New generation vascular drugs for the brain

Around the so-called “vascular cleansing”

A whole industry and many myths have developed.
However, our blood vessels are not pipes; even theoretically, cleaning them to get rid of cholesterol plaques or calcium deposits is not at all so simple. Does “vascular cleaning” even exist, or is it a misconception and a marketing ploy? We talked with our expert - cardiologist, functional diagnostics doctor, candidate of medical sciences Anna Nikolaevna Kotelnikova
, to learn more about the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis.
On the eve of the New Year and the festive feast, be attentive to your diet and take care of yourself!

Who may need vascular medications?

In early childhood, changes in blood flow in the brain are a consequence of perinatal encephalopathy, birth trauma, hypoxia during childbirth, and pressure drop during cesarean section. If a treatment plan is drawn up correctly, the child’s condition will normalize within 2-3 years. If the baby has cerebral palsy and other serious diseases, he will have to take vascular medications for the rest of his life.

School-age children grow quickly, and vascular medications may be needed due to the increased workload.

In adults, cerebral circulatory disorders are even more common - due to heart disease, osteochondrosis, ischemia, thrombosis, injuries, and operations.

In older people, the blood vessels of the brain suffer from atherosclerosis - blockage of the arteries with plaques. All of these categories of patients have indications for taking vascular drugs.


These medicines are extracts from plant materials that improve the tone of blood vessels and strengthen their walls. Such medicines include Bilobil , Tanakan , Ginkoum , Memoplant . These drugs are used to improve memory and brain function. These medications contain Ginkgo Biloba . When using such tablets to improve brain activity and memory, it should be noted that they act slowly. In addition, there have been no serious studies confirming the effectiveness of such drugs. Therefore, their use to improve memory in older people is not always justified. The cost of drugs is from 300 rubles.

Calcium channel blockers

These medications are among the most popular among neurologists and therapists. Due to a decrease in the amount of calcium in cell membranes, the vascular walls relax, their lumen expands, and blood flow increases. The amount of nutrients and oxygen reaching the brain also increases. The tone of the veins does not change, which is important for maintaining normal venous outflow. There are a number of proven drugs, as well as new generation drugs.


Which ones are better to choose? The list of the most popular is given in the table.

Magnetic therapy is often prescribed for the treatment of joints and a sore spine. Its benefits for the body are undeniable, and this method of treatment is one of the safest. Read more in the article: “magnetic therapy: contraindications and side effects.”

GenerationName of medicineGroup
FirstVerapamilPhenylalkylamine derivatives
FirstNifedipineDihydropyridine derivatives
FirstDiazemBenzothiazepine derivatives
SecondIsradipinBenzofurazanil derivatives
SecondPlendilDihydropyridine derivatives

Currently, third-generation drugs are being developed that have even fewer side effects and contraindications. The above remedies can also treat arterial hypertension. Vasodilators are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Prevention of recurrent stroke

The reasons that led to the occurrence of a stroke most often do not disappear anywhere and continue to affect a person. The risk of recurrent stroke depends on their strength and combinations. Prevention of recurrent stroke is called secondary. List of conditions that people pay attention to first:

  • Arterial hypertension is the main risk factor for stroke. It increases his risk by 5 times;
  • diabetes;
  • smoking;
  • coronary heart disease (the risk increases by 2-4 times);
  • atrial fibrillation (increases the risk by 3-5 times);
  • hyperlipidemia (high levels of “bad” cholesterol);
  • thrombocytosis;
  • overweight.

Accordingly, it is necessary to correct these conditions and bring them back to normal to reduce the risk of recurrent stroke. Drug therapy is only part of the treatment. Diet, exercise, and giving up bad habits are important.

Antihypertensive drugs

It is recommended to reduce blood pressure, even if it is raised very slightly or within the normal range: “upper” 120-139 mmHg, “lower” 80-89 mmHg. So a decrease of 5 mmHg. helps reduce the development of stroke by 30%.

Diet, exercise, and giving up bad habits are important in preventing a recurrent stroke.

