CSF cytosis in meningitis
Comprehensive study of cerebrospinal fluid in bacterial purulent meningitis
Analysis of cerebrospinal fluid allows not only to confirm the diagnosis, but also to differentiate purulent and
conflicts in interpersonal relationships
Interpersonal conflict: an example. types of conflicts. ways to resolve interpersonal conflicts
Conflict in interpersonal relationships is a confrontation between rivals or groups of people when what happens
Intracerebral tumors (a type of brain tumor)
Hemangioma is a common benign tumor of vascular tissue. Outwardly it resembles a formation of bright crimson or red color,
Is a brain cyst always a dangerous diagnosis?
Cysts of the pineal gland (epiphysis) are common, asymptomatic, and in most cases are accidental
Disorders of the venous circulation of the brain
Disorders of venous circulation of the brain Classification. The following chronic and acute variants of venous dysfunction are distinguished:
Brain Upload
Modafinil - is it so effective and is it possible to buy a “smart” nootropic in Russia?
Under the mysterious name “Smart drugs” hide neurometabolic stimulants, also known as nootropics.
Bernhardt-Roth disease (neuropathy of the external cutaneous nerve of the thigh, Roth-Bernhardt disease, neuropathy of the lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh, meralgia paresthetica, Roth disease)
General description Bernhardt-Roth disease (neuropathy of the external cutaneous nerve of the thigh) (G57.1) is an injury to the external
Aspirin-induced bronchial asthma and leukotriene antagonists
36.6 is not a constant body temperature of a healthy person, if you monitor it over a period of time
POLYMAG-01 in the treatment of patients with neurovascular syndrome due to dorsopathy of the lumbar spine
Osteochondrosis is a chronic degenerative dystrophic disease in which gradual destruction of cartilage tissue occurs
Stunned state
Chapter 7. Disturbances of consciousness (somnolence, stupor and coma)
The state of stupefaction is a pathological state of the psyche, among the symptoms of which are increased emotional sensitivity
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