Even ladies snore sometimes. Menopause as a cause of sleep problems

It is surprising that it is during this period of life that many women first encounter insomnia, which was previously called insomnia. It turns out that natural hormonal changes that occur in the body directly affect the quality of sleep. Why does this happen and how to fix the situation?

It is known that a person spends a third of his life sleeping. Sleep is a unique state gifted by nature so that the body can recover after an intense day's work. At this time, metabolism slows down, microcirculation improves, muscles relax, and skin cells are restored.

Without rest, only the hormonal system works. Don't forget that there are several hormones that the body produces at night. One of them is melatonin, a hormone responsible for synchronizing the biological clock and the correct alternation of periods of sleep and wakefulness. Its production requires complete darkness, and its deficiency can lead to sleep disturbances and, as a result, increased fatigue.

Related article Test: Are you at risk of insomnia?


  1. Possible causes of sleep disorders in women
  2. How does the violation manifest itself?
  3. Help with female insomnia
  4. What happens if you ignore insomnia?

Scientists say that the weaker sex is more susceptible to the problem of insomnia. Less deep and interrupted sleep negatively affects the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, affects the digestive organs, causing gastritis and pancreatitis. Therefore, prevention and treatment of insomnia in women in the initial stages is important.

Treatment of insomnia

The fight against insomnia should begin immediately after the problem appears. This is always a whole set of measures to normalize the sleep/wake cycle. In half of the cases, to get rid of insomnia, independent measures to improve the environment and the stages of preparation for falling asleep are sufficient.

But every person in life has situations when it is impossible to avoid negative factors that affect sleep: changing time zones during business trips or travel, daily work, visiting night entertainment venues, etc. To get rid of insomnia and minimize damage to the body, you should use drugs that act as a natural sleep hormone - melatonin. These include Melaxen, an effective adaptogenic agent.

Methods to combat insomnia

In addition to the use of medications, you can use methods to combat insomnia that stimulate sleep and reduce anxiety. It’s better to start by preparing the bedroom. The temperature in it should be comfortable for the body. It will be difficult to fall asleep in a hot room. An hour before bedtime, the bedroom should be ventilated. Dry air in the room is not conducive to quality sleep, so it is worth purchasing a humidifier.

“I often wake up at night and lie down, looking at the clock,” this can be heard from those who complain of a sleep disorder for which they would like to begin treatment. To start, simply remove the clock from the bedroom. They make you feel anxious and look for the cause of your insomnia, thereby worsening the situation. Use the bed only for sleeping. Do not watch TV while lying in bed and do not do needlework or read books. When you suffer from insomnia and you don’t know what to do, don’t toss and turn in bed for a long time, but rather get up and do something relaxing. Such wakefulness will be more useful than torment in bed.

“I don’t sleep well,” a heavy dinner lover might say. Eating a lot of food is a common cause of insomnia. Coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, and spicy foods harm sleep by stimulating the nervous system and delaying sleep for several hours. But buckwheat or oatmeal, bananas and milk for dinner will help you fall asleep faster.

Regulation of the sleep-wake cycle

Disruption of circadian rhythms (daily biorhythms) is fraught with insomnia. If you go to bed at different times, your body does not have time to adjust. Therefore, treatment of the sleep-wake cycle consists of establishing a routine and strictly following it. Determine a convenient time for falling asleep and waking up - and strictly follow it, even on weekends. There should be 8 hours between falling asleep and waking up. Such a fight against insomnia will give the desired result in just a few days.

Daytime naps often disrupt the biological clock, causing severe sleep disturbance in the form of insomnia, so it should be avoided. This rule does not apply to children under 6-7 years of age, who need a longer sleep time per day.

Treatment of disrupted circadian rhythms is possible through the use of adaptogenic agents that have a mild hypnotic effect. This is Melaxen. It helps make you fall asleep quickly and have a full night's sleep. Having taught the body to fall asleep at the same time with the help of Melaxen, in the future you will be able to do this without the help of drugs. With this product, the regulation of the sleep-wake cycle occurs gently and effectively.

The use of Melaxen is especially important during periods when sleep disruption is forced, for example, caused by a change in time zones or daily work. This drug does not affect the body's production of the sleep hormone (melatonin), and therefore its use and withdrawal occur without consequences.