The superiority of some groups of antihypertensive drugs over others has not been proven. When prescribing, the doctor has to take into account the individual characteristics of the patient, compatibility with other drugs, and minimizing side effects. At the same time, for patients after a stroke, it is important not only to reduce blood pressure, but also to stabilize it as much as possible, even if slightly above the target values. For this use:

  • Amlodipine - long-acting calcium channel blockers;
  • Perindopril, Diroton, Renitek - angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors;
  • Lozap, Cozaar, Valsartan - sartans, angiotensin receptor blockers;
  • Hypothiazide, Indap are diuretics.

Drugs that prevent blood clots

With various arrhythmias, the risk of thrombosis and stroke increases up to 4 times. Anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents can be used to prevent these conditions:

  • Warfarin;
  • Thrombo ACC;
  • Plavix;
  • Chimes.

Taking this group of drugs is usually long-term, one might say lifelong.


They help not only fight atherosclerosis and high cholesterol levels, but also stabilize the surface of already formed plaques, reduce the level of inflammation in the vascular wall, which will also reduce the risk of thrombosis:

  • Mertenil;
  • Atoris;
  • Basil.

Read more about statins in the article.

Antioxidants and antihypoxants

Such medications are always prescribed as part of complex therapy to improve cerebral vascular function. They quickly eliminate the symptoms of oxygen starvation and help strengthen vascular walls. Here is a list of the best medicines:


  1. Actovegin
    (630 rubles). Activates tissue metabolism, eliminates hypoxia, optimizes trophism and recovery processes. The drug is obtained from the blood of animals, therefore, in addition to allergies, it has a small number of side effects.

  2. Mexidol
    (470 rubles). It is one of the best antihypoxants, membrane protectors, and nootropics. The medicine is administered intramuscularly or taken in tablet form. It increases the body's resistance to various damaging factors. With long-term use, the medicine somewhat thins the blood and reduces the accumulation of lipids, lowering cholesterol.

  3. Emoxipin
    (250 rubles). Antioxidant, stabilizer of cell membranes, reduces vascular permeability. Has a retinoprotective effect. Most often prescribed if cerebral disorders affect the condition of the retina.

  4. Glycine
    (40 rubles). This amino acid is a natural brain metabolite, a neurotransmitter, that helps regulate metabolism in brain tissue.

Complamin, Glutamic acid, Picamilon and other antihypoxic and antioxidant agents also improve the functioning of cerebral vessels.


Stroke and rehabilitation

Stroke is an acute disease that is associated with circulatory disorders and is manifested by such symptoms from the nervous system as:

  • motor, speech, sensory, coordination, visual and other disorders;
  • general cerebral disorders: changes in consciousness, headache, vomiting for more than 24 hours;
  • death in a short period of time.

There are 2 main forms of stroke:

  • ischemic (when some part of the brain stops receiving oxygen for various reasons, for example, blockage of the lumen of a vessel with a blood clot);
  • hemorrhagic (when a vessel ruptures, blood permeates the brain tissue and non-traumatic damage or subarachnoid hemorrhage occurs).

Rehabilitation after a stroke begins as early as possible. An integrated approach to treatment combines drug therapy, physiotherapy, and training to restore lost functions. There are 3 main areas in pharmacotherapy:

  • prevention of relapse, that is, repeated stroke. Typically, 1 in 10 people will have another stroke in the first year;
  • treatment of individual symptoms;
  • pathogenetic treatment.

Vitamins and minerals

The next group of vasodilator drugs for the brain are vitamin supplements that are urgently needed for the normal functioning of blood vessels. Most often, patients are recommended drugs based on nicotinic acid in injections.

Allergic manifestations on the face are unpleasant - the skin itches, becomes covered with spots, and becomes red. Creams and antiallergic ointments help relieve itching and irritation. Read more in the article: “allergy cream for facial skin.”

The medicine improves the metabolism of nitrogenous substances and carbohydrates, dilates blood vessels, and reduces cholesterol. Nicotinic acid also improves blood microcirculation in the brain and replenishes vitamin B3 deficiency.

The main preparations with vitamins are Nicotinamide, Niacinamide, Nicotinic acid in ampoules.

Rutin is another remedy that strengthens blood vessels. Troxerutin and Ascorutin are made on its basis; they are prescribed against the fragility of small capillaries, to reduce the permeability of vascular walls, as an antioxidant.

