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- Shakes violently after drinking alcohol: why does this happen?
- Types of alcoholic tremors and methods of relief
- Alcohol tremors: how to prevent
- Symptom relief
- What happens if tremor is not treated?
- Alcohol tremors: treatment
Often a hangover is accompanied by a lot of unpleasant moments: headache, gastrointestinal discomfort, dry mouth, increased blood pressure or temperature, dizziness and general weakness. Sometimes the arms, legs, head, tongue, vocal cords or the whole body shake after drinking alcohol. In the mild stage, symptoms may be almost invisible , with only mild chills and changes in coordination. With moderate severity, the hands move spontaneously in such a way that it is very difficult to hold the object in the hand. In most episodes, pronounced symptoms disappear only after taking another portion of alcohol. So why does your whole body shake after drinking alcohol? And what to do if this happens more and more often? Find out the answers to these questions in the article.
Shakes violently after drinking alcohol: why does this happen?
After a heavy drinking session in the morning, not only the upper limbs may tremble, but also a feeling of severe anxiety may arise - in medicine, such a condition is called tremor.
Alcohol tremors after drinking alcohol-containing drinks are the result of the effect of ethanol on the human body. The oxidation of ethyl alcohol contained in any strong drink saturates the blood and important organs with a dangerous substance - acetaldehyde. Its increased concentration affects both the brain and spinal cord, causing severe poisoning, trembling of the limbs, disorientation in space and hallucinations.
If the tremor is observed in the morning and disappears within 3-4 hours along with other signs of a hangover, then there is no need to worry too much. But if, after drinking alcohol, your whole body shakes and does not disappear throughout the day, while you have a low-grade fever and a splitting headache, then you need to contact a specialist. This condition may be a sign of severe alcohol poisoning or the development of an allergic reaction to the components of an ethanol-containing drink.
In addition to frequent drinking or binge drinking, a one-time intake of ethyl alcohol, contained in all alcoholic beverages, can also be a factor in the occurrence of tremor. This happens due to a person’s lack of habit of drinking alcohol, which leads to large tremors of a larger muscle group and a feeling of anxiety. Also, tremors and chills can occur not only due to drinking alcohol, but also due to severe fatigue, poisoning, Parkinson's disease or hypothermia. It is important to remember that drinking alcohol in these situations will only worsen an already deplorable situation.
The cause of hand tremors can be identified based on the results of a comprehensive examination. At the initial stage, a neurologist correlates clinical symptoms with diagnostic criteria and makes a preliminary conclusion, but it is almost impossible to determine the source of disorders without additional research. For trembling hyperkinesis, the following procedures are recommended:
- Laboratory tests.
To exclude endocrine diseases, a spectrum of hormones (thyroid, corticosteroids, insulin) is examined. In a biochemical blood test, renal tests (urea, creatinine), acute phase indicators, and ceruloplasmin concentration are assessed. Toxicological examination helps to identify harmful substances; in case of neuroinfections, serological diagnostics and cerebrospinal fluid analysis are performed. - Tomography.
Signs of focal or diffuse damage to the central nervous system are an indication for performing a CT or MRI of the brain. Neuroimaging methods are used to diagnose tumors, hematomas, and strokes. In hereditary diseases, cerebellar atrophy and demyelination of the white matter are determined. PET-CT indicates the localization of functional disorders. Vascular involvement is confirmed by MR angiography. - Tremorography.
To assess the activity of antagonist muscles, tremorography with accelerometric or electromyographic recording methods is used. According to EMG data, the frequency and pattern of contractions, the influence of cognitive load are determined, and the presence of a central oscillator is assumed. A neuromuscular conduction block indicates the presence of neuropathy.
Some authors propose to study the time-frequency properties of EEG signals to diagnose the early stages of Parkinson's disease. In case of endocrine pathology, ultrasound of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands is prescribed; displacement of the midline structures during volumetric processes can be seen using echoencephalography. The doctor has to differentiate between various diseases accompanied by tremor, and distinguish it from other hyperkinesis.
Types of alcoholic tremors and methods of relief
The breakdown products of alcoholic beverages contribute to the production and accumulation in the bloodstream of a specific protein - cryoglobulin, which disrupts the interaction of neurons and gamma efferents responsible for transmitting impulses from muscles to the brain and back. At body temperatures below 37 degrees, cryobulins coagulate, forming a sediment in the blood. Against the background of vascular contamination, the nervous system refuses to fully control the body, which is why slight tremors and retardation of movements begin. To get rid of it, it is necessary to detoxify the body, restore the functions of the gastrointestinal tract and proper rest.
Tremor of the limbs is divided into several types:
- Large trembling of the upper extremities. If only alcoholic hand tremors are noted, which does not allow you to bring a spoon to your mouth, therefore, the body experiences an acute lack of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that ensures the transmission of signals between neurons. Getting rid of such tremor is not difficult: you need to provide the body with pleasure. This could be eating strawberries, bananas, chocolate and seafood, playing sports, active sex - the main thing is that the body is comfortable and cozy. In addition to the above, you need to drink B vitamins or fight with medication, taking pills. It is important that they are prescribed by a doctor , and the patient is under his supervision, since some drugs may have side effects that negatively affect the body.
- Flapping tremor of the hands, comparable to the movements of a bird taking flight. Relevant for chronic forms of alcoholism, which are accompanied by frequent binges and unlimited consumption of alcohol. This type of tremor can only be treated within the walls of a hospital: the patient needs urgent help and a complete cleansing of the body from harmful decay products and toxins. Most often, this is a sign that the liver is in serious danger, and before its complete failure, chills begin, jaundice appears, and intoxication of the body is noted. If medical assistance is not provided in time, death is possible.
