Among the huge number of neurological diseases, the most common is migraine. Today, this pathology is a serious problem for all of humanity: about 10% of people on the globe suffer from it, and this figure is growing from year to year. Unfortunately, it is completely impossible to cure it. As with asthma or allergies, you can only relieve and control symptoms and minimize attacks. This is achieved by taking medications, as well as following a certain diet. What foods trigger migraines? How to make a diet correctly?

You need to know this

One of the main causes of
migraines is metabolic disorders
Indicative in this regard is an imbalance of serotonin and histamine, which regulate the functioning of the nervous and immune systems. In people suffering from the disease, there is very little serotonin, which constricts blood vessels, but there is quite a lot of histamine, which, on the contrary, dilates them. And this imbalance leads to serious headaches, loss of visual fields and other symptoms. Contrary to popular belief, migraine is not only a disease of women, although, indeed, it occurs more often among the fair sex. Symptoms can first appear at any age, but are more common in teenagers. The risk factor is heredity.

4Try Botox treatment

Abroad, Botox began to be used as a treatment for migraines in recent decades, but in Russia it has been relevant for about five to six years. In almost every city you can find a specialized clinic that uses Botox for this very