Also, patients with vascular diseases are recommended to regularly take tablets with retinol, tocopherol, potassium, selenium, and silicon. For osteochondrosis of the neck and other diseases of the spine, a complex of B vitamins - Neuromultivit, Compligam, Milgamma - is always introduced into the course of therapy.

Drugs to improve memory and blood circulation

Nootropic drugs are used to improve metabolism in brain cells, as a result of which a person’s memory improves, thinking activity and learning ability increase. Despite the lack of approval from evidence-based medicine, these drugs are used quite widely in practical neurology.

Such drugs are used to treat vascular dementia in the elderly, with encephalopathy , and with cerebral vascular pathology. However, there is no point in taking such drugs for young and healthy people.

Under the influence of nootropics, neurocyte membranes are stabilized and the resistance of brain tissue to oxygen deficiency increases.

Racetams - pyrallidone derivatives

Piracetam should not be used in case of renal failure , severe stroke

Side effects are likely to include motor and nervous agitation, vomiting, urticaria , stool disorders, and nausea.

Tablets and solution for injections are produced.

Pyrallidone derivatives are Dragonol ( Aniracetam ), Aloracetam , Phenotropil ( Phenylpiracetam ), Doliracetam , Fasoracetam , Rolisiracetam , Rolipram , Nefiracetam , Imuracetam , Noopept , Piracetam ( Nootropil, Lucetam ), Brivaracetam , Pramiracetam .

These drugs stimulate the central nervous system, so their use is undesirable for people with sleep disorders and elderly patients with severe atherosclerosis. If such medications are used for a long time, it can lead to the development of anxiety disorders.


The drug Cortexin is a complex of brain polypeptides. Produced in ampoules, used for intramuscular injections. They are used in courses, the patient receives 7-14 injections. You should not inject during pregnancy.

Cortexin , Cerebrolysin - names of injections for brain vessels. These are polypeptide drugs with a balanced composition of neurotransmitters and polypeptides. These injections work similarly.

Other drugs

  • Epsilon , Galantamine , Aricept are medications that block cholinesterase . Under their influence, the destruction of the mediator acetylcholine , which improves nerve transmission, is stopped.
  • Pantocalcin , Aminalon , Pantogam , Phenibut , Picamilon - the composition contains gamma-aminobutyric acid and its derivatives. These medications increase the brain's resistance to lack of oxygen, stimulate the absorption of sugar by cells, and activate the production of proteins.
  • Cerutil , Deanol , Nooclerin , Atsefen , Lucidril , Analux are drugs that are precursors of acetylcholine.
  • Ladasten , Mefexamide , Timodin , Perneuron , Bromantine , Memantine , Adrafinil , Olymphon , Actebral , Bifimelan , Tonobral , Mentis , Nadex , Demanol , Linopyridine are adamantane derivative drugs that increase the speed of nerve impulse transmission. Also, these drugs stop the aging of the central nervous system.
  • Picamilon , Biotredin , Glycine are amino acids that stimulate the central part of the NS.
  • Phezam ( Cinnarizine and Piracetam ), Ozatropil ( Piracetam and Aminalon ), Inotropil ( Aminolone and Melatonin ), Thiocetam ( Thiotriazolin and Piracetam ) are combination medications.

Nootropic drugs in pediatric neurology are used to treat babies with postnatal encephalopathy, as well as with developmental delays. However, there is no scientifically proven feasibility of using several nootropic drugs at once. Such treatment is only a certain distracting and calming ritual for parents. As a rule, in the presence of mild consequences of oxygen starvation of the brain, by about three years of age, children independently overcome problems and “pull up” to the average level of development of their age.


These medications do not act directly on blood vessels, but they improve overall metabolism in tissues, stabilize neurocyte membranes, increase tissue resistance to oxygen starvation, thereby optimizing blood supply to the brain. Nootropics are prescribed even to children, they are indicated for most elderly people, and are used in the complex treatment of osteochondrosis, atherosclerosis, hypertension, the consequences of cerebral palsy, etc.


