Rehabilitation after meningitis: recovery of the body and possible complications

Serous meningitis

Acute lymphocytic choriomeningitis

The incubation period takes 6-13 days. Not only the soft cerebral membranes are affected, but also the choroid plexuses of the cerebral ventricles. The manifestation of lymphocytic choriomeningitis may be preceded by a prodrome, in which the patient feels increased fatigue and some weakness; Possible sore throat (pharyngitis) and runny nose. Then the body temperature rises to febrile values. In this case, symptoms of meningitis may appear immediately, or there may be a flu-like form of the onset of the disease, in which manifestations of meningitis appear with the onset of the second wave of fever. Otherwise, lymphocytic choriomeningitis has the same clinical picture as other forms of serous meningitis.

Tuberculous meningitis

Serous meningitis of tuberculous etiology occurs against the background of pre-existing tuberculosis of the lungs, kidneys, larynx, genitals or other localizations. The course of tuberculous meningitis is subacute. The prodromal period can last up to 3 weeks and is manifested by fatigue, sweating, moderate cephalgia, low-grade fever, and decreased appetite. Meningeal symptoms appear gradually. Possible decreased vision, mild ptosis, strabismus. If anti-tuberculosis therapy is not carried out, focal symptoms appear over time: aphasia, paresis, etc. In patients who have previously been treated with anti-tuberculosis drugs, meningitis may have a chronic course.

Fungal meningitis in AIDS

Serous meningitis of fungal etiology in patients with AIDS occurs with a minimum of clinical manifestations. Characteristic is gradual development, sometimes over 2-3 weeks. The temperature may remain low-grade. Cephalgia does not have such an intense nature. Liquor-hypertensive syndrome (intracranial hypertension) is observed in only 40% of patients. Possible lethargy and drowsiness. Nuchal rigidity and other meningeal symptoms may be absent.

Serous meningitis with mumps

Paramyxoviral meningitis is 3 times more common in males. Typically, symptoms of meningitis appear 1-3 weeks after the onset of mumps. Sometimes they are observed simultaneously, and in 10% of cases they precede the clinical manifestations of mumps. Typically an acute course with high fever, intense cephalalgia, vomiting, and pronounced meningeal syndrome. Young children often experience drowsiness and weakness. Possible signs of damage to the cranial nerve, ataxia, paresis, abdominalgia (abdominal pain), convulsive seizures. The penetration of paramyxovirus into internal organs is accompanied by the development of pancreatitis, orchitis, and adnexitis.

Causes of the disease

The main causes of meningitis in children, symptoms and signs, lie in various infectious pathogens. The types of disease differ from each other depending on the sources:

  • Bacterial. Often the disease is provoked by microbes, in particular, we are talking about staphylococcus, streptococcus, meningococcus, and E. coli.
  • Viral. People suffering from meningitis often have herpes, mumps, and influenza viruses.
  • Candida. Occurs due to candida and critococci.
  • Simple microbes. These include amoebas and toxoplasma.

In a separate group, diseases of a combined form appear. In this situation, the disease appears due to several different pathogens.

Chapter 6. The main causes of the development of ANFH and symptoms of diseases associated with it

Volkov E.E., Keqin Huang Aseptic necrosis of the femoral head.
Non-surgical treatment / Transl. from Chinese V.F. Shchichko. - M., 2010. - 128 p.: ill. ISBN 978-5-9994-0090-1 UDC 616.7 © Volkov E.E., Keqin Huang, 2010 © HuangDi 黄帝

The most common causes of ANFH are alcohol intoxication, smoking and excessive use of glucocorticoids.

6.1. Necrosis of the femoral head caused by alcohol intoxication

6.2. Necrosis of the femoral head associated with smoking

6.3. Necrosis of the femoral head caused by glucocorticoids

6.4. Osteoporosis

6.5. Congenital varus position of the femoral neck

6.6. lupus erythematosus

6.7. Metabolic bone diseases

6.8. Neurotrophic diseases of bones and joints

6.9. Hyperparathyroidism

Misconceptions regarding the treatment of meningitis

  • You can get meningitis if you don't wear a hat. Usually these phrases scare children. Sources of infection are considered to be a consequence of the inflammatory process, but not cold.
  • Meningitis is not a dangerous disease at all. In reality, death is possible.
  • Meningitis cannot be cured. In reality, fungal and bacterial forms can be treated with drugs, since special drugs have been created against such infections. If the form is viral, then things are worse, since there are no effective antiviral agents.
  • After meningitis, a person is prescribed disability. In reality, after suffering bacterial meningitis, only 20% of people become disabled. The most common complication is hearing loss, but there are also problems with remembering and completing schoolwork if meningitis is detected in children.

