Spring asthenia in children and adolescents. Prevention and rehabilitation.

In everyday life, a person performs a number of actions aimed at ensuring daily activities in the cultural, public and social sphere. So during the day a person spends a lot of physical effort. As a result, fatigue sets in, which is cured by resting for a short time. However, if such fatigue occurs for no reason and accompanies a person constantly, even after a long rest, then you should think about visiting a qualified specialist. Perhaps these are the first signs of a serious disease in the human body.

So, chronic fatigue syndrome is a disease that is not associated with a person’s physical activity, is not associated with his daily activities, has nothing to do with seasonal changes, but causes a person to constantly feel tired and overworked. As a result, an able-bodied person experiences a breakdown.

In practice, using a statistical method, it has been proven that about 90% of this disease occurs in densely populated cities and is associated with human psycho-emotional activity. This disease affects people aged 25-45 years. Most people get sick in countries such as the USA and Australia. Thus, in the US state of Nevada, about 200 cases were recorded in 1984. Women get sick more often than men by 80%. The name of the disease has been established since 1988.

Disease prevention

After specialists identified this disease, an appropriate set of measures was developed to prevent it. A person can live with chronic fatigue syndrome for months or years. It occurs in people of different age groups from teenagers to adults.

To prevent this disease, you need to adhere to certain medical recommendations and use medications that enhance immunity. In a separate case, it is worth focusing on the prevention of disease in children.

The following reasons can lead to this disease:

  • Incorrect work schedule for the child.
  • Difficult school curriculum.
  • Lots of homework.
  • Constantly spending time watching TV or computer.
  • Difficult relationships with other people.

As a rule, the disease chronic fatigue syndrome occurs in children aged 6-7 years, 11-14 years. The occurrence and development of this disease may be indicated by the following symptoms (strong manifestation in the afternoon):

  • Moodiness.
  • Constant crying.
  • Fidget.
  • Superficial sleep.
  • Anxiety.
  • Headache.
  • Dependence on weather conditions.
  • Loss of concentration.


The most convenient child for parents. He doesn’t play pranks, doesn’t get sick, doesn’t demand attention. A closed, silent, unemotional and at the same time very smart, smart kid who can play with himself for hours.

It’s easy to spot such a child at children’s parties or parties; they are always next to their parents, silently watching other children. If they still manage to get them into the general circle, they feel uncomfortable, and this is not a matter of low self-esteem; schizoids have everything in order with their self-esteem, they are simply not interested...

Such children feel comfortable in the circle of adults, they can listen to their stories for a long time, and moreover, they prefer communication with themselves. They are not bored alone; they can spend hours looking at books, constructing something, assembling and disassembling, and drawing.

Often such children have high intelligence, they like to study, and they do it with pleasure, at the same time, in everyday life they are very absent-minded and poorly adapted, for them the main thing is their world, what happens in it, the reality around them little concern, they often “have their head in the clouds.”

The task of parents : try to understand and accept their child, help him learn to communicate with other people. Fascinated by the high mental capabilities of their child, parents often begin to develop this trait even more and do not pay any attention to difficulties in communication or, on the contrary, try to make a speaker out of the child. Both lead to a misalignment of needs, which later manifests itself in difficulties in communication. Such people often become losers, not understood and not accepted in society.

Constant overwork

In some cases, it is necessary to involve a qualified specialist to carry out psychological correction of the child’s activities. This will minimize psychological risks. And it will speed up the child’s recovery.

According to the information presented, in order to prevent the causes of this disease, you must adhere to the following recommendations from specialists:

  1. Control of the daily routine.
    The work schedule of a child and an adult must be balanced. You need to spend more time outdoors, alternate between work and sleep.
  2. Control of bad habits.
    If a person has a tendency to drink alcohol and smoke tobacco, then he should limit himself in many ways. Children should be limited from drinking energy drinks.
  3. Control of physical activity.
    Optimal physical activity will help cope with this disease.
  4. A change of scenery.
    Sometimes, in order to get back to normal, you need to change your environment. Visit various public places, parks and squares.
  5. Power control.
    To eliminate the etymology of the disease, a balanced diet with a vitamin complex will help.

Causes of the disease

Fortunately, people are not born with this disease. It is acquired throughout life. It does not depend on the will of a person, but is acquired as a result of a person’s professional activity. Therefore, let’s move on to consider the main causes of this disease.