The cheapest and most accessible are racetams - Piracetam, Nootropil, Lucetam, Phenotropil and others.

The latest generation of drugs includes Cortexin, which is a complex of polypeptides from the animal cerebral cortex. The medicine is injected into the muscle; it is available only in injection form. Price for 10 ampoules - 1300 rubles.

Patients are also given the following injections:

Many nootropics have a positive effect on blood composition - they prevent platelets from sticking together, improving blood microcirculation by increasing its fluidity. This helps to avoid thrombosis and other serious complications of vascular pathologies.

Treatment with medications

In each of the listed periods, drug treatment of such pathologies is carried out. However, both the duration and effectiveness of such therapy may vary.

It is also important to take into account the fact that nootropic drugs , which improve blood microcirculation and metabolic processes in brain cells, act only in tissues with pathological changes and do not affect healthy tissues.

That is why you should be very careful about advertising slogans and recommendations by pharmacists to use such drugs to stimulate the brain activity of children and healthy people. The use of such drugs is highly questionable in the following cases:

  • while preparing for exams;
  • during periods of heavy stress during study or at work;
  • with poor academic performance of schoolchildren;
  • for preschool children.

If such points appear in the indications for the use of nootropics, this is just the result of a conspiracy between pharmaceutical companies. manufacturers who intend to earn as much as possible, enjoying the trust of buyers.

The main causes of cerebrovascular accidents are vasospasm and the formation of blood clots in the arteries. Consequently, vasodilating drugs are most effective for such diseases, as well as drugs that prevent platelets during the formation of blood clots.

Medicines for atherosclerosis

If a person is diagnosed with atherosclerosis, treatment with folk remedies or so-called vascular cleansing is not always enough. Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels is a very serious disease; without treatment it leads to stroke.

The following will help improve blood circulation in this pathology:


  1. Statins
    - Rosuvastatin, Atorvastatin, Lovastatin. Many people have to take these medications for several years; they normalize cholesterol levels and prevent it from depositing in the blood vessels. Unfortunately, statins have a bad effect on the liver and other internal organs and can cause a number of side effects.

  2. Fibrates
    - Fenofibrate, Clofibrate. They increase “good” cholesterol while reducing “bad” cholesterol. The course usually lasts up to 2 months, then take a break.

  3. Other means - bile acid sequestrants
    . These medications are Cholestyramine and Cholestipol. They bind the cholesterol present in the intestines and remove it, preventing it from being absorbed.

In mild cases of atherosclerosis, it is enough to take Omega-3 acids, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels and prevent the disease from progressing.

Causes of atherosclerosis

The fact is that due to systematic additional loads, microdamages can form on the walls of the arteries. Damaged tissues swell. Cells that respond to inflammation (for example, white blood cells) accumulate around the damage, and fat and cholesterol that float in the blood also cling to them - a cholesterol plaque is formed. It is no longer possible to get rid of it using completely non-invasive methods. At the same time, the walls of the vessels become coarser and thinner - this pathological condition is called atherosclerosis, which in turn can lead to coronary artery disease and causes the need for “cleansing of blood vessels”.

Thus, it is important not only to eat right, but also to maintain the functional state of the cardiovascular system.

Other drugs

Often a person experiences vascular spasms (when taking vasoconstrictor medications, hypertension, smoking, etc.). In this case, antispasmodics will help improve blood flow - No-shpa, Revalgin, Drotaverine, Papaverine. Doctors also prescribe as vascular agents:


  • antiplatelet agents (thin the blood) - Warfarin, Heparin, Aspirin;

  • medicines with ginkgo biloba (increase blood supply to the brain) - Tanakan, Gingikum, Bilobil.

You cannot select treatment regimens on your own - it is important to make prescriptions taking into account the exact indications and type of disease, to know the contraindications, side effects and effectiveness of the active substances.

Microcirculation correctors

The drug Betahistine ( Betaserc ), which belongs to this group, not only corrects blood flow in the capillaries, but also allows you to overcome attacks of dizziness, unsteadiness of gait in chronic disorders of blood flow to the brain. Tablets of 8 or 16 mg are used in courses. The dose per day is 24-48 mg, divided into three doses.