Treatment of chronic insomnia

Chronic insomnia is always caused by a complex of reasons. This may be a violation of the sleep/wake cycle, the habit of eating a heavy dinner, physical illness, prolonged stress and depression. But whatever the reason, you need to immediately begin treating insomnia.

There are drug and non-drug treatments for chronic insomnia. The first involves giving the patient sedatives and sleeping pills, as well as medications to treat diseases that cause insomnia.

Non-drug methods involve regulating a person’s behavioral skills. Specialists who devote their time to treating insomnia use the following techniques:

  • stimulus control therapy (reducing the patient's anxiety about falling asleep)
  • sleep restriction (reducing time spent in bed before falling asleep)
  • relaxation (training in methods of physical and psychological relaxation)
  • cognitive therapy (changing the patient's sleep-related stereotypes)
  • sleep hygiene training (proper preparation for bed)

By following the general rules of sleep hygiene, adjusting your routine and reducing the level of stress in everyday life, you can forever get rid of complaints such as “I don’t sleep well”, “I wake up often” and other manifestations of insomnia. Mild-acting sleeping pills, such as Melaxen, will help you quickly recover in case of forced regime disruptions. Determining the causes and starting treatment for insomnia as quickly as possible are the main tasks. In complex cases of chronic sleep disorders, it is necessary to seek help from specialists.

Possible causes of sleep disorders in women

The relevance of the problem is explained by the characteristics of the female body and the realities of modern life. The frantic pace, attempts to earn money and keep the family in perfect condition lead to overwork, stress and can cause depression.

Other classic reasons:

  • wrong lifestyle;
  • disruption of daily routine;
  • overweight, etc.

In addition to them, there are a number of specific reasons.

Insomnia, the treatment of which in women requires special attention, is often a consequence of hormonal changes during pregnancy. They are combined with mental and physical factors. The changes that occur can cause anxiety and worry in the expectant mother and cause sleep disturbances. They are especially typical for the first and last trimester. In young mothers, chronic lack of sleep is caused by the need to regularly care for the baby. It can cause irritability, outbursts of aggression, and depression.

One of the causes of insomnia in women requiring treatment is menopause. Lack of sleep during this period is fraught with the development of concomitant pathologies:

  • neuroses;
  • hypertension, tachycardia;
  • stroke or heart attack, etc.

What does sleep disturbance lead to?

Lack of sleep affects the body from all sides: from the emotional to the physical. Complications of sleep disorders include:

  • Problems with immunity: the body’s renewal processes and the production of substances such as immunoglobulins and cytokines are inhibited, which leads to a severe decrease in immunity
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases: lack of sleep has a detrimental effect on all body systems, especially the cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine systems
  • Worsening and development of mental illnesses
  • Excess weight: lack of sleep leads to insulin resistance and increases appetite
  • Problems in school, work and social life due to a sharp decrease in concentration, motivation and attention. The person becomes irritable, lethargic and always tired
  • Increased risk of car accidents: Problems with attention and concentration lead to frequent accidents on the road. Studies have shown that the behavior on the road of a person who suffers from insomnia is comparable to the behavior of a person under the influence of alcohol.

Knowing what sleep disorders lead to shows how necessary timely treatment of this problem is. Lack of sleep puts people at risk of health problems, reduces life expectancy and interferes with social activities. Fortunately, modern medicine offers affordable and effective help that will return you to healthy sleep and good mood.

How does the violation manifest itself?

The most common symptom of insomnia is difficulty falling asleep. As a result, a woman develops a specific bedtime ritual. She begins to be afraid to go to bed, because she understands that she will not be able to sleep for a long time.

Insomnia is characterized by:

  • a long search for a comfortable position before falling asleep;
  • the appearance of painful thoughts and unusual ideas at night;
  • light sleep, awakening even from quiet sounds;
  • inability to fall asleep quickly after waking up due to some external factor;
  • frequent trips to the toilet;
  • recurring nightmares.

“Superficial” sleep negatively affects a person’s psychological and physical state. It gets to the point that in the morning the patient feels lethargic, unhappy, and suffers from the lack of a good night's rest.

Physiological causes of insomnia

Insomnia can have a variety of causes, but they are all divided into two groups: physiological and psychological.

– It is difficult to single out one specific cause of insomnia, but among the most common is situational insomnia, for example, due to stress or anxiety. Insomnia is also common and is associated with hormonal imbalances (melatonin production), age, pain in chronic diseases,

– said Tatyana Vladimirovna.

