Hemorrhagic stroke: rehabilitation and treatment

Cognitive processes

There are three types of cognitive impairment after a stroke:

  1. Damage to one of the cognitive functions: memory (amnesia), the ability to perform any actions (apraxia), impairment of visual, auditory, tactile perception (agnosia).
  2. Violation of several functions that generally do not affect social adaptation.
  3. Multiple injuries that lead to social maladaptation: impaired attention, memory, volitional processes. In this case, post-stroke dementia is diagnosed. In older people with dementia, household activity decreases and self-care skills are lost. This category of patients is at risk of recurrent stroke.

The first and second variants of the disorder can be corrected due to the plasticity of the brain: damaged functions are compensated by functions that remain intact.

Rehabilitation of older people with post-stroke dementia includes sessions with psychologists. With the help of special exercises, patients develop auditory and visual memory, the ability to concentrate, and solve logical problems. The recovery process is accompanied by drug therapy.

Rehabilitation after a stroke at home

After overcoming the acute period in the hospital, a rehabilitation period begins for a pensioner with a stroke. Relatives need to decide where it is better for an elderly person to undergo a recovery course: at home or in a rehabilitation center.

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If the family has decided to independently care for the patient after a stroke, they need to follow the recommendations of the attending physician and maintain constant contact with specialized specialists: a psychologist, a neurologist, a speech therapist.

At home, a separate place is assigned to a bedridden patient after a stroke. The bed is equipped with an anti-decubitus mattress. A small table is placed nearby, on which essential items are placed: a bottle of water, care products, a table lamp.

Specialists can come to the home 1-2 times a week, work with the patient and teach home methods of conducting developmental activities. The rest of the time, family members carry out the recommended exercises with the pensioner for 10-20 minutes several times a day. During weekly visits, specialists monitor the dynamics of changes, make additions and adjustments.

Motor abilities are restored using a complex of therapeutic exercises. Before performing the exercises, it is advisable for the patient to take a shower or bath to warm up the body. If there are contraindications to taking a bath or other difficulties, the affected areas are warmed with a heating pad. The muscles will be more flexible and there will be no pain.

Examples of gymnastic exercises:

  • pulling up while lying on your back, holding the headboard of the bed;
  • eye movements left and right, up and down with closed and open eyelids;
  • alternately raising the right and left arms and legs;
  • bending the knee and grabbing the shin with the hand;
  • joint movements of healthy and motionless limbs to the right and left with a rubber ring put on them.

When carrying out therapeutic exercises, the pensioner’s condition is closely monitored. He shouldn't get tired. If such signs are observed, it means that the amount of stress does not correspond to the physical strength of the patient. We need to make an adjustment: reduce the pace and number of exercises.

Speech is restored by memorizing poetry and tongue twisters. At the initial stage, simple children's poems are chosen, which are easier for a pensioner to recite after a stroke. Gradually more complex material is selected.

Looking at family photographs can activate the process of remembering, since it is easier for the patient to recall the past in his memory. An elderly person remembers acquaintances and friends in the images, then the events associated with them. He tries to pronounce the names of the places he has visited, the objects he sees in the images.

Scientists believe that singing has a beneficial effect on people who have suffered a stroke. If they hear singing, sing together with loved ones, speech activity will be restored faster.

For rehabilitation to be successful, an elderly person should not be in a social “vacuum”: you constantly need to communicate with him, talk, ask questions, even if at first he cannot answer them. In this way, the patient’s desire to speak is stimulated, he remembers words and their meaning.

Chess, checkers, and dominoes are used to develop thinking abilities. In a family, even a small child can take part in restoring the health of a grandfather or grandmother by putting together puzzles, mosaics, or playing a board game.

A separate issue is the organization of nutrition for an elderly person after a stroke.

Excluded from use:

  • alcoholic drinks;
  • fatty and spicy foods;
  • coffee, strong tea;
  • sweets.

It is advisable to add to the diet:

  • drink liquid of at least 1.5 liters. per day;
  • increase consumption of fruits and vegetables;
  • eat whole grains;
  • replace sweets with dried fruits.

Food should consist of useful substances and be easily digestible so that the body is not overloaded.

It is useful to cook boiled vegetables, dishes from lean fish and meat, and porridge with low-fat milk. If there are paresis and problems with swallowing, the patient is fed through a tube with ready-made nutritional mixtures. As soon as the opportunity arises, you need to take the patient for a walk. Staying in the fresh air is good for brain activity, the body receives oxygen and vitamin D, and appetite appears.

