Psychology of money - what to change in yourself to be rich. 10 ways

In Spiritual Economics there is this passage: “Sell your property and give alms. Buy for yourself purses that will not wear out, treasures in heaven where no thief can get near them and no moth can destroy them” (NRT, Luke 12:33). In the modern world, this means: do what you love, get rich, but at the same time bring benefit to society: first with your work, and then with your work and material assistance to those in need. Good deeds and words are the most valuable currency that will never disappear from your wallet.

Rich people know: the more you give, the more you receive. However, you need to share what you have in abundance; you cannot sacrifice yourself. In the pursuit of money, the main thing is to remember high, spiritual goals and treat money as a means of achieving them.

Psychology of money in human life

Who doesn't want to be rich, you ask. Imagine, some people don’t want to, or rather, are afraid. Unconsciously, of course. Why? For example, they are sure that they can’t earn big money in an honest way, but they don’t want to be dishonest people (secret: you can be honest and rich). Or they run away from money because the image of a rich man who lives in their head looks unattractive, and they are terrified of becoming the same.

Money loves to be loved and respected. If you are sure that money must be obtained through hard work, that it is normal to live from paycheck to paycheck, that big money spoils people, then it will not come to you.

Your value, calculation formula

Everything in the world has its value, and you also have your value. When you get a job, you also have your own value, which is:

  • Knowledge
  • Experience
  • Education
  • Your useful skills for work
  • Communication skills
  • Creativity and other things.

All this adds up to your cost as a specialist.

Often, a person has a lot of education, but does not have the skills to use this knowledge. As a result, its value is greatly reduced. It turns out that “he seems to have a lot of knowledge, but he doesn’t know how to use it.”

But there is also your “personal value”. You should always have an idea of ​​what you own, what cash reserves you have, what you currently have, and what else you can buy. All this can and should be calculated and known. Knowing your “cost” always raises your self-esteem and helps you overcome self-doubt.

What to do to increase your value OR to have HARMONY in LIFE:

  • Favorite thing
  • Enjoy life
  • Conduct activities not only for the benefit of oneself, but also to benefit others
  • “People with income” always know where to spend their money. If they give, then with joy
  • The rich live in abundance because they know that they will always have “enough” of everything, including money.
  • They know how much they cost and how much money they need in numbers
  • Determination is a trait of rich people
  • The ability to thank and share always increases capital
  • You can always estimate your value by what you have
  • Your value is determined by the income you currently have

Psychological and economic aspect of money

From an economic point of view, money is a resource with which you can purchase something. However, from a psychological point of view, money is energy. If you learn to view them as opportunities to achieve greater life goals, your income will begin to multiply.

The difference in the psychology of the rich and the poor is small:

  • the first ones know how to earn a million, but do not always know what to spend it on;
  • the latter do not know how to earn a million, but they know exactly what they will spend it on if it were in their hands right now; As a rule, these are instant wastes on something material.

Money needs to be managed wisely. Don't see it as food, clothing, etc., but rather see money as an opportunity for growth and freedom.

The influence of family and childhood never ends

Each family has its own special psychology of money . What can we talk about, who should control, what monetary responsibilities are assigned to which gender, how important money is or not.

In addition, there are always stories about money that are part of the family's identity. Perhaps the entrepreneur grandfather lost the family fortune, creating excessive conservatism in subsequent generations. Or a successful parent was deceived by a scammer.

You may feel internal pressure to resist the family mentality regarding money. If you are the first in your family to succeed, you may want to support the rest of the family and neglect your own financial needs.

Differences in the psychology of money between men and women

In the table, we examined in detail what the difference is between the psychology of men and women:

Men Women
Multiply and invest Save
Worried about real threats Anxious at the thought of possible danger
More willing to take risks Choose stability
Rely on themselves more often More often rely on men or someone else

Practice Gratitude

As already mentioned, money manifests itself in many ways as a living being. Our practice will be built on this. All living things love gratitude. When people feel our appreciation, they are willing to try harder for us. Also, money, if it regularly receives gratitude, will understand that we need it and will gladly come into our lives.

Every time you give or receive money, say the following phrase out loud or to yourself: “I am grateful (grateful) to those people through whose hands money comes to me.” Since money (like everything else) always comes to you through people, it is very important to express gratitude to them.