Main reasons:

  1. Wrong lifestyle.
    Occurs as a result of prolonged consumption of drinks and items prohibited for consumption. This also includes lack of sleep, improper working hours, mental and physical fatigue, lack of air and sun, as well as a person’s sedentary lifestyle.
  2. Psychological fatigue.
    Sometimes, as a result of psychological fatigue, various emotional disorders occur. The result is obsessive fears, depression, depression, and anxiety.
  3. Chronic diseases.
    In this case, the disease is a consequence or accompanies a more serious disease. The result is not only exhaustion of the body, but also a weakening of the immune system.
  4. Wrong diet.
    This disease occurs when a person eats low-quality foods as a result of overeating and undereating.
  5. Level of environmental safety.
    A poor level of environmental safety not only has a negative impact on human health, but also on his psycho-emotional state.
  6. Various viruses.
    Various viruses and herpes viral infections can affect normal functioning and the occurrence of disease.


Such a child is like a little sun. From the very first days he illuminates his little world with a smile and laughter. He constantly shares his joy of entering this world. He has a wonderful appetite and a good mood; while eating, such a child will chat, ask questions, and also experiment with food: with the way it is consumed, combining foods, and the appearance of foods.

The main feature of cyclometics is high self-esteem, self-esteem, and a great desire to get to know the world, people, and experiment, which is why the words “I myself!” for such kids are the norm. These are fearless travelers, they are easy to spot on the playground: they will never sit near their parents, they are brave and active! It is easy to be friends with such kids: they express their emotions and are sensitive to others.

Sometimes adults think that this is, in their opinion, an excessive reaction to certain events, but for a child, cyclometics is the norm. Such children do not know how to be offended for a long time, do not withdraw into themselves, and in most cases they are in a good mood. They know how to share, and do it with pleasure, but not to their detriment.

The task of parents : not to limit the child, not to try to shame him or break his will. Set rules and boundaries only through explanations and conversation, and not because “Parents know best” or “Parents are always right.” If parents do not try to come to an agreement with the child, explain why it is necessary to do this and not another, they break the child’s will by force, this often leads to neuroticism, which is expressed in protest when the child does everything the opposite, or when isolation and apathy appear .

A flow of fresh impressions and emotions is very important to a cyclometic child; the monotony of games and the same type of pastime makes him bored, and then the baby begins to act out home performances based on the manipulation of the emotions of others. The difficulty for such kids is that it is difficult for them to concentrate and finish things, in addition, the category of time and money for cyclometics is also blurred. They may be late, not have time to do something, and easily spend money. Therefore, the task of parents is to gently help structure time and order.

Symptoms of the disease

Before conducting a diagnosis and contacting the appropriate specialist, you need to establish some of the features of this disease yourself, which will inevitably be expressed in the manifestation of various symptoms, which should include:

  • The occurrence of insomnia (sensitive, superficial sleep).
  • The appearance of an obsessive feeling of fear (anxiety, restlessness).
  • The occurrence of headaches and migraines.
  • The appearance of pulsation at the temples.
  • Overfatigue of the human nervous system.
  • Decreased memory and concentration.
  • Persistent weakness (apathy).
  • The appearance of psycho-emotional disorders.
  • The occurrence of depression.
  • Painful symptoms in the muscles, three arms.
  • General decrease in immunity.
  • Manifestation of previously acquired chronic diseases.

Symptoms of asthenia

Speaking about asthenia in simple terms, we can say that it is constant weakness and fatigue. Fatigue is considered the main symptom of asthenia. But do not confuse the symptoms of asthenia with ordinary fatigue. We talk about the disease only in those cases when the feeling of fatigue does not leave a person for quite a long time, this can be several months. And usually there is no reason for such fatigue.

Symptoms of asthenia develop quite sharply and suddenly for a person. Sometimes they appear on the threshold of some disease or infection. The feeling of constant fatigue and overwork that occurs with various diseases is much more pronounced if the patient begins to develop asthenia. With symptoms of asthenia, fatigue sets in very quickly in a person, and it takes much longer than usual to restore strength.

At first glance, the symptoms of asthenia strongly resemble those of the flu. Those. it is also characterized by the following manifestations: an increase in body temperature to 38-40°C, increased sensitivity and enlargement of the cervical lymph nodes, the appearance of pain in the muscles and joints, diarrhea. A sharp decrease in appetite, or its absence at all, is also a symptom of asthenia.

Such symptoms are not typical for all cases of asthenia, but if there are at least five of them, appearing simultaneously and lasting for two weeks or more, it indicates that you should consult a doctor.