Not prescribed for pregnant and lactating women. Use cautiously for bronchial asthma , ulcers.

As side effects, disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract and urticaria .

Analogues of Betaserc are Betagistin , Vestibo , Betaver , Tagista . Cost – from 100 rubles.

The best drugs for the blood vessels of the head

It is possible to resume the stable operation of the processes occurring in the organs of the central nervous system if you follow the exact instructions for natural medicinal products and modern vasodilating drugs.

  • Actovegin
    . Promotes oxygen saturation of tissues and organs, has an antioxidant effect, restores blood flow, and prevents the onset of ischemic stroke. Daily dosage: 1-3 capsules before meals 3 times. Intravenous administration involves 10-15 ml of the drug in combination with a 0.9% NaCl solution or 5% dextrose.
  • Vasobral
    . Vasodilating drug. Reduces the permeability of the vascular wall, restores cerebral circulation, increases mental activity, reflex excitability of the spinal cord and increases the activity and stability of the brain. Eliminates attention, memory and vestibular complications. Prescribed 0.5 - 1 tablet in the morning and evening. In the form of a solution, it is recommended to take 2-4 ml twice a day.
  • Ceraxon
    . The nootropic active ingredient promotes the restoration of cells and damaged tissues. Reduces the effects of memory loss, improves attention and thinking. For traumatic brain injuries and heart failure, it reduces the duration of associated symptoms. In the acute ischemic period, intravenous administration of 1000 ml is recommended.

Prevention of vascular atherosclerosis

Avoid foods with high cholesterol levels

Limit animal products with high cholesterol content in your diet: lard, fatty meat, offal, fatty dairy products and whole milk, egg yolk. This does not mean that you need to completely abandon animal proteins and fats. The menu should be dominated by vegetables and fruits, complex carbohydrates and cereal fibers, especially fiber. It is important to control sugar levels and not overindulge in sweets and starchy foods - it is better to replace chocolate bars and snacks with dried fruit sweets and nuts, and your body will thank you.

The method of preparing dishes also plays an important role

- before you put meat or scrambled eggs in oil on a hot sizzling frying pan, think about whether it might be better to steam it? It is forbidden? Okay, but for frying it is better to use vegetable oils, such as olive oil.

Citrus fruits also fight fat and cholesterol

, in particular the substance pectin, isolated from
is a soluble fiber that is found only in citrus fruits themselves, but not in juice.

We get cholesterol from 2 main sources. Most of the cholesterol (about 1 g per day) is produced by our liver - and this is enough.

We get the other part directly from food.

There is another life hack: pay attention to labels in the store, try to avoid products labeled “partially hydrogenated fats”


Play sports - train your heart and blood vessels

WHO recommends at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week.

During training, the body is detoxified, and the blood vessels are strengthened - this is also a kind of “cleansing of blood vessels.”

Even after undergoing stenting/bypass surgery, you can play sports and even run a marathon. However, such patients first need to take medications for quite a long time and be observed by a doctor. Patients with cardiovascular diseases need to calculate the permissible level of physical activity and select its optimal option. bicycle ergometry is for.

, which allows you to take stress tests on a device similar to a bicycle with special sensors.

Check your cholesterol levels

Once a year, it is recommended to take a special blood test - a lipid profile - to see if there is an increase in the level of total cholesterol or its fractions. In this way, it is possible to understand in a timely manner whether everything is fine with lipid metabolism or whether drug correction is necessary.

Primary prevention of atherosclerosis and blockage of blood vessels also involves visiting a therapist or cardiologist once a year, even if there are no complaints.

Treat periodontal disease, control sugar levels and body weight

Everything in our body is interconnected. It has been proven that patients with periodontal disease, like patients with diabetes and overweight, are more predisposed to atherosclerosis.

In 2021, the study “Metabolic syndrome and periodontal disease: An overview for physicians”

(Srivastava MC, Verma PK) with important and very interesting conclusions. In patients with poor teeth and a predisposition to atherosclerosis, intensive periodontal therapy after 2 months showed a significant reduction in the levels of c-reactive protein, interleukin-6 and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol.

Measure your blood pressure

The absolute norm for blood pressure in an adult is considered to be 120/80 mmHg, but depending on the individual characteristics of the body, deviations are possible.