For example, when paying for a purchase in a store, say this phrase to yourself as you hand over the bills. Do this also, for example, when you are paid a salary at work - it doesn’t matter whether you receive it in cash or as a transfer to a card. To help you remember to repeat these words, I recommend printing them on a paper card and putting them in your wallet. Some wallets even have a special transparent compartment for such purposes. This way, every time you open your wallet to pay or remove money received, you will remember the expression of gratitude and repeat it.

The practice is simple and very effective. It can significantly affect your financial situation. Just don’t expect to attract money instantly: it will take some time.

Healthy attitude towards money: psychology

Food, housing, clothing, education, books, services of dentists or other doctors - everything in our world is paid. Without money you can’t live a quality life, that’s a fact. But it is also wrong to worship money, to step over oneself and others for the sake of wealth. Spiritual Economics says: “Those who want to be rich will fall into a trap and create temptation for themselves, and will succumb to many harmful and stupid desires that plunge people into disaster and destruction. After all, the love of money is the root of all evil. Some, in their pursuit of them, have wandered away from the faith and brought upon themselves great misfortune” (WBTC, 1 Tim. 6:9-10).

What is a healthy attitude towards money?

  • know clearly how much you need for a comfortable life and earn money doing what you love;
  • increase your income through investments;
  • remain calm and confident in the event of financial setbacks;
  • don't get hung up on money;
  • count income and expenses.

The main thing is to focus on quality in everything and not spend thoughtlessly.

Want to know more about how the laws of money work? Sign up for the course “11 Spiritual Laws of Money.” You will learn how to think in order to systematically increase your income and feel financial confidence and stability, despite any changes in society and life.

Psychology of wealth: how to easily attract money?

The psychology of money is not only our beliefs about possible wealth, but also our feelings about our current financial situation. By cultivating a sense of well-being, you can increase your income in a short time. It doesn’t matter how dire your current circumstances seem to you.


Look around and see what you already have in your life. And try to sincerely enjoy these things. Of course, for example, modest rented housing and a boring low-paid job are not the limit of your dreams. But this is already something.


Find the largest bill you have and put it in your wallet, but do not use it to pay for goods. During the day, think about what you could buy with this amount if you wanted: take a taxi to work instead of the subway, have a snack at an expensive restaurant, buy a cute little thing you saw in a store window. By mentally spending the money you have saved over and over again, 20-30 times every day, you will, at the level of sensations, develop a calmer attitude towards a higher level of income and spending.

Imaginary bank account

You can also open an imaginary bank account and deposit an amount equal to your monthly salary into it on the first day. Your task is to “spend” every last penny of the amount on the same day. So the next morning you need to deposit twice as much money into your account and again figure out where you will spend it.

Magic box

The psychology of money is such that we often forget why we strive to improve our financial situation. Try not to focus on a specific amount by which you dream of increasing your monthly income. Thinking about the experience you want to have: travel, get an education, make a movie. By scrolling through your head about the desire itself, you bypass the financial issue of the matter, and your unconscious finds other ways to realize what you want. For example, you will be “magically” lucky and will be sent on an paid business trip to the country of your dreams.

Psychology: what to do if there is money denial

Let's look at popular negative beliefs that prevent you from becoming rich.

Fear of envy

Many years ago, people knew that envy does not lead to anything good. In Spiritual Economics we find exact confirmation of this thought: “Where there is envy and selfishness, there is disorder and all kinds of evil” (WBTC, Epistle of James, 3:16). Envy only harms those it eats. Unhappy people will always find someone and something to envy, but you shouldn’t limit yourself because of this.

“A woman should not be more successful than a man”

Well, then choose men whom you still need to grow up to and will have to chase long and hard, and not those who are content with 15 thousand rubles a month and lie on the couch all day long.

Or another option: forget about any competition with a man and take advantage of modern ideas about partnership in a relationship. Be an inspiration to your husband and get real benefits from it.

“Money is unspiritual”

Money is neutral, but people can be spiritual or unspiritual. And then, depending on who gets the money, it takes on one color or another. If a person already has sinfulness, then money, like a piece of blotter, will show it. But if a person and his thoughts are pure, then money will help him become even richer and more spiritual. For example, you can do charity work.

