What to do if you have a headache from a hangover: useful life hacks and effective methods

A drunken state throws the body out of balance: the functioning of key systems and organs is disrupted, and there is an explanation for this - alcoholic drinks, when broken down, release a huge amount of toxic substances. Toxins interfere with oxygen saturation in the blood and impair the functioning of the cardiovascular system, liver, and brain. One of the symptoms of binge drinking is severe headaches, especially in the temples.

Sometimes a hangover is inevitable, but it can be overcome.

Still from the film “The Hangover 2 From Vegas to Bangkok”

Drank too much last night and don't know what to do if you have a headache from a hangover? Try not to make sudden movements, sit down, calm down and carefully read our recommendations on how to avoid unpleasant consequences after a violent drinking session.

Believe me, this is exactly what you need now.

Why does a hangover give you a headache?

Severe morning headaches after alcoholic parties are usually associated with dehydration. Due to lack of moisture, blood pressure rises, causing blood flow to the brain to decrease. After this, the brain shrinks a little, and the head itself splits and does not allow you to stand straight on your feet.

You've probably noticed that after two or three glasses of beer you definitely go to the toilet several times. This happens because the body tries to remove alcohol breakdown products from your body as quickly as possible. This is precisely what leads to dehydration, and with it the loss of beneficial vitamins, minerals and electrolytes.

Restore your water balance

Everything here is quite obvious and simple. If alcohol causes dehydration, then water prevents this dehydration. Of course, it is best to drink clean water while drinking so as not to subject your body to stress later. For example, half a liter of water after half a liter of beer.

However, if it’s too late to talk about this, get out of bed and try to start reviving yourself with plenty of water. Just don’t overdo it and pour a five-liter bottle into yourself, otherwise you might drink too much and only worsen your already fragile condition.


  1. Starshenbaum Gennady Vladimirovich. Addictology: psychology and psychotherapy of addictions / Publisher: Cogito-Center / Year of publication: 2006 / Number of pages: 367
  2. Roshchupkina T.N. Clinical manifestations of alcoholic encephalopathy of paroxysmal states of alcoholic origin / Journal “International Reviews: Clinical Practice and Health” / year of publication: 2019
  3. Zinovieva O.E., Emelyanova A.Yu. Neurological manifestations of alcoholic illness: the role of B vitamins in treatment / Journal Consilium Medicum / 2016
  4. Razvodovsky Yuri Evgenievich. Narcology / Publisher: LAP LAMBERT Acad. Publ. / Year of publication: 2013, Number of pages: 136

Eat something

Despite the fact that very often after a hangover you want to eat something fatty and harmful, it is advisable not to do so. It is best to find some light products and start recovery with them.

The thing is that when fighting a hangover, your body works hard, so overloading your digestive system with fries, nuggets and burgers is not a good idea.

Take some fruit, drink some broth, eat porridge, light yogurt, vegetable salad and stuff like that. This way you will start the digestive processes without much fanaticism and with benefit for the body.

Go for a walk

One of the important components of recovery from drinking is fresh air and some moderate exercise. This healing combination will help speed up your blood, which will lead to a more effective fight against the toxic breakdown products of ethanol.

It is important to remember that physical activity with a hangover should not be particularly intense. In this state, you shouldn’t run to the gym and lift barbells and dumbbells. In addition, there is no need to go to the bathhouse and actively warm up at high temperatures.

As we have already mentioned, the body works under such conditions, including the cardiovascular system. It’s better to just go outside, take a quiet walk in the park and listen to some calming music or a humorous podcast on your headphones.

How severe can alcohol poisoning be?

It all depends on the severity of the poisoning. Depending on the ethyl alcohol content, the following degrees of alcohol poisoning are differentiated:

  • A mild degree that occurs when the concentration of ethanol in the blood is no more than 1 ‰ (ppm is 1 thousandth of something or 1 tenth of a percent (‰ = 1⁄1000 = 0.1% = 0.001). This degree of intoxication is accompanied by moderate disturbances of autonomic function in in the form of facial flushing, increased breathing, tachycardia, as well as fine motor disorders.These manifestations do not require special medical intervention and go away on their own after a few hours of sleep.
  • The average degree is observed at an alcohol concentration of 1 to 2.5 ‰. With a hangover, nausea, vomiting, pallor or cyanosis of the skin, severe shortness of breath and tachycardia, and possible arrhythmia often develop. In this condition, urgent detoxification is required by a drug treatment team called to the home. Hospitalization for moderate alcohol poisoning is not provided.
  • Severe degree - ethanol content exceeds 2.5‰, sometimes reaching very high levels requiring resuscitation measures. Accompanied by depression of consciousness, misunderstanding of speech, change in skin color, vomiting, salivation (hypersalivation) and even coma. Convulsions, epileptic seizures, respiratory and cardiovascular disorders that are life-threatening may occur.

The state of severe intoxication can only be relieved in a hospital setting.

