve it.
  3. After accurately understanding what caused the crisis, the hypnologist, through certain manipulations and words, corrects the situation of the past and records the changed version in the subconscious. Next, the patient slowly returns to the present and exits the trance state.

During the entire process, the hypnologist controls the situation, monitoring the patient’s condition and preventing strong emotional outbursts. This is important because in a trance state it is important to prevent a person from overexpending his energy, as this can become a source of new problems and crises.

To study the experience of past lives, as well as to find the root cause of the problem, often one session of regressive hypnosis is not enough. In this case, repeated immersions into a trance state are carried out until the hypnologist reaches the original starting point.

In a state of deep trance, a person often remembers the smallest details of his past and even his previous incarnations. The positive effect of regressive hypnosis is achieved through re-awareness of past events, which allows you to let go of pain, resentment and disappointment. Instead, an understanding of the importance of the experience comes and a desire arises to live on, develop and find oneself in this world.

Indications and contraindications

You should contact a psychologist-hypnologist in the following cases:

  • pathological fatigue that does not go away even after a long rest or sleep;
  • communication problems;
  • nervous breakdowns;
  • severe headaches;
  • communication problems, etc.

A psychotherapist will prescribe hypnosis as a treatment if:

  • any mental abnormalities have been established;
  • there are phobias;
  • for obsessive-compulsive disorder;
  • for neuroses;
  • in the initial stages of addiction or after substitution therapy;
  • a person has complexes and low self-esteem, which reduces the quality of life, etc.

The use of therapeutic hypnosis is prohibited for:

  • those suffering from schizophrenia;
  • epileptics;
  • people with addictions taking medications during substitution therapy;
  • individuals with obvious personality degradation;
  • pregnant women;
  • patients with a serious psychiatric diagnosis;
  • individuals who are intoxicated.

Self-regression hypnosis

In the course of numerous studies and experiments, it was found that a person can immerse himself in regressive hypnosis on his own. The only thing here is that it is important to observe safety precautions and follow certain instructions, which allows you to control the situation. The deep trance technique includes the following sequence of actions:

  1. Take a comfortable sitting position, lean on the back of a chair or armchair and relax as much as possible; You are allowed to tilt your head back slightly.
  2. Try to drive away all thoughts and emotional experiences, breathe evenly and measuredly, achieving a feeling of comfort and relaxation, complete unity with the outside world.
  3. Allow your consciousness to gradually plunge into a trance state, but be sure to instill in yourself complete control over the situation that is happening; Give yourself the mindset that, if necessary, you can get out of the state of deep hypnosis by counting from 1 to 5.
  4. Start immersing yourself in your subconscious by slowly counting from 10 to 1, and when moving from one number to another, you must move your eyes left and right or up and down.
  5. After the number one is pronounced, very slowly close your eyes and smoothly immerse yourself in a trance state.

During a trance, the body should be as relaxed as possible, and the eyes should be closed, and it is important to try to “dissolve” your consciousness in the universe, as if to “get out of your body.” Deep immersion is highly effective when imagining yourself on the bank of a river, in a forest or on top of a mountain with a beautiful landscape view around, where pleasant memories of a hike or excursion can play a positive role. It is extremely important to listen to your body and try not to tense up, as all the muscles of the body and face should be relaxed.

Gradually, images in the form of pictures will appear before a person’s eyes, which must be carefully examined, recording the smallest details and details. At the same time, it is important to maintain harmony with your inner and outer world, without emotional attachment. When diving to a deeper level, you should turn your attention to the little finger of your hand and move it. This will mean that you are in control of the situation and will be able to exit the state of deep hypnosis at any time.

You should not give in to the first desire to immediately tackle a painful issue or topic, as this can be psychologically traumatizing if a person is not yet ready to understand the essence of the problem. Initially, you need to create an “evaluative self-portrait” for yourself, and then smoothly and carefully dive into yourself. It is better to find answers to the most pressing questions at the 3rd or 4th session of self-immersion.

Sequence of thoughts in a state of deep trance

To successfully complete the self-hypnosis procedure, they begin to immerse themselves in memories from their childhood. To do this, the brightest and brightest events of a positive orientation are pulled out of memories, which opens the door to even greater depths of a person’s subconscious. Next, they begin to obtain information about their past lives, which is necessary in order to gain valuable experience that will manifest itself in a certain awareness.

At this stage, a person imagines a corridor of past lives, on which he sees one or more doors, behind each of which there is a life path in one of the past incarnations on earth. You should not visit more than 2 doors, since in this case the consciousness may not record the information, and it will simply be forgotten after leaving the trance. Here it is important not to rush, but to act consistently, initially entering the door that is the most striking and unusual, arousing a person’s interest.

To exit, they slowly and carefully return from the door to the corridor, after which they are transported to childhood. Next, consciousness freely transfers the person to the present time by counting from 1 to 5, as he himself initially agreed upon, before entering a trance state. Before leaving, you must give the instructions to remember everything that was seen during hypnosis.

How much does regression hypnosis cost?

The price of regressive hypnosis depends on the use of the technique of diving into the depths of the subconscious, the time of the session, as well as the specific specialist who provides the services. In general, the cost ranges from 3,000 to 13,000 rubles. per session, so the price difference is quite high. Many hypnologists do not charge fees if the session fails to achieve deep immersion, which should also be taken into account.

Regressions are the essence of the method

The method of immersing yourself in the past, through the use of hypnosis or self-hypnosis, in order to identify aspects of the personality that influence the events of current life is called regressive hypnosis. The state of a person who practices regression is characterized by awareness and the ability to remember. In the case of sufficient depth of immersion, events from the past are experienced with authenticity and strength that leaves no doubt about the true reality of their existence.

Experts disagree on how successfully regressive hypnosis can be mastered independently. The question is the need to achieve a very deep hypnotic trance. Step by step going through all the phases of entry, stay and exit from this state, it is necessary to achieve not only regression into the past, but into a very distant past, beyond the current incarnation.

Dangers and Disadvantages of Regressive Hypnosis

It is important to understand that any manipulation with your subconscious should be carried out very carefully so as not to cause harm, so the session should be conducted by an experienced hypnologist with extensive experience. It is also worth noting that during a session a person can look not only into past lives, but also into future incarnations, and this information can be somewhat shocking to an unprepared person. For this reason, many hypnologists do not advise looking into the future.

Not all doctors approve of regressive hypnosis, because they believe that as a result of the procedure, a person with a weak psyche can be subjected to severe stress. At the same time, scientific research in the field of hypnotherapy confirms the fact that with proper preparation, a person with the help of regressive hypnosis can get rid of phobias and addictions, as well as discover new abilities and talents, and gain a positive attitude.

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