“When I get rich, I will become a different person.”

Once you get rich, you will certainly become different, but what kind of person depends only on you. In the process of transformation, you will gradually emerge from dependence on banks, bosses, loved ones or anyone else, your freedom and strength will increase every day, only you will control yourself.

What energy will you release that lives in your soul? Answer this question honestly and you will understand what kind of person you will become.


How can you tell if something is wrong in your relationship with money? Check out the signs below, and if you find at least one of them, then think about what exactly is causing difficulties and preventing you from achieving financial well-being.

  • When receiving a salary or other type of income, an irresistible desire appears to immediately spend at least part of it, and in particularly difficult situations, to completely “spend” everything;
  • There is shame every time you receive payment for work. It seems that he did not deserve such a sum. That it is generally inconvenient to take money from people, showing your mercantile interest, and not just a desire to do a good deed;
  • The person underestimates the cost of his services. Also, out of feelings of embarrassment and shame, take for work as much as it really deserves;
  • Great excitement every time a large sum appears;
  • Buying low-quality and cheap items in order to save money. But in fact, they fail too early, and you have to go to the store again. This method of saving “hits” the wallet, unlike expectations;
  • The uncontrollable desire to acquire something pushes us to completely unnecessary expenses. For example, those who registered on AliExpress often admit that when they pick up their order at the post office, they puzzle over why they needed it in the first place. And in general, they don’t understand what feelings and thoughts they were guided by when designing it;
  • The habit of lending money to those who are not trustworthy or have already failed before by violating deadlines. This method of ignoring one’s own boundaries, sacrificing one’s needs, leads to the fact that a responsive person simply loses a certain amount along with his nerves. After all, the experience of having to insist that the debt be repaid is quite unpleasant and palpable for the body;
  • Unexpected deterioration in health before important meetings, work, etc. Subconsciously, a person does everything to disrupt a project, get fired, or not be selected for a more promising position. It’s as if he’s putting a block on his income, not really understanding why he’s so unlucky in this life.

Helpful Beliefs About Money Worth Buying

Attitudes that can replace the beliefs that destroy you:

  • you can make money doing what you love;
  • there are many opportunities in the world;
  • every person can become rich, despite his past or present;
  • Everyone already has everything to be rich, you just need to unlock your potential;
  • money is not an end in itself, but a means to achieve life goals;
  • The path to a rich and happy life can be easy and interesting.

Don’t forget about useful self-hypnosis phrases: “I deserve to be rich”, “I deserve a happy life”, “I can work less and more efficiently”, etc.

Avoidance of money. Family scenarios

But that's not all. Many of us have even deeper reasons for avoiding welfare. They are usually contained in family scenarios, where negative beliefs are passed on from generation to generation. They range from the relatively innocent: “Money is earned through hard work,” to the creepy: “Money is death.”

Secrets of successful people

Successful and rich people find themselves in different things, but they live according to general laws:

  • They read a lot and continuously develop.
  • Keep a success diary.
  • They plan their day, week, month, life.
  • Study expenses and income.
  • See failures as lessons and opportunities for growth.
  • They create and try to make our world a better place.
  • They think about themselves and others.
  • Make new acquaintances with different people.
  • They dream and boldly take on the implementation of ideas.
  • They learn from those who are stronger and help those who are weaker.
  • Choose one goal and achieve it.
  • They take care of their spiritual, mental and physical health, that is, they develop their body and spirit.

And, of course, every rich and successful person loves, respects and values ​​himself. He also treats the world, other people and money.

Money is a responsibility. Not every person is ready to take it upon himself, so he unconsciously tries to get rid of wealth. Temptations, fears, complexes, uncertainty - everyone has their own obstacles on the path to financial freedom, but every person can get rid of them and become independent.

If you are ready to start changing yourself, then we are ready to help you. Sign up for coaching “School of Millionaires from God.” You will learn to handle money wisely, find out what spiritual laws they live by, understand how to get rid of debts forever, and find your calling. But the main thing is that you will change your thinking and reach a new level of spiritual and financial development. Find your dream business that will bring you money and joy, as well as benefit society.