Now let's look at those symptoms of asthenia that cannot be attributed to any other disease. We are talking, first of all, about increased sensitivity to sounds and light. From bright sunlight, a person’s eyes immediately begin to hurt, and from very low sounds, pain can appear in the ears. Some patients with anemia may experience increased sensitivity to tactile contact(s).

Diagnosis of the disease

After establishing the above symptoms. It is best to contact a specialist. He will conduct an appropriate examination of the patient and make the correct diagnosis. Depending on the etymology of the disease, the diagnosis can be made by the following specialists:

  1. Neuropathologist.
    It will help when the disease is associated with stress, anxiety and insomnia.
  2. Psychologist.
    This specialist will help when the nervous system is too overworked.
  3. Endocrinologist.
    A concomitant factor of chronic fatigue syndrome may be disruption of the endocrine system.
  4. Immunologist.
    Such a specialist is needed when it is determined that the disease is associated with colds or previous illnesses.
  5. Therapist.
    This is the main specialist who will conduct an external examination of the patient and send him to the appropriate specialist for treatment and a speedy recovery. After all, such a disease is easy to cure at any stage.

The specialist makes a diagnosis only after a thorough examination of the patient. After this, the doctor makes the following management decisions:

  1. Refer the patient to a specialist (neurologist, psychologist, endocrinologist, immunologist).
  2. Refer the patient for clinical tests (blood, urine).
  3. Refer the patient to donate blood hormones.

Symptoms of asthenoneurotic syndrome in children

The main symptoms of asthenoneurotic syndrome in children:

  • lethargy, drowsiness;
  • fatigue;
  • decreased performance;
  • poor schooling;
  • irritability, excitability up to hysterics;
  • headache.

Speaking about the development of asthenoneurotic syndrome in children, it is very important to assess the psycho-emotional state of the child. A child may develop symptoms of asthenoneurotic syndrome in the event of psychological discomfort, psycho-emotional stress, and the presence of situational neurotic and stressful situations.

In preschool children, stressful situations and discomfort may arise due to intrafamily problems or problems in kindergarten. Perhaps the child has some kind of conflict with another child or children in the children's institution, perhaps the teacher in the group causes negativism in the child. It happens that a certain situation arose in kindergarten, after which the child develops asthenoneurotic syndrome. And we must not forget that children also experience depression. Of course, much less often than in adults, but they do happen.

In school-age children, in addition to psycho-emotional problems at home, various stressful situations may be identified at school or in other institutions (sections, clubs, etc.) that the child attends.

Treatment options

Since 1988, specialists have developed a number of techniques that allow effective treatment of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. The following treatment options are used for this:


(treatment at home). A disease such as chronic fatigue syndrome can be treated at home using various effective methods and methods:

  • Diet.
    So, to treat this disease, choosing and creating a specialized diet is suitable. In other words, a person himself must correctly balance his diet with the content of various microelements. The diet must include various types of teas, carbonated drinks, coffee and alcohol. The best juice to use is grape juice. Salted fish should be eaten no more than once a week.
  • Normal sleep.
    To normalize circadian rhythms, you must have normal sleep. To do this, you need to create a correct daily routine (work, rest).
  • Taking baths.
    This disease is easily treated by taking warm baths. The temperature in the bath should be 38 degrees. The duration of the procedure is no more than 30 minutes. The heart area should not be submerged in water.
  • Physical exercise.
    For a speedy recovery, various walks will be required.
  • Psychological therapy.
    If you involve a qualified specialist, he can carry out psychological correction of the person.
  • Ethnoscience.
    Now there are many traditional recipes for the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome. In this case, using tinctures of ginger and cinnamon will help.

Spring asthenia in children and adolescents. Prevention and rehabilitation.

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What is asthenia?

Asthenia or asthenic syndrome is a painful condition characterized by increased fatigue, depletion of vitality and energy resources.

Asthenia manifests itself:

  • irritability;
  • weakness;
  • increased excitability;
  • frequent mood swings;
  • tearfulness;
  • sleep disorders;
  • often intolerance to bright light, strong smells and sounds;
  • disorders of the autonomic nervous system.

In relation to schoolchildren, the dominant symptom is a significant decrease in the ability to endure prolonged mental stress.

The above symptoms increase gradually. At the initial stage, increased fatigue appears, later irritability, impatience, and mood swings.

The main link in the pathological process is the overload of the reticular activating system in the brain. This system is an extensive network of neurons responsible for managing all the energy resources of the body. The reticular activating system controls the coordination and strength of movements, endocrine regulation, as well as all mental processes without exception, including memory, attention, emotions and behavior.

