Despite the safety measures taken, brain injuries, unfortunately, occur quite often.
The human brain is very lazy. Yes, he has been little studied, he has a lot of untapped abilities, but
The time spent waiting for a baby to be born is the happiest time in any woman’s life. However
Useful articles Just like adults, teenagers can react very actively to stress,
14%* of the world's population suffer from migraine attacks, with an average duration of 18 hours. 68%*
What is hypnosis and the technique of its use Expert opinion Methods for bringing a person out of hypnosis
Now I am the most unhappy person alive. If what I feel is
Oculomotor nerve (n. oculomotorius, III pair of cranial nerves) Motor neurons of the oculomotor nerves (n. oculomotorius, III pair
Formation of self-esteem in a child Low self-esteem of a child makes him very vulnerable and sensitive. Such
1.What is appetite? Appetite is a normal physiological phenomenon of a regular nature, caused by a feeling of hunger.