Emotional swings or increased nervous excitability
Excitability in psychology is a property of the human psyche, which manifests itself in the ability to respond to
7 rules of nutrition for narrowing blood vessels to dilate them, based on science
Symptoms Among the symptoms of cerebral atherosclerosis are: Certain signs of cerebral atherosclerosis
Pain inside the eyeball: possible causes
Headache and soreness in the area of ​​the right eye may indicate serious problems with
Medulla. Vital centers of the medulla oblongata. Reflexes of the medulla oblongata (motor, visceral, postural-tonic, vestibular, cervical), their characteristics.
Hindbrain The hindbrain includes the pons and cerebellum. It develops from the fourth brain
hindbrain functions
Hindbrain: what it is responsible for, structure and functions
Structure of the hindbrain The hindbrain consists of two main parts: the pons and the one located posteriorly
Rice. 1. Dynamics of the total MMSE score in patients with DE and mild cognitive impairment during treatment with Noopept
Why can’t you take Noopept after 6 p.m.
Indications Noopept is indicated for a fairly large number of conditions: cognitive dysfunction of various origins; emotional-volitional
How dangerous is amebic meningoencephalitis and how to deal with it?
The simplest single-celled organism, Naegleria Fowler, usually lives in fresh water bodies with warm water.
Cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy)
North Ossetian information portal “15TH REGION”.
Cerebral palsy is a broad concept that unites a group of movement disorders that progress due to damage
Visual pathway diagram
Brain structure
Like each of the sense organs, the eyes have a main receptor - the retina, which
Photo 2
Relieve stress and tension with powerful meditations to calm your nervous system
The nervous system controls the functioning of the entire body, so any disturbances in it have a negative impact on the mental
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