In patients with asthenia, overload of the reticular activating system manifests itself in the form of extinction of physical and intellectual activity.

The main causes of spring asthenia:

  • A long period of deficiency of natural insolation in the autumn-winter season, extension of daylight hours by artificial lighting. The consequences of the influence of these factors are disruption of biological rhythms, in particular the sleep/wake continuum.
  • Fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, temperature and humidity. “Meteor dependent children” who have a history of injuries to the central nervous system, including birth, are especially susceptible to the influence of natural factors.
  • What matters is a long period of restriction of physical activity in the cold season, a long stay in heated rooms - cells, including the cells of the central nervous system, do not receive enough oxygen, which leads to a slowdown in the speed of mental processes.
  • An important factor is overwork during the school year, as well as final tests and exams, which drain energy resources.
  • The development of asthenia is influenced by psychological trauma - conflicts in the family and school, excessive workload in the learning process and in additional classes, excessive demands on the child.
  • An unconditional and very often decisive factor is an imbalance of nutrition - a deficiency of high-quality proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

General principles of prevention and rehabilitation of spring asthenia

  • It is necessary to maintain a sleep schedule - children should sleep at least 8-9 hours. In the daily routine of first grade students and frequently ill children, a daytime nap lasting at least 1 hour is recommended;
  • In the spring, it is advisable to reduce intellectual stress, eliminate or minimize additional classes;
  • Primary school children should study in the first shift. Homework should begin no earlier than 15-16 hours. The duration of homework should not exceed: from 2nd to 3rd grade – 1.5 hours; from 4th to 5th grade – 2 hours; from 6th to 8th grade – 2.5 hours; from 9th to 11th grade – 3.5 hours. In 1st grade, homework should be eliminated;
  • Daily walks in the fresh air and outdoor games are required. Physical education classes are recommended for schoolchildren of all ages;
  • Watching television programs, computer and cell phone use should be limited, especially before bedtime;
  • And most importantly, it is necessary to provide a complete, balanced diet of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals - at least 4-5 times a day.

Data obtained as a result of numerous scientific studies indicate that traditional food products are not able to meet the needs of the child’s body for the necessary nutritional components.

  • The deficiency of vital nutrients is primarily due to environmental reasons - soil depletion due to the use of artificial fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and growth stimulants;
  • Changes in food production technologies - the use of preservatives, taste, smell, color improvers, gelling agents;
  • Lack of food quality control by government agencies.

— protein consumption decreased by 1.5 – 1.7 times;

— vegetable fiber 2.5 – 3.0 times;

— carbohydrate consumption increased 4 times above normal.

In the food of modern humans, there is a significant deficiency of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, including minerals that play a key role in the metabolic processes of the brain - magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus.


  • Magnesium plays a vital role in ensuring metabolism in nervous tissue. Magnesium is necessary for the breakdown of glucose, the most important nutrient substrate for the brain;
  • Magnesium, like potassium, is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses. Its sufficient concentration is an indispensable condition for ensuring synaptic plasticity in brain tissue (see the article “Depression... Life in a colorless world”). In addition, magnesium promotes the absorption of calcium and phosphorus.

Magnesium deficiency in brain tissue may be the only cause of the development of asthenic syndrome!

Calcium is the most common macronutrient in the brain and performs many functions, the most important of which are:

  • Implementation of nerve conduction;
  • Formation of nervous tissue;
  • Supports a stable level of metabolism in the brain.


  • Iron, as a coenzyme, is involved in the synthesis of serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine - neurotransmitters of mood and positive emotions;
  • Iron also plays an important role in enzymes that convert dietary fats into phospholipids with the participation of phosphorus. This quality is extremely important because... the brain consists primarily of phospholipids.


  • The main element in the construction and renewal of the structure of phospholipid nerve cells.

Neurotropic heavy/toxic metals – cadmium, lead, mercury – have an undeniable influence on the development of asthenia.

To eliminate existing deficiencies, increase the bioavailability of nutrients, and increase the nutritional value of foods, dietary supplements and specialized food products should be included in the daily diet along with traditional food products.

Specific prevention program and rehabilitation of asthenic syndrome

Purpose of the program:

  • cleansing the body of toxins;
  • restoration of impaired metabolic processes in the central nervous system;
  • replenishment of missing elements of a healthy diet with the help of specialized products and dietary supplements.