Mental health and mental illness

One in three people will experience one of the following mental health problems in their lifetime: alcohol use disorder, depression, bipolar disorder or ADHD. Each of these diseases can have a significant impact on personal finances .

  • Excessive use of alcohol or other substances leads to poor thinking, inattention to finances, and secrecy.
  • Depression can lead to career disruption or even disability. People suffering from depression are often unable to meet financial obligations due to a lack of energy or sense of purpose.
  • Bipolar disorder is especially difficult. Current prevalence estimates say that 2.4% of the population suffers from this genetically determined condition. It is possible that there are many more who have a threshold or very mild version of the disorder that is never diagnosed. People with mild expression of bipolar disorder genes may experience subtle “hypomanic” states during which they have increased energy, decreased inhibition, become easily overextended, and increase their spending. Many creative and successful people often find themselves in these states of mind. It's a good idea to avoid trips to the mall, lest you come home with a new TV and treadmill, along with five pineapples and a lifetime supply of ibuprofen.
  • Adults with attention deficit disorder (ADHD) are commonly misunderstood. Moreover, instead of having an attention deficit, they often have the ability to hyperfocus or pay increased attention. But only for tasks that really interest them. They have the ability to filter out what is boring or ordinary. Details and repetitive tasks are easily overlooked (bills piling up, envelopes left unopened). For these people, delegating day-to-day financial management is often the best solution. But they can be good at planning at scale.

Good financial habits


Pay yourself first

This is a habit that was developed and voiced by Robert Kiyosaki and which is observed in the vast majority of millionaires around the world. Renowned financial writer Dave Ramsey notes: “Saving just $100 a month from age 25 to age 65 at 12% interest is $1,176,000. Anyone can retire a millionaire!

This is one of the most difficult skills to learn because it leaves us feeling like we are working in vain to accumulate and cannot spend it. This is why becoming a millionaire is so difficult. But not because it is impossible, but because many people want instant gratification.

Some experts recommend the 50-30-20 rule: spend 50% of your income on necessities (food, rent, rent), 30% on everything you want, and 20% on saving and investing. Use this rule for all your income. Better yet, save 50% if you can.


Have a financial goal

We touched on this habit in the second lesson, when we talked about financial planning, but it wouldn’t hurt to remind you. According to a study by Thomas Corley, 81% of millionaires have a clear financial plan and stick to it, while only 9% of middle-income people do the same.

Most successful people first set themselves the simple goal of “Make a million,” and having achieved this, they began to set more ambitious goals - investing and diversifying income.

Find your goal and make a financial plan.


Be comfortable with uncertainty

This is another habit that financially illiterate people are least likely to adhere to. Millionaires know how to take risks and feel confident in any development of events. Tony Robbins, a famous motivational speaker, said: “Life is all about uncertainty. Quality of life is determined by the amount of uncertainty you can handle. Develop self-confidence, gain experience and be more flexible. You will never know what will happen."

Psychologically, uncertainty can lead to fear, which in turn leads to acquired helplessness, reluctance to take action even in favorable conditions. Therefore, the ability to be calm and self-confident in matters of a vague future is so important in financial matters.


Chat with millionaires

This may seem like mocking advice, but if you think about it a little, you will understand that there are professions that contribute to this. For example, journalists or writers can interview rich people and even make acquaintances with them.

Tony Robbins defends his point of view on this, saying that people of the same profession attract each other. The same is true for financially literate people. Now this is called networking and enough books have been written on this topic so that everyone can prove themselves in this type of activity.

The author of five books on financial independence, Grant Cardon, writes: “People who don’t have their own money are unable to teach you how to earn it. You should know what millionaires do to create their wealth. What are their habits? What are they reading? How do they invest? What controls them? How do they motivate themselves?


Don't waste time on the Internet and TV

According to the same study by Thomas Corley, 76% of poor people spend more than five hours a day watching TV or using the Internet without any benefit, while 60% of millionaires spend less than an hour on this. Rich people are always busy doing useful things, while poor people are simply always busy doing something. And this significant difference costs the other millions of dollars.

You may debate whether this is a financial habit, but any successful person will tell you that time is money. Don't waste it.


Create yourself several sources of income

We touched on this topic in the fourth lesson. Rich people rarely get their money from just one source. They accumulate and invest - and so on in a circle.