Monitor calcium levels and nutrient balance in the body

It is recommended to take additional Omega-3

- the body does not synthesize these beneficial fatty acids on its own - and you need to eat a lot of seafood and season salads only with flaxseed oil to make up for this deficiency. Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are the basis not only for strong and clean blood vessels, but even a building material for the brain. The average adult is recommended to consume 250 mg of Omega 3 per day throughout his life.

Vitamin K3

prevents calcium from being washed out of the bones and deposited on the walls of blood vessels. Most K₂ is found in fermentation products: cheese and fermented milk products.

Vitamin D and C, coenzyme Q10 are also extremely important for blood vessels

Stay hydrated, give up bad habits and get enough sleep

Drink clean filtered water throughout the day - about 1.5 liters.

The permissible amount of alcohol per day, which does not harm your heart and blood vessels, is 1 glass of good quality red wine; it is better to completely give up smoking.

You can get the maximum benefit from sleep if you sleep for 7-8 hours in a comfortable environment, without light or gadgets, and wake up only with or without an alarm clock.

Injections for cerebral vessels

The following vascular drugs are often used for injection:

  • Vinpocetine, Cavinton and Bravinton are alkaloid derivatives
    . They help normalize the nutrition of nerve cells and also significantly improve blood flow. These are new generation drugs to improve cerebral circulation.
  • Nicotinic acid, Nikoshpan are derivatives of nicotinic acid
    . This type of product can be purchased at a pharmacy only with a prescription written by a doctor.
  • Drotaverine (No-shpa)
    . As a rule, this drug is prescribed in the form of tablets. However, it is sometimes also used in injectable form. This drug is considered harmless, inexpensive, and has the fewest contraindications.
  • Nootropic drug, Piracetam
    . Such drugs can improve brain nutrition and relieve spasms. They are often taken by older people as a preventative against dementia.
  • Eufillin
    . This medicine has a vasodilating effect and also has a beneficial effect on oxygen supply to the brain. It is contraindicated for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, glaucoma, and for problems related to blood pressure.

Antiplatelet agents

Antiplatelet medications prevent platelets from sticking together to form blood clots, which subsequently clog brain vessels. Under the influence of these drugs, microcirculation improves and capillary permeability increases. Also, these drugs have angioprotective properties, reducing the fragility of blood vessels due to the activation of metabolic processes in the walls.

The list of antiplatelet drugs is wide. These include the drugs Vazonit , Dipyridamole ( Curantil ), Pentoxifylline , Radomin , Flexital , Persantine , Doxy-Hem , Trental .


Produced in the form of tablets, dragees, and Dipyridamole 0.5% . It is used for dyscirculatory encephalopathy and chronic cerebral circulatory disorders. Do not use under the age of 12 years.

Side effects may include diarrhea, nausea, muscle pain, fainting, and dizziness . In rare cases, urticaria .

Applied by the course. You need to take the tablets one hour before meals or two hours after three times a day. If Curantil is taken simultaneously with cephalosporins and anticoagulants, its properties are enhanced. When used with anticoagulants, the risk of bleeding increases. Concomitant use with antihypertensive drugs can lead to a sharp drop in blood pressure.

Analogs of this drug are Trancocard , Vadinar , Persantine , Parsedil , Aprikor , Coribon , Viskor .

A nicotinic acid

It is produced in tablets in the form of xanthinol nicotinate , as well as a solution for intravenous drip administration. This remedy has disaggregant properties. However, the tablets are ineffective, and when using the solution, the likelihood of gastrointestinal bleeding .

Drugs for cervical osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is a disease accompanied by pain in the spine that interferes with everyday activities. The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for osteochondrosis helps alleviate the health condition: they eliminate the inflammatory process in the tissues of the spine, thereby relieving pain. But not all anti-inflammatory drugs are equally effective and safe for the body.