The group of physiological reasons includes:

  • Diseases accompanied by pain. As a rule, the pain intensifies at night, so the person cannot sleep or constantly wakes up.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland - there is even a special term “hormonal insomnia”, it develops against the background of a failure in the production of hormones.
  • Menopause in women is another manifestation of hormonal imbalance plus fever, sweating, and rapid heartbeat.
  • Diabetes mellitus - a decrease in blood sugar concentration triggers a protective mechanism. A person wakes up with a feeling of intense hunger and profuse sweating.
  • Apnea is cessation of breathing during sleep. Breathing stops, and the person wakes up, and then cannot fall asleep for a long time. This condition can be life-threatening.

Other physiological causes are restless legs syndrome, which often develops during pregnancy, iron deficiency in the body and kidney failure, as well as difficulty breathing in bronchial asthma.

Help with female insomnia

Before treating sleep disorders in women, it is important to diagnose and identify the causes of the problem. In the early stages of the disease and in case of minor disturbances, it will be sufficient to provide counseling on normalizing the rhythm of life and improving sleep hygiene. Water treatments, relaxing massage and aromatherapy can be effective.

In some cases, the doctor may prescribe a course of hypnosis. This technique is widely used in different countries. Its advantages include safety and lack of side effects. Hypnosis can be used for patients of all ages.

Complex cases of insomnia in women require medication. In this case, a course of sleeping pills, sedatives or other drugs of plant or synthetic origin is prescribed. When taking them, it is important to follow the recommendations of a specialist and, in order to avoid addiction, do not exceed a period of 21 days.

Treatment in old age

Many older women ask how to deal with insomnia at 50 and why it happens. At this age, difficulty sleeping at night is more common. Those representatives of the fairer sex who suffered from such a pathology in their youth repeatedly struggle with sleep disorders; over the years, more complex disorders arise. It is very important for them to carry out long-term treatment under the supervision of specialized doctors.

In old age, therapy becomes especially important, since the sleep hormone is reproduced in insufficient quantities, so the time for a good night's rest is significantly reduced. In this case, assistance from an experienced doctor and the development of methods to combat insomnia are very important.

Insomnia, which lasts more than three weeks and is considered real, always requires a thorough examination by a specialist and identification of the exact causes. It is impossible to eliminate it yourself at home.

It is very important to first try to combat sleep disorders using traditional methods, and only then go to the doctor. The reasons for the development of insomnia may be associated with everyday inconveniences, which can be very easily eliminated with your own efforts.

What happens if you ignore insomnia?

Many people believe that insomnia is a completely normal condition and does not need to be corrected. But that's not true. If you ignore the problem for a long time, the symptoms of lack of sleep will soon become clearly visible. A woman’s attention and memory characteristics will deteriorate, she will become irritable, whiny, and emotionally unstable. Will constantly feel a loss of strength.

After just two sleepless nights, her appearance will change for the worse. Puffiness will appear on the face, dark circles or bags will be clearly visible under the eyes.

Chronic lack of sleep is a threat to the immune system. Without getting proper rest, the body begins to work at the limit of its capabilities. This leads to frequent illnesses, exacerbation of existing chronic pathologies, and deterioration of blood composition.

If you practically don’t sleep for three or four days, hallucinations will not keep you waiting. Motor activity will decrease significantly. The person will begin to perform unnecessary movements because he will lose the ability to fully control his body.

On the fifth knock, patients with advanced insomnia begin to sleep with their eyes open. At the same time, plunging into slumber, they are even able to walk. From the outside, this condition looks unusual and a little creepy.

Six days of severe insomnia contribute to the development of depersonalization. The patient ceases to understand where she is, what she is doing, what she is talking about. She gets crazy ideas.

Very often, lack of sleep provokes a worsening of chronic diseases. The likelihood of a hypertensive crisis and the manifestation of symptoms of gastritis increases. The situation gets even worse if a woman has symptoms of insomnia and does not see a doctor for months or even years.

A long-term problem is caused by:

  • Excess weight. Sleep deficiency contributes to disruption of metabolic processes. Appetite increases and fat breakdown decreases. As a result, a person eats more and quickly gains weight.
  • Impotence, frigidity. Lack of sleep deprives the body of the necessary energy supply. This very often has a negative impact on sexual activity.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system.
  • Depression. A sleep-deprived woman feels unhappy. Her production of endorphins, “happiness hormones,” quickly decreases, which negatively affects her emotional state.