Based on the assessment of medical and biological value, it is recommended to include the following basic products in nutrient support schemes:


The use of entero-, donor sorbents and ion exchangers based on the natural mineral zeolite allows you to cleanse the body of toxins and replenish the deficiency of macro- and microelements, including magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and iron.

The basis of "Litovit" is zeolite - aluminosilicate of sedimentary-volcanic origin with a strong crystal lattice. The lattice is formed by compounds of silicon and aluminum oxides. Silicon, oxygen and aluminum are bound into a framework in the form of tetrahedrons, which, in turn, distributed in space, form a branched system of cavities, channels and “entry holes”. The dimensions of the “entry holes” are verified with mathematical precision and never exceed 6 angstroms. This property of the mineral creates a unique sorption mechanism that selectively absorbs molecules of a strictly defined size. Zeolite effectively absorbs chemical toxins and, at the same time, is completely incapable of sorption of molecules exceeding the size of the “entry holes” (vitamins, proteins, amino acids, fats, carbohydrates, enzymes...). Everything nutritionally valuable remains in the body.

Zeolite contains a full range of macro- and microelements that the body may need. In this case, all elements are attached to the crystal lattice by unstable bonds and, if necessary, are detached from the mineral lattice and actively enter into ion exchange, as a result of which a redistribution of macro- and microelements occurs - the excess ones are bound by zeolite, and the deficient ones enter the body.


“Litosport with cranberries” belongs to the category of physiological adaptogens, has stimulating properties, and is an active source of oxygen. The combination of zeolite with cranberries obtained by sublimative dehydration allows for a mild tonic effect that does not cause resource depletion.

Clinical studies have shown that a course of taking the Litosport dietary supplement can increase stress resistance by 14.5% and reduce fatigue by 35%.


Optimal for compensating for the deficiency of a number of vital nutrients are daily diet modifiers - protein composite mixtures of the NovoProtein series - products absolutely balanced in proteins, fats and carbohydrates. An exclusive feature of NovoProtein composite mixtures is the complete elimination of lecithin deficiency, the active substances of which are essential phospholipids, which are extremely necessary for the metabolic processes of the central nervous system. "NovoProtein" also contains polyunsaturated fatty acids of plant origin. Lecithin restores cells, maintains the plasticity of cell membranes, “repairing” them in case of damage.

The lecithin used in NovoProtein is extracted from sunflowers, not soybeans, most of which are genetically modified.

In addition, NovoProtein contains a high-quality whey protein concentrate containing ALL essential amino acids. The second component of NovoProtein is maltodextrin - these are fast carbohydrates that improve metabolic processes in the central nervous system. Stevioside is a glycoside from an extract of plants of the genus Stevia, which has a unique adaptogenic property and minimal calorie content.

The main properties of the mixture of protein composite series “NovoProtein”:

  • increasing immunity and endurance of the body;
  • renewal of the cellular composition of the body and its regeneration;
  • improving brain function;
  • strengthening the nervous system;
  • normalization of cholesterol and blood sugar levels;
  • meeting the daily need for lecithin.

"Vitamin assortment"

To compensate for the deficiency of vitamins and antioxidants, it is recommended to include the Zdravitsa con series in your diet.

“Vitamin Assortment” is a natural vitamin balanced drink to normalize the energy balance in the body. The effectiveness of the drink is determined by the combination of the main active ingredients: dihydroquercetin and zeolite, as well as highly active plant components - rose hips, raspberries, currants and chokeberries. The reference antioxidant, dihydroquercetin, blocks one of the main mechanisms of cell membrane damage – lipid peroxidation.

Functional nutrition program for the prevention and rehabilitation of asthenic syndrome

"Litovit-M" (morning and evening, before or after meals):

15 days 2.5 g (1 teaspoon) – 2 times a day, 5 days break

15 days, 2.5 g (1 teaspoon) - 2 times a day.

Wash down with a mixture of instant drinks “Litovit Bitter Cocktail” (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water) and “Litovit Cowberry” (2 teaspoons per 1 liter of water)

“Vitamin assortment”: Dissolve 2 teaspoons of the drink in a glass of water, take 1-2 glasses a day. Course duration – 1 month.

“NovoProtein” mix 1 portion (30 g or 2 tablespoons) of the dry product with 200 ml of warm water or juice. Drink the prepared drink once a day with meals. Course duration – 1 month

"Litosport with cranberries" - in the morning, "Litosport with beets" – in the evening (before or after meals):

15 days, 5 tablets – 2 times a day, 5 days break,

15 days, 5 tablets – 2 times a day.