Rich people know firsthand about financial risks, so they insure themselves by creating multiple sources of income for themselves. This rule may have no place in love relationships, but in financial relationships it is golden.


Buy wisely

Rich people very rarely allow themselves to make thoughtless purchases, because they know how business and advertising work. Of course, we are talking about those people who earned their fortune themselves. They buy exactly what they need - for their needs and their business. These are the people who distinguish price from value. They can afford a lot of unnecessary purchases, but they know what this can lead to, because they were poor and remember that that habit kept them in this state for a long time.

Emotional spending can keep you at the bottom of a financial hole for a long time until you understand what it means to buy wisely. Instant satisfaction of needs is detrimental for any person in any area of ​​life, but in the sphere of finance it is doubly detrimental.


Get rid of the poor man's mentality

We are again touching on the psychological aspect in money matters. There is no shortage of money in the world, there is only a shortage of people who think about it correctly. To become a millionaire from scratch, you must get rid of the poor person's mindset.

Observe the people around you who are struggling to make ends meet and think about what and how they are thinking. Notice their attitude towards money and try to understand their psychology. After that, answer the question: “What do I have in common with these people?” And get rid of all the habits that are characteristic of them. Such careful work on yourself will lead you to success.


Read as many books on finance as you can

Not all successful millionaires read a lot, that's true. This type of millionaire relies more on intuition than knowledge, but even they communicate and listen to people who read a lot of books on finance.

If you can read seven books a month and pick up an idea from each one, imagine how many ideas you will have a few years later. The world is constantly changing and you need to feed yourself with important information every day. Read the books we recommend, then look for others. Just make it a habit to apply the tips and ideas from every book you read.

By strengthening these habits in yourself forever, you will learn the second important lesson. It's time to study the third element, which will teach us to get rid of fear.

Napoleon Hill, in his best-selling book Think and Grow Rich, lists six signs of fear. Knowing these signs will help not only in gaining financial independence, but also in other aspects of our lives.

Six Kinds of Fear by Napoleon Hill

There are three enemies that every person should get rid of - fear, indecision and doubt. Indecisiveness leads to doubt, which creates fear. And that, in turn, paralyzes a person’s ability to act. Therefore, Napoleon Hill advises self-analysis to identify six signs of fear. To defeat an enemy, you need to know his name, habits and habitat. It is quite possible that fear is in your subconscious.

We have all been convinced more than once that thoughts tend to come true, so getting rid of fears will allow a person to gain financial success and thinking.


Fear of poverty

Many people are afraid of poverty and thereby bring it upon themselves. Here are six symptoms that will help you recognize this type of fear:

  1. Indecisiveness . This is the habit of allowing others to think for themselves, while remaining inactive.
  2. Indifference . This is an unwillingness to fight poverty, an attitude towards a bad event as fate, a lack of initiative, as well as intellectual and physical laziness.
  3. Anxiety . A frowning, gloomy appearance, which leads to excessive alcohol consumption and addiction to drugs and smoking. Also, such people are characterized by self-doubt.
  4. Doubt . Manifests itself in the form of apologies and explanations.
  5. Overcaution . Such people talk only about possible failures instead of focusing their minds on the means to achieve success. Pessimism, which leads to somatic diseases.
  6. Procrastination . In our century this is called procrastination. Avoidance of responsibility and complete lack of initiative.

A person left without a job is ready to accept the first offer, which leads to a deterioration in his already terrible financial condition. He looks at the shop windows and feels like a second-class citizen. Envy exacerbates fear and helplessness. Fear of poverty breeds more poverty.


Fear of criticism

There is always enough criticism in our lives. It can cause an inferiority complex in a person and leads to a complete inability to build constructive relationships. It kills creative thinking and forces you to take several steps back.

Seven symptoms of fear of criticism:

  1. Shyness . Expressed in timidity and nervousness. It may seem like a pleasant character trait, but such a person is not capable of achieving success.
  2. Weakness of character . This is thoughtless agreement with someone else's opinion and lack of ability to clearly express one's thoughts.
  3. Imbalance . Poor posture and memory, inability to control your voice and behavior. An extremely unpleasant character trait of a person who wants to devote his life to business.
  4. Inferiority complex . The habit of saying big words to impress. Such people seem self-confident, but in reality they are not. They imitate others in the way they dress and speak, and are accustomed to inventing stories of their achievements.
  5. Extravagance . The desire to spend more than you have in order to appear richer, the habit of living beyond your means, and taking on debt.
  6. Lack of self-esteem . This is a habit of giving up any of your undertakings with a light heart, laziness of soul and body.
  7. Lack of initiative . This is uncertainty in your ideas and fear of expressing your point of view.