Given the dangers of insomnia and the negative consequences it can lead to, it is important not to ignore the symptoms. In the first stages of pathology development, it is much easier to cope with it, so do not delay contacting a doctor.

Characteristics of insomnia

If problems with night rest bother a person for some time and then disappear, then in this case we need to talk about the influence of external factors. It is important to understand that sleep time is completely individual for each person who suffers from insomnia, so relying on this indicator alone is prohibited.

Doctors do not classify all sleep disorders in humans as insomnia. Insomnia can be diagnosed only if a woman complains of characteristic problems for two to three weeks. For such a violation there are special signs:

  • difficulty falling asleep, sleep time exceeds one hour, provided that the woman goes to bed at the set time;
  • regular waking up at night, which makes it difficult to fall asleep afterwards;
  • The general sleep phase is quickly shortened, there are never any dreams.

Lack of sleep at night negatively affects daytime hours, which leads to various ailments. These include:

  • decrease in overall human performance;
  • problems with concentration, inattention is characteristic;
  • the patient regularly feels lethargic;
  • strong aggressiveness appears, which can occur for no particular reason;
  • difficulty remembering;
  • severe nervousness, rapid irritation;
  • a person loses interest in hobbies and accepted entertainment.

Somnologists (specialists who deal with sleep disorders) think that therapy for eliminating insomnia and its causes are strongly interconnected; sleep difficulties can be eliminated only by getting rid of the main causes.

For women aged 18 to 60 years, the optimal sleep time at night varies from 7 to 9 hours. For women over 60 years of age, nightly sleep should not exceed 5-8 hours.


  1. Sleep and its disorders / A. L. Epstein. - Moscow: State. publishing house; Leningrad: Printing House, 1928. - 408 p.
  2. Cleansing and treatment of the nervous system: Neuroses, stress, asthenia, insomnia / Anatoly Malovichko. — Moscow: Dilya; St. Petersburg : Respex, 2003. – 279 p.
  3. Clinical psychiatry: From a synopsis on psychiatry: In 2 volumes / G. I. Kaplan, B. J. Sadok; Per. from English V. B. Sagittarius. - M.: Medicine, 2002, T. 1. - 2002. - 670 p.

The text was checked by expert doctors: Head of the socio-psychological service of the Alkoklinik MC, psychologist Yu.P. Baranova, L.A. Serova, a psychiatrist-narcologist.


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Methods for diagnosing insomnia

Given the variety of factors that can cause insomnia, diagnosing the causes of insomnia is of great importance.


Polysomnography involves the simultaneous recording of various physiological parameters that evaluate the functioning of the heart, brain, and respiratory organs. Using polysomnography, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is detected and the severity of sleep disorders is assessed. One session of polysomnography is usually sufficient to assess the condition and determine the causes of insomnia.

More information about the diagnostic method

Sign up for diagnostics To accurately diagnose the disease, make an appointment with specialists from the Family Doctor network.

Medical therapy

A woman who has discovered signs of insomnia should consult a doctor. The roots of the disease may lie in different causes, and depending on this, treatment methods will differ. The doctor will conduct an examination, determine why the disorder occurred and prescribe proper treatment. As therapeutic methods, doctors offer psychotherapeutic assistance, correction of the daily routine, or medication.


For insomnia associated with mental problems, psychotherapists recommend cognitive behavioral therapy. Research shows that CBT works as well as prescription medications for many people with chronic or long-term insomnia. Working together with a specialist will help you change the thoughts and actions that interfere with sleep and cause illness.

This therapeutic method is also used to treat conditions such as depression, anxiety disorders and eating disorders. Often they become the trigger for insomnia.

Cognitive behavioral therapy may include:

  • keeping a diary to track sleep time and duration;
  • replacing negative thoughts with positive ones;
  • studying your own sleeping habits.

To achieve a successful result, a woman will need to visit a therapist weekly for at least two months.

As an option, some doctors suggest hypnosis for treatment. The effectiveness of hypnotherapy is confirmed by many studies. For this type of therapy, you need to choose a competent professional. An insufficiently qualified person can harm a person’s psyche.

Changing your daily routine

Often the causes of insomnia in women are associated with an incorrect life schedule. Working long hours, waking up early, and sleep deprivation for months or years have a cumulative effect. Correcting the regime will help you return to normal. As a treatment, patients are advised to get rid of unnecessary tasks and relax.

A competent meal schedule will have a positive effect on the situation. Research shows that women over 45 who eat healthy foods based on good nutrition principles have fewer sleep problems. A Mediterranean diet will also help. Limiting the amount of caffeine and alcohol consumed will definitely have a positive effect.

If the cause of insomnia is a short-term change in schedule, such as due to jet lag, normal sleep will likely resume on its own.

Taking medications

If the insomnia is secondary and is the result or side effect of another health problem, the doctor may recommend treatment for the other problem. When the primary disease is treated, sleep disturbances often go away on their own. For example, if hot flashes interfere with sleep, the doctor will first try to cure them.

However, sometimes you cannot do without medications that are prescribed directly for insomnia. Based on the results of the examination, the woman is prescribed a sleeping pill. It could be:

  • sedative;
  • tranquilizer;
  • synthetic melatonin supplements;
  • antidepressants for anxiety and restlessness with a hypnotic effect.

If the problem cannot be resolved with psychotherapy or a change in routine, the doctor may prescribe medications.

Medicines are taken in the course prescribed according to the instructions. The dosage schedule and amount of the drug are sometimes prescribed by a specialist if the patient has special features or concomitant diseases.

The form of therapy is suggested by the doctor, based on what served as the trigger for the disease. The effect will not be long in coming if you strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations.


Complications of insomnia:

  • increased risk of developing chronic diseases;
  • disruption of the immune system;
  • obesity;
  • slowness of reactions;
  • decreased labor productivity;
  • mental disorders.

When to see a doctor

What to do about insomnia? People ask this question very often. Going to the doctor is the simplest and most correct answer. Consultation can be obtained from a therapist, neurologist or special sleep specialist. They will study the cause of your problem, prescribe tests if necessary, and, based on the data obtained, solve it using effective and safe methods. In our clinic you can get advice from any of these specialists.

Prevention methods

In order to prevent insomnia and not resort to long-term therapy, you need to think about preventive measures. A proper day-night schedule, a healthy lifestyle and a normal mental state contribute to normal sleep.

As preventive measures, doctors recommend using the following tips:

  • Think positively. Don't fall asleep with negative thoughts. Before going to bed, it is recommended to think about pleasant things. A few hours before bedtime, psychologists suggest making a to-do list for tomorrow so as not to focus on problems at the moment of falling asleep.
  • Maintain the regime. You need to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. You should not nap during the daytime.
  • Exercise. Regular physical activity contributes to the normal state of the body. However, it is not advisable to exercise in the evening because it can stimulate all systems and make it difficult to fall asleep. Experts suggest not exercising within 4 hours of bedtime.
  • Limit stimulants. Doctors do not recommend consuming a lot of caffeine, nicotine and alcohol late in the day. Coffee and cigarettes prevent you from falling asleep and, if used frequently, cause insomnia. Wine, beer and other alcoholic drinks degrade the quality of your vacation.
  • Light food. In the evening, nutritionists advise eating low-calorie salads, yoghurts, and cottage cheese. Eating heavy food every day causes insomnia in women.
  • Forget about stress. Insomnia is often caused by nervous tension. Reading a book, listening to your favorite music, or taking a hot bath with aromatic oils will help you relax.
  • Make your sleeping place comfortable. Optimal temperature and humidity in the bedroom will help you avoid this problem. Additionally, you can use a sleep mask if light bothers you, or earplugs if it is impossible to protect yourself from loud sounds.

Organizing your sleeping area, proper routine and a healthy lifestyle will help you avoid problems with falling asleep and waking up.

All of the above measures will help prevent insomnia in women. All rules include elements of a healthy lifestyle, so you can count on the good condition of the body as a whole.

The range of causes of insomnia is quite wide. To overcome insomnia, you need to determine what caused its development. A woman suffering from sleep disorders should consult a doctor. The doctor will conduct an examination and prescribe an acceptable method of therapy. However, you should not give up on independent measures, which include adjusting your daily schedule and nutrition. Prevention will allow you to never encounter a problem. You can sign up for a consultation with a specialist here for a free online consultation with our specialists.

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