Institute of Child Neurology and Epilepsy
There are generalized, focal (partial, local) and unclassified seizures (classification of the International League against
Epileptic seizure
Epilepsy: is it possible to die from a sudden attack?
Epilepsy is a chronic brain disease that manifests itself as uncontrollable seizures. They arise due to
Intercostal neuralgia: symptoms and treatment
Trigeminal neuralgia - symptoms and treatment
Pain in the area of ​​the costal arches is a fairly common symptom and intercostal neuralgia is often associated
Ultrasound of the brain: indications, features, interpretation of results, information content
Ultrasound of cerebral vessels is an absolutely painless technique that helps to identify possible pathological
How to relieve trigeminal neuralgia pain with home remedies
October 08, 2021 Trigeminal neuralgia (facial or trigeminal neuralgia) is a disease of the peripheral
Tonic muscle spasms. Classification, causes and treatment. Seizures in children
To begin with, let’s divide all seizures into generalized ones, when the whole body is subject to a convulsive attack, and
Sonographic diagnosis of Arnold-Chiari malformation in the fetus
Hospitalization and treatment under the compulsory medical insurance quota. More details after viewing the pictures. Arnold-Chiari malformation in adults
meaning of the word conformism
What is conformism in simple words, and is it necessary to get rid of it?
Imagine that someone told you deliberately false and even absurd information. For example, that full
Facial paralysis symptoms and treatment
Facial nerve paralysis: how can winter and stress trigger a dangerous illness?
The facial nerve is responsible for the activity of all facial muscles. This nerve provides the ability to express emotions
Azafen (pipofesin) – return to clinical practice
Azafen Azafen (pipofezin) is a drug from the group of tricyclic antidepressants. Prescribed for mild to moderate
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