Structure of the thalamus
Thalamus as a converter of impulses into information
Like any other organ of the brain, the thalamus has an extremely important and indispensable function for
Intellan reviews
"Intellan": reviews from doctors, instructions for use
So, today we will try to figure out with you what kind of reviews “Intellan” earns from customers and doctors.
Discirculatory encephalopathy: causes, symptoms, diagnosis
Classification of discirculatory encephalopathy ICD 10 Group “I60-69” collected cerebrovascular diseases. Tenth International Classification of Diseases
The insidiousness of schizophrenia in children, its symptoms and signs
Schizophrenia in children is an extremely rare phenomenon. It usually “blooms” during adolescence. Children's
Syringomyelia is one of the most common diseases today, the causes of which are not fully known. Its essence lies in damage to the spinal cord due to an increase in fluid in the body. This article identifies symptoms and treatments
Syringomyelia - symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment
The term syringomyelia is a collective term that includes various conditions that are characterized by damage to the spinal cord.
Microcephaly. Do people survive with this pathology, and what is their life expectancy?
Microcephaly is a congenital anomaly, which is characterized by a significant decrease in the size of the brain (and due to
Strong headache
Why is a study of the blood vessels of the brain and neck performed?
Magnetic resonance imaging combines high information content, safety and non-invasiveness. MRI of cerebral vessels
How to learn hypnosis on your own: is it possible to master the technique?
Hypnotization is a process of influencing consciousness and psyche. A person in a state of hypnosis is capable of flawlessly
victim psychology
Victim syndrome: causes, signs, treatment and diagnosis, prognosis
You constantly feel like you have no control over situations or that other people are trying to get you
Delusional reality: signs and symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia
Paranoid schizophrenia is recognized as the most common form of this disorder. Moreover, the term “paranoid” is used in everyday life
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