The girl doesn't want a relationship? What to do about it? (Spoiler: this is not a verdict)

The girl said she doesn't want a relationship? This is complete nonsense! From childhood, the female sex is accustomed to the family hearth: dolls, daughters and mothers, plastic dishes and much more. For the most part, their main goal is to build successful relationships: some only care about money, while others care about love and mutual understanding.

Therefore the problem is with you! As Pushkin said: “ The less we love a woman, the more she likes us!” "You're just not 'asshole' enough for her:

Yes, there are girls who are looking for a good guy, but not everything is easy with them either. Let's look at the reasons!

What should I do to change? 2

Unoriginal tips, but the best:

  • go to the gym or do exercises every day;
  • stop playing computer games (if you are over 18, this is not discussed);
  • start reading smart books. Choose your smartness yourself - it could be books on psychology, technology, computers, colors, sports. Any books will develop brain convolutions;
  • To boost confidence, willpower and other qualities that girls like, take part in trainings. Even the free ones have good advice. And check their quality empirically - take it and do it, and see whether something works out or not. Just remember, nothing ever works out the first time. Use the practices for at least two weeks. There is one commandment here - do not look for excuses, look for opportunities;
  • find something you like. If you really like it, you will love it, and this always helps make money. And they are a magnet for girls, and an indicator of your confidence.

Girls love confident guys - an axiom. And not a single century has changed it. So act and remember, my friend, nothing is impossible in the world.

The girl has a bad experience11

A girl who lived in a family where her father treated her mother poorly, on a subconscious level, shuns men. You may be attractive to her outwardly, but she cannot overcome her fears. This can also be applied to girls who have had bad experiences in their own relationships. Perhaps her previous boyfriend was too jealous or aggressive.

But these are not all the reasons why girls don’t want to give.

How not to behave

In order not to get to the point where the girl doesn’t want a relationship, you need to remember the TOP “don’ts”, otherwise you shouldn’t start:

  • don't discuss your exes;
  • don’t fill yourself with value by embellishing your successes, achievements, financial situation - the truth will be revealed, and the girl will leave;
  • don’t push – especially if she was “lucky enough” to have previously been in a relationship with an abuser;
  • don’t demand more than she is ready to give you, everything will come in time;
  • don’t burden yourself with your problems - believe me, she has enough of her own, and she definitely won’t agree to be your mother;
  • don’t burden yourself with everyday life - show that being together is not scary: there is no time to cook - they ordered it at home, cleaning is not a problem yourself, walking the dog is a pleasure;
  • Show your love every day - girls value care more than expensive gifts.
  • and most importantly, if she is next to you, behave like a man, so that later you don’t complain to your friends “my ex-girlfriend doesn’t want me.” Girls are very mutual. As you are to them, so they are to you.

What to do if a girl refuses

There is a burning question floating around the Internet from men of all ages: “What to do if you are refused a relationship?” And personally, guys I know have approached me several times with the same questions. One of them even tried to make friends so that I could influence my friend and help him. Alas, she turned out to be adamant, and we still communicate with the young man to this day. Trying to overcome the “friend zone,” he made typical mistakes, which we will talk about a little later.

So, you are rejected and your love is not accepted, which means you have two options - give up or fight on. Now, most likely, you are only thinking about how to get the girl you want.

Stop! It is unwise to go for the battering ram, especially if she does not want to get to know and communicate with you. Don't push, then you will have a chance in the foreseeable future.

When a girl refuses, you cannot remind her of your feelings, and also send dozens of messages every day. It’s better to stop paying attention to the young lady altogether and asking when she will be ready. This is a sure step to nowhere.

If your beloved refuses to meet, you can take a wait-and-see approach and try to turn the tide of events in your favor, and then easily make the girl fall in love with you.

Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Make friendly contacts. Friends have a great influence on our lives, as well as our opinions on a variety of issues. Therefore, first of all, you should make friends with the girl’s environment. If she has brothers or male friends, this is a great opportunity, start getting closer through them. Having heard several times from friends that you are an interesting conversationalist and a worthy man, the girl will think about it. Jealousy will also work perfectly. If one of your friends is seriously interested in you, the girl will feel dissatisfied. She will try to win your affection and may want to start a relationship.
  • Be patient. It's hard to wait, especially when the prospects are unclear. Let the situation develop gradually, do not go ahead. If your beloved says that she is not ready for a serious and permanent relationship, offer her free meetings for a pleasant pastime. Let her think that she doesn’t owe anything, just like you don’t owe her anything. Be active unobtrusively, wait for a response. Over time, your meetings will become constant or stop altogether. In any case, this is a chance to get to know each other before trying to build a serious relationship.
  • Set deadlines. No matter how persistent you are, all these techniques and strategies do not always work. Therefore, decide right away how long you are willing to wait? A month, six months, maybe a year? The game of "Cat and Mouse" can last forever, and you will suffer the most. All the conditions have been met, the company has become common, and now your best friend is not giving you a pass? If you did everything right, didn’t impose or pursue, but were in the girl’s field of vision, then it’s time to reap the benefits. Either you were able to interest her and win her over, or it wasn’t fate. Then all that remains is to let go of your beloved and go in search of the right person who will appreciate you.

How to get a girl who doesn't want a relationship in 5 steps

Initially, you need to understand whether the girl likes you or not. Read about signs of sympathy here. But even if everything is bad and she doesn’t pay attention to you, the situation is not hopeless! But is it worth your effort?

Success depends entirely on the preparation done. Without it, you will inevitably fail. (Confucius)

  • Step #1. First you need to find out the reason why nothing works for you.

We put forward a theory why she wouldn't want to be together. There is always a logical explanation, but you need to understand that sometimes they themselves cannot give a clear answer.

  • Step #2. Next, think over an action plan and identify the goal you need to achieve.

You must set a specific goal, for example: a kiss. And move and act based on the position: will it bring you closer to the goal or not.

  • Step #3. Make it clear that you are serious and determined (so that it is noticeable from the outside).

All her girlfriends and friends should understand that you are courting her, this will prove that you are not afraid to show off your feelings (they love this kind of thing).

  • Step #4. Make attempts from less significant (going to the cinema) to larger-scale (a serenade under the window).

Always increase the pressure; if one approach does not work, you need to use a heavier arsenal.

  • Step #5. You should continue until you start dating or the goal is fulfilled, or until you hate each other.

The essence of the method is: “Either yes, or total no.” If you haven’t achieved your goal, then you’ve tried everything and now it’s no longer possible to achieve it. Only in such a final will you feel like a winner, regardless of whether you got the girl or not.

I guarantee you, if a girl doesn’t want a serious relationship, then by acting according to this scheme, you will completely change her opinion, or yours!

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