  • Diclofenac
    . Included in the anti-inflammatory drugs Voltaren, Ortofen, Diclak, Flotak, Diclobene. The analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects are equally well expressed. It inhibits both forms of the COX enzyme, but to a greater extent COX-2, so drugs with Diclofenac are less likely to cause gastrointestinal lesions than other first-generation NSAIDs.
  • Ibuprofen
    . Preparations with ibuprofen (Dolgit, Nurofen, Ibalgin, Solpaflex) have a pronounced analgesic effect, the anti-inflammatory effect is somewhat weaker. Clinical studies have shown that the incidence of adverse reactions after taking therapeutic doses is the lowest among all non-selective NSAIDs.
  • Indomethacin
    . One of the oldest representatives of the group of non-steroidal drugs. It has proven itself as a powerful analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent for osteochondrosis and other rheumatic diseases. But taking this drug is unsafe in terms of the development of serious complications of the gastrointestinal tract, central nervous system, heart failure and has many contraindications. It is used only occasionally for unbearable pain.

Traditional methods of treatment

Today, home medical treatment methods are not inferior to modern methods of treatment, so many people prefer to be treated and prevent dystonia on their own, using the gifts of nature. Herbalists suggest treating narrowed blood vessels in the brain with effective herbal infusions.

  • You need to take a couple of particles, divided equally: burdock root, eleutherococcus fruits, mint and birch leaves, marsh cudweed, kidney tea. Pour half a liter of hot water over the entire mixture and leave for 30 minutes. For the best effect, you need to drink one hundred ml of liquid three times per 24 hours.
  • Mix St. John's wort, chamomile, immortelle, birch buds and add a few glasses of hot water. We divide the collection in half and drink it twice every day with a small spoon of honey and bay leaf oil.
  • We take clover, 5 parts of wormwood, a couple of pieces of myrtle, one piece of marjoram and half a share of parsley seeds. A liter of hot water is added to three large spoons of the product. Let the broth sit for a couple of hours, drink 1 fourth cup every few hours.
  • Boil the mixture with pine needles, onion peels and rose hips, and let it sit. We drink half a liter a day for 3 months, dividing the portion into morning, lunch and evening.
  • Take one large spoon with chopped burdock rhizome, fill it with half a liter of water and leave it in a thermos for infusion. We drink 100 ml in the morning for 3 months.

Before using traditional recipes, you should consult your doctor.

How to improve blood circulation in the brain using traditional methods

Numerous folk remedies for improving cerebral circulation can help in the treatment process and improve the patient’s condition.

Those for whom the question of how to improve cerebral circulation using folk remedies is relevant should take into account that such methods should be additional when applying a regimen prescribed by a doctor, or used as a preventive measure for worsening the condition.

  • To activate blood circulation in the brain, you can use a decoction of periwinkle and hawthorn leaves. Pour boiling water over 1 teaspoon of the herbs of these plants, then bring to a boil. After two hours of infusion, drink half a glass an hour before meals.
  • It is recommended to use a mixture of honey, lemons and oranges. 2 citrus fruits without seeds, but with skin, need to be twisted in a meat grinder and added 2 tbsp. l. honey A day later, take 2 tbsp three times a day. l. This remedy will help cleanse the blood vessels.
  • For atherosclerosis, you can prepare a mixture of garlic, horseradish and lemon. The proportions of garlic and horseradish may be different. Before drinking the mixture, mix one teaspoon with the same amount of lemon juice. Drink three times a day before meals.
  • Mulberry is another effective remedy. You need ten mulberry leaves, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and cook a little. The decoction should be prepared every day and drunk instead of tea.
  • A mixture of cranberries, honey and horseradish (respectively: 0.5 kg, 350 g and 150 g) is useful. All ingredients must be mixed and stored in the refrigerator. After meals, drink 2 tsp. with tea.
  • It is also important to eat right: give up fatty and fried foods, eat less salt and sweets. Alcohol, especially beer, should be avoided. You can rarely afford strong drinks in small doses.
  • It is recommended to do self-massage of the cervical spine and head. Movements should be circular and light. Brushing your hair with a massage brush will help ensure blood flow to your head.
  • Gymnastics that include smooth tilting of the head in different directions, repeating circular movements, and holding your breath are useful.
  • It is important to choose a comfortable pillow and try not to sleep on your stomach.
  • Swimming and daily walking will help increase blood flow to the brain.
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