- Causes of tremors in alcoholics
- Signs of violation
- How does tremor manifest in alcoholism?
- Classification
- Treatment of tremor in alcoholism
Tremor in alcoholics is a very common problem. A person experiences rapid, involuntary, uniform contractions of the upper limbs. They are caused by inhibition of corrective neural signals.
Symptoms intensify after binge drinking, during emotional experiences. With severe hand tremors, the alcoholic is not even able to raise a mug of water to his lips - everything will spill out. He cannot do the simplest work involving fine motor skills.
Alcohol tremors: how to prevent
To avoid a hangover, there are several simple but practical tips:
- a large meal at least an hour before drinking;
- good sleep;
- consumption of essential B vitamins and vitamin C.
But if, nevertheless, alcoholic tremor is present in the morning, then you need to seek qualified medical help to get rid of this unpleasant condition. The doctor should tell you what alcoholic drinks were consumed and in what quantity. Based on this, drug treatment will be prescribed.
Why do the hands of a young man or teenager tremble?
If a teenager or young man is bothered by trembling of the hands and arms, and the factor of excitement can be excluded, then this is a sign of some kind of disease.
Hand tremors at a young age are caused by:
- failure of the thyroid gland;
- development of sclerosis;
- a disease of the part of the brain that is responsible for coordination;
- heart diseases;
- presence of bad habits: consumption of cigarettes, alcoholic beverages, drugs, fast food.
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You can also read about how to cure alcoholism using folk remedies.
Why your hands shake and what to do about it, you can find out here.
Symptom relief
Trembling limbs during a hangover are not attractive to anyone. It is important to completely give up alcohol and not get a hangover. It is best to seek help from a narcologist: you can use his services anonymously by calling him at home. Specialists will detoxify the body and block alcohol withdrawal syndrome.
If the patient does not suffer from deep addiction, you can try to cope with tremors on your own. To do this, you should adhere to the following steps:
- Take a warm bath or shower. The water should be comfortable for the body so that it can completely relax. You cannot take a contrast shower, take a too hot bath, or take a steam bath or sauna, as any stress is contraindicated.
- Restore gastrointestinal function. Sorbents (atoxyl, enterosgel, smecta, polysorb, activated carbon and others), kefir, green tea with lemon, honey drink and fresh berries (raspberries, strawberries or currants) will help cleanse the body of decay substances.
- Restore your water balance. Drink still mineral water, herbal decoctions, compotes, fruit drinks. You need to drink at least 2.5-3.0 liters of fluid per day.
- Provide a flow of fresh air into the room. It will provide an opportunity to saturate the organs, tissues and brain with oxygen, which will alleviate the symptoms of a hangover. If you have the strength and desire, you can take a walk in a quiet place: a park, garden or near a river.
- Take diuretics (asparkam, furosemide): they will help cleanse the body faster.
- Get a good night's sleep. Deep and restful sleep will help restore strength and moderate tremors in your hands.
Taking antipyretics, painkillers and antidepressants will also improve your general condition. It is important not to overuse it here, since tremor may occur due to disruption of the cerebellum, which is responsible for the coordination of movements.
What happens if tremor is not treated?
If you ignore the symptoms and don't take steps to treat the tremors, the consequences will be devastating.
The tremors will begin in the upper extremities and then begin to affect all parts of the body. And if at the very beginning the tremor occurs only after a heavy libation, then later an unpleasant tremor will begin to bother you during excitement, and then at rest. Over time, it will be almost impossible to hold any objects in your hands: a cup, spoon, pen or anything else. After damage to the upper extremities, tremor can spread to the lower extremities , disrupting coordination in space and any motor activity in general. After damage to the musculoskeletal system, loss of the ability to think sensibly and degradation occurs: the drunkard will face a very unpleasant outcome.
Alcohol tremors: treatment
Tremor that occurs as a result of alcoholism requires complex treatment, which can last several months, during which a complete abstinence from alcohol is necessary. If this is not done, the treatment will be ineffective, and the condition will only worsen. You should not self-medicate : all medications should be prescribed by a doctor after a comprehensive examination, taking into account existing concomitant diseases.
When treating alcoholic tremor, a set of measures is prescribed, including:
- relief from hangover symptoms through detoxification procedures;
- elimination of limb tremor directly;
- elimination of nervous excitability;
- treatment of identified chronic diseases;
- getting rid of alcohol addiction.
In addition, the patient needs the help of a psychologist in order to develop a strong, conscious belief against drinking alcohol.
Alcoholism is a complex disease that is difficult to get rid of. If you continue to abuse alcohol and do not try to treat involuntarily shaking limbs, this will inevitably lead to very disastrous consequences.
Causes of trembling limbs
Long-term use of alcoholic beverages leads to depression of the central nervous system, causing adaptive changes in several neurotransmitter systems. The adaptive response causes the central nervous system to become tolerant of alcohol. A sharp withdrawal from alcohol dependence leads to the fact that the balance of the built neurotransmitters is disturbed. After just a few hours of sobriety, a person experiences psychomotor agitation and other symptoms indicating that his nervous system is overloaded. Increased nervous excitability leads to trembling of the limbs. Tremor also occurs in simply emotional people. It is difficult for them to restrain impulses of joy or anger and the outburst of emotions occurs due to tremors.
Also, trembling of the limbs can occur for hundreds of other reasons, including pathologies of the kidneys, liver, diabetes, Parkinson's disease and simple heredity. Other problems that lead to limb tremors include stress, depression, and nervous tension. Trembling also occurs after heat stroke , intoxication, or carbon monoxide poisoning.