Wash down with the instant drink “Litovit Bitter Cocktail” in the indicated dosage (½ teaspoon of granulate per 100-150 ml of filtered water at room temperature).

“Vitamin assortment”: Dissolve 2 teaspoons of the drink in a glass of water, take 1-2 glasses a day. Course duration – 1 month

"Litovit-M" (in the evening, before or after meals):

15 days 2.5 g (1 teaspoon) – 1 time per day, 5 days break

15 days, 2.5 g (1 teaspoon) – 1 time per day.

Wash down with a mixture of instant drinks “Litovit Bitter Cocktail” (1 teaspoons per 1 liter of water) and “Litovit Cowberry” (2 teaspoons per 1 liter of water)

“NovoProtein” mix 1 portion (30 g or 2 tablespoons) of the dry product with 200 ml of warm water or juice. Drink the prepared drink once a day with meals. Course duration – 1 month

"Litosport with cranberries" - in the morning, "Litosport with beets" – in the evening (before or after meals):

15 days, 5 tablets – 2 times a day, 5 days break,

15 days, 5 tablets – 2 times a day.

Wash down with the instant drink “Litovit Bitter Cocktail” in the indicated dosage (½ teaspoon of granulate per 100-150 ml of filtered water at room temperature).

“Vitamin assortment”: Dissolve 2 teaspoons of the drink in a glass of water, take 1-2 glasses a day. Course duration – 1 month

“NovoProtein” mix 1 portion (30 g or 2 tablespoons) of the dry product with 200 ml of warm water or juice. Drink the prepared drink once a day with meals. Course duration – 1 month

"Litosport with cranberries" - in the morning, "Litosport with beets" – in the evening (before or after meals):

15 days, 5 tablets – 2 times a day, 5 days break,

15 days, 5 tablets – 2 times a day.

Wash down with the instant drink “Litovit Bitter Cocktail” in the indicated dosage (½ teaspoon of granulate per 100-150 ml of filtered water at room temperature).

“Vitamin assortment”: Dissolve 2 teaspoons of the drink in a glass of water, take 1-2 glasses a day. Course duration – 1 month

NovoProtein ” Mix 1 portion (30 g or 2 tablespoons) of the dry product with 200 ml of warm water or juice. Drink the prepared drink once a day with meals. Course duration – 1 month

The functional nutrition program should be combined with the implementation of the above general principles of prevention and rehabilitation of spring asthenia.

Drug treatment

In some cases, drug treatment is prescribed. To do this, the appropriate specialist, after making a correct diagnosis, prescribes the following medications:

  1. Medications with sleeping pills and sedatives;
  2. Medicines to stimulate the production of serotonin;
  3. Various vitamin complexes;
  4. Psychotropic drugs (in consultation with a specialist);
  5. Immunological modulators;
  6. Anti-inflammatory drugs (non-steroidal).
  7. Optimized physical activity.

To treat a disease such as chronic fatigue syndrome, the following methods in the field of physical activity are used:

  • Carrying out a massage.
    When performing this procedure, a general relaxation of the muscles in the head and joints occurs. Massage procedures relieve tension, reduce pain, improve blood circulation and muscle saturation.
  • Performing acupuncture.
    A targeted effect on special points that make it possible for a person to relax. This allows you to relieve pain, minimize irritation of the nervous system, and restore the vitality of the body.
  • Performing physical therapy.
    Minor physical activity will help restore the overall tone of the body, as well as improve the energy metabolism of the body's cells.
  • Magnetotherapy.
    A magnetic field can be actively used for treatment. As a result, the endocrine and immune systems are restored.
  • Hydrotherapy.
    Impact on the body of water procedures. This reduces pain. Calms the nerves.
  • Laser therapy.
    A laser system can be used to restore the human body. As a result, the nervous system is stimulated and metabolism improves.

Symptoms of asthenic syndrome

Signs of asthenia can be easily noticeable to people around you. For example, during a conversation, people quickly get tired and ask to stop the conversation or pause. Signs of asthenia at work can manifest themselves in rapid fatigue from performing routine tasks, irritability, a possible increase in tone towards colleagues, and the creation of conflict situations.

Somatic disorders in asthenia syndrome can be varied. Complaints of headache, pain in the heart, stomach and joints. Excessive sweating may occur. Dizziness, nausea, increased blood pressure, palpitations, fainting.

With asthenia syndrome, sleep is often disturbed. At night, patients may not sleep at all; they are distracted by the creaking of the bed, extraneous noises, and the light of the moon. However, during the day, they feel drowsy and try to find a secluded place to rest.

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