Take a painkiller

If you feel like your head is pounding too much from the effects of a stormy night, you can take a painkiller. However, remember that in this way you expose your liver and stomach to additional stress. Therefore, if you can be patient, it is better to do so.

In addition, there is no need to increase the dosage of pain medication. Just drink as much as you would normally drink in similar situations.

It is also worth warning you that doctors do not recommend taking paracetamol as a pain reliever after a hangover, because it can cause irreversible changes in the liver.

Better not get a hangover

Despite the fact that many people are accustomed to treating a hangover with more doses of alcohol, it is advisable never to do this.

After a morning drink or a bottle of beer, the symptoms of a stormy night can really disappear overnight, but in this way you only postpone the upcoming hangover, which may turn out to be much worse than what you are experiencing now.

Plus, new portions of alcohol after epic drinking sessions can lead you to binge drinking, and then it’s not far from alcoholism.


In order to get rid of a hangover, Polysorb must be used for two days. It is necessary to calculate the dose based on the weight and age of the person suffering from a hangover. Treatment should be accompanied by drinking plenty of fluids. Prudent people can make their morning after a feast easier in advance, because Polysorb is an effective hangover preventative. You just need to take it in advance.

Why does a hangover get worse with age?

Surely you noticed that at the age of 20, alcohol was less harmful to health, and a hangover seemed like some kind of incomprehensible and greatly exaggerated phenomenon. However, over time, you began to realize that you can no longer drink without consequences for your body, and this is most likely due to the fact that you are getting old.

Unfortunately, that's the way it is. After 30 years, the concentration of enzymes responsible for the breakdown of ethanol breakdown products in our body decreases, metabolism slows down, and the amount of fluid in the body decreases.

Moreover, our cells are no longer restored as quickly, and the immune system becomes weaker. Therefore, the hangover becomes more severe and painful.

Not long ago, a group of British researchers from the Redemption organization managed to identify the age at which a hangover is most severe. It turned out that it was 29 years old.

Moreover, this does not mean that after 29 years the hangover will go away much easier. The whole point is that at this age many people still have the habit of partying and getting drunk the way they used to do in their youth. However, their body is simply no longer capable of this.

In the future, they simply understand that a hangover is a merciless thing and try to drink more moderately, controlling themselves at parties. However, of course, this does not apply to everyone.

Effective remedies to combat hangover syndrome

Traditional medicine offers many options for what to do with a hangover. The following methods are suitable for helping yourself at home with a minor hangover.

Vitamin C is good for hangovers

Vitamin C strengthens the immune system, binds toxins and promotes their rapid elimination from the body. To do this, it is advisable to drink water with lemon and lime juice, as well as herbal teas with a slice of lemon.

Water for a hangover

Drinking plenty of fluids helps stimulate blood circulation, normalize peristalsis and flush toxins from the body. Relieving a hangover requires using large amounts of clean filtered water.

Brine - the old-fashioned way

Brine really helps with hangovers due to the salts and dill essential oil it contains. These substances normalize the water-salt balance in the body and restore osmotic pressure in the blood. After vodka, you can use brine, clean water with lemon and soothing herbal teas.


Herbal teas have a beneficial effect on all body functions. Ginger tea with lemon, decoctions of motherwort, linden, rose hips, sea buckthorn and other herbs are very effective.

Natural juices

Fruit juices contain fructose, which speeds up the elimination of toxins from the body. Carrot and celery juice normalizes liver function, improves immunity and stimulates appetite.


Oatmeal with milk coats the walls of the stomach and has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract. Fiber, which is part of cereals, helps remove toxins from the body.

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How should I drink without getting a hangover?

If you don’t want to give up drinking completely, but suffering in the morning is also not your option, you can try to approach your drinking more wisely next time.

To do this, be sure to watch what kind of alcohol you drink. It should not be bought in dubious places, bottled in a five-liter plastic canister and cost suspiciously cheap. Otherwise, you have every chance of getting poisoned by this swill and waking up in the morning in an extremely sad state.

In addition, try to have a snack while drinking, drink a lot of water, take significant breaks between shots or glasses, do not mix drinks and simply get drunk less.

Then you have every chance of waking up in the morning with a clear head and the most unobtrusive reminder that you drank alcohol yesterday.

  • Author: Dmitry Petrosyants

The effect of anti-hangover drugs

Anti-hangover pills, the list of which is presented below, activate the removal of ethanol breakdown products from the body's cells, relieving signs of intoxication.

The effect of pharmacological agents on the body:

  • cleansing all internal organs from toxic substances of ethyl alcohol;
  • maintaining an optimal level of moisture and salt balance;
  • relief of headaches;
  • elimination of increased dryness in the oral cavity;
  • increasing tone and activity, getting rid of fatigue.

Pharmacological hangover remedies can be taken both before drinking a strong drink and in the morning, when unpleasant symptoms appear. The method of using the medicine is indicated in the manufacturer's information.

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