How to cure and not cause harm

The most correct decision is immediate hospitalization as soon as the first signs of infection appear. In the hospital, the patient’s temperature must be brought down with the help of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. If there are signs of bacterial meningitis, an antibiotic is prescribed. If your child gets meningitis, you need to make every effort to completely eliminate this disease so that you don’t have to return to it in the future.

Immediate hospitalization is a mandatory measure as soon as the first signs of infection appear

An anticonvulsant drug is used only when the patient has severe seizures, and anti-inflammatory therapy is carried out with dexamethasone. To completely cure this disease, it is necessary to undergo proper rehabilitation after meningitis, because it is a full recovery after meningitis that will prevent the likelihood of getting it again.

Purulent meningitis: consequences in adults

One of the early and serious complications of purulent meningitis is cerebral edema, as a result of which the brain stem and vital centers located in it are compressed. The development of acute cerebral edema occurs on days 2-3 of the disease, but in the fulminant form - within the first few hours.

In addition to cerebral edema, patients may experience the development of septic shock, subdural empyema, adrenal insufficiency, infective endocarditis, pneumonia, purulent arthritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, septic panophthalmitis, etc.


During outbreaks of serous meningitis, it is not advisable for adolescents and young children to swim in open water.
You should always drink specially purified or boiled water, observe personal hygiene rules, wash your hands thoroughly with soap after using the toilet and before eating. It is also necessary to wash vegetables and fruits before eating, and if possible, pour boiling water over them. It is worth paying attention to any viral disease in children: acute respiratory viral infection, influenza, chickenpox, measles, mumps. The child’s contact with rodents and ticks should be minimized as much as possible, since they are considered carriers of viruses. To prevent measles, mumps, and rubella, infectious disease specialists recommend routine vaccinations for children. Meningitis caused by the influenza virus is prevented by seasonal specific vaccination.

If a viral infection proceeds atypically, the temperature does not decrease when taking therapeutic doses of antipyretic drugs, vomiting occurs, which does not bring relief, call an ambulance and call the Yusupov Hospital. The neurology clinic admits patients with meningeal symptoms 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Doctors will determine the cause of meningitis and provide adequate treatment for the disease.

Make an appointment

How is the treatment carried out?

Treatment of meningitis is performed using several methods:

  • Antimicrobial. Used when illness is caused by germs.
  • Antiviral. Here doctors prescribe interferon and glucocorticosteroids to block the spread of the virus and improve the functioning of the immune system.
  • Antifungal. If the disease appears due to candida, then antimycotic medications are used.

Therapy is also aimed at eliminating symptoms, that is, they give pain-relieving injections, normalize body temperature, and eliminate intoxication and dehydration.


Serous meningitis can have various consequences.
When the first symptoms of this disease appear, it is important to seek medical help promptly. The best thing to do is call an ambulance. Treatment of serous meningitis must necessarily take place in a hospital setting. Self-medication is unacceptable. The sooner adequate medical care is provided, the greater the chance that the consequences of the disease will never appear or will be minimal.

In cases where the patient delays treatment for too long, the following complications may occur:

  • blindness;
  • deafness;
  • brain disorders;
  • dysfunction of the speech apparatus;
  • delay in psychomotor development.

In medical practice, in the advanced stage of serous meningitis, in the absence of treatment, paralysis, coma and death occurred. But this is rather an exception to the rule. In most cases, serous meningitis is not as serious as, for example, tuberculosis.

Even with favorable treatment and prognosis, the patient may experience headaches for a long time. If after a course of therapy pain persists for more than 2 months, you should definitely consult a doctor. If necessary, repeated examination is possible.

How to prepare for going to the doctor?

To go to the doctor, you don’t need to make any extensive preparations; on the contrary, if there are symptoms of meningitis , you shouldn’t put off going to the doctor, in this case you need to react immediately. Just remember all the signs that you had and tell your doctor about them. This will help make a correct diagnosis. You can't ignore these signs. Signs of meningitis in an adult can appear within a couple of hours, so urgent help is needed to avoid complications and even death.

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