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The moral atmosphere in the house is of great importance. Patients who receive family support recover faster. If they experience hostility from others or rudeness, the healing process is slowed down. There is no need to criticize and laugh at clumsiness and awkwardness. Only with encouragement will an elderly person develop a strong desire to overcome the disease.

Brain cyst is a consequence of the disease

There are two main types of cysts:

1. An arachnoid cyst is a bubble of fluid accumulated between the adherent layers of the meninges. Such cysts remain after inflammation of the meninges , hemorrhage or injury. Arachnoid cyst of the brain is not a completely correct redundant expression, since the name “arachnoid” comes from the name of the arachnoid membrane of the brain (arachna - spider). If the fluid pressure in the arachnoid cyst is higher than the general intracranial pressure, it can compress the cerebral cortex and cause unpleasant symptoms.

MRI scan of the brain. The brain is shown in grey, the fluid in black. 1 – normal slit-like fluid space between the temporal and parietal lobes of the brain. 2 – arachnoid cyst of the brain, an accumulation of fluid is visible in the substance of the brain.

2. Cerebral or intracerebral cyst (corpus callosum, subcortical nuclei, hemispheres, cerebellum, brain stem, etc.) is an accumulation of fluid at the site of a dead area of ​​the brain. Thus, the fluid replaces the lost volume of brain matter. The cause of death should be clarified, and further destruction of the brain should be prevented. Common causes of cysts are cerebrovascular insufficiency, stroke, trauma, inflammation (encephalitis), and surgery in the cranial cavity.

MRI scan of the brain. 1 – normal fluid cavities (ventricles of the brain). 2 – Intracerebral fluid cyst at the site of a dead area of ​​the brain.

An arachnoid cyst of the brain is always located on the surface of the brain, in the area of ​​the membranes. Cerebral intracerebral cyst - in the thickness of the brain substance.

Recovery in a boarding house

Rehabilitation of an elderly person after a stroke at home requires the full-time employment of one of the relatives for the next six months. While the patient is bedridden, he cannot be left at home alone for two reasons: he is helpless and it is necessary to deal with him several times a day. The volume of care is so large and multidirectional that soon the caregiver himself will need support and replacement.

In boarding houses for the elderly, professionals are involved in the rehabilitation of patients. Special equipment is used for treatment. An individual program is developed for each patient. Restoration methods that have been developed over the years produce positive results within a month.

Do brain cysts grow?

A brain cyst is not a cancer. The size of the cyst can be easily monitored using MRI or CT scanning. If the size of the cyst has become larger over time, it means that some damaging factor continues to act on the brain. In this case, we look for and treat the causes of cysts.

The main reasons for the growth of arachnoid cysts in the brain:

  • The fluid pressure in the cyst increases;
  • Inflammation of the meninges continues (arachnoiditis, infection);
  • Concussion in a patient with a previously formed cyst.

The main reasons for the growth of intracerebral cysts (and/or the appearance of new cysts):

  • Cerebrovascular accidents continue, new foci of micro-strokes appear;
  • The infectious or autoimmune process of destruction of brain matter continues (multiple sclerosis, multiple encephalomyelitis, neuroinfection).

The causes of the appearance or growth of brain cysts can usually be determined by the results of MRI, blood tests, and studies of blood flow through the vessels of the brain. Treatment is based on research results.

Brain cyst: treatment at the Echinacea Clinic

The first thing we will do is find out whether your cyst needs treatment and whether your poor health is associated with it. More than half of all cysts do not require treatment at all. Treatment is necessary if the cyst causes any symptoms, increases in size, or is at risk of developing new cysts. Treatment of a brain cyst is carried out regarding the underlying disease that caused its formation.

Resorption of adhesions of the meninges in arachnoid cysts - more details on the page of our website about arachnoiditis. For this purpose, we use two powerful absorbable drugs: Karipain (Karipazim) or Longidaza.

If we are talking about an infectious or autoimmune process , it is necessary to find and eliminate chronic foci of inflammation in the body. Treatment with antibiotics alone is practically useless. If arachnoiditis occurs, it means there is a gap in the immune defense, and first of all it is necessary to restore the body’s immune shield and reduce autoimmune aggression. All of our neurologists have specialized training in immunology. Based on the results of a blood test for immune status and infections, we will offer you a consistent and safe course of anti-infective and immunomodulatory treatment.

Treatment of cerebrovascular accidents requires the fulfillment of three conditions: reduction of coagulation, reduction of blood cholesterol concentration, normalization of blood pressure. Nootropics ( improve the supply of brain cells with oxygen and glucose) and Antioxidants (increase the resistance of brain cells to increased intracranial pressure) are used

In our clinic you can contact any neurologist. Be sure to take with you all the medical documents available to you, even those that, at first glance, are not related to the brain .

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