Be careful when criticizing your child - this can lead to the problems described above. Learn to accept constructive criticism and be immune to unfounded criticism.


Fear of diseases

Fear of getting sick leads to somatic illnesses and makes a person weak in spirit. If you have this fear, you are unlikely to think about your financial success. Your head will be occupied with only one thing.

Fear of disease has seven symptoms :

  1. Self-hypnosis . A person searches himself for symptoms of all possible diseases and, of course, finds them.
  2. Hypochondria . Comes with bad thoughts. A person starts to get sick and sometimes even medications don’t help.
  3. Impressionability . It undermines the body's vital forces to resist.
  4. Lethargy . Leads to excess weight and reluctance to do anything. In such a situation, a person is unable to motivate himself, much less think financially and look for sources of income.
  5. Anxiety . A person reads medical literature, even if he is not sick and constantly worries about himself.
  6. Intemperance . This is the habit of drinking alcohol and nicotine instead of taking medications.
  7. Self-indulgence . The habit of arousing pity from others.

It may seem that the fear of illness and its manifestations are not directly related to financial independence. However, look at any millionaire - do you see at least one of these signs in him?


Fear of failure in love

This is perhaps a good fear when it comes to a poet and a creative person in general. But in financial matters, this is a destructive fear.

Three symptoms:

  1. Jealousy . This is the habit of suspecting loved ones without any reason, complete disbelief and suspicion.
  2. Adventurism . Tendency to steal, cheat and take risks. It's going into debt to buy gifts to show off your best side.
  3. Finding mistakes in others . For the slightest reason.


Fear of old age

This fear comes from two sources. Firstly, from the idea that old age brings poverty. Secondly, from false beliefs that such a state is helpless and there is no joy in it.

Four symptoms:

  1. “Forgive me, old man...” . This is what some people say apologetically when they reach forty or fifty years old.
  2. Premature decline . By the age of forty, many people are finally overcome by an inferiority complex, which leads to the degradation of the human personality.
  3. The desire to look younger . Imitating the clothes and behavior of young people, which looks ridiculous in the eyes of others.
  4. Lack of initiative . If a person decides that he is old, then this quality is developing in him. He doesn't want to make any more serious decisions.

Only people who are not confident in their financial future, poor or destitute people are afraid of old age. The rich look at passing time differently, philosophically. They are not afraid of old age, they enjoy it. Some billionaires, even at 80 years old, work hard and find no reason for inaction and worry.


Fear of death

People fear death itself or for religious reasons. This often numbs such people so much that they are unable to think about anything else.

Three symptoms:

  1. Thoughts about death . These thoughts come not only to the heads of old people, but also to young people, which prevents them from enjoying life. Often such thoughts come when a person has no meaning in life. Serving other people will help here - a person busy with other things will not think about death.
  2. Connection with fear of poverty . The death of a loved one is associated with the approach of one’s own poverty.
  3. Connection with disease . May lead to depression.

Napoleon Hill links all six types of fear to anxiety and asks how we can get rid of it. And Dale Carnegie, in his book “How to Stop Worrying,” answers this request.

We recommend that you read these two books from cover to cover because they contain a lot of important information. Think and Grow Rich helps you shape your financial mindset, and How to Stop Worrying helps you break that nasty habit and eradicate fear.

And finally, I would like to warn you:

Of course, now you know enough about finance, but always remember one very smart phrase: “Never attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity.”

Humanity, represented by a huge number of people, commits a lot of stupid things. And if a crisis or something completely unexpected occurred in the world economy, this does not mean that it was deliberately provoked by someone. On the other hand, this also does not mean that as a result of this event someone did not make a big profit. The global economy is incredibly complex for everything to be calculated down to the smallest detail.

Good luck to you and good luck in your further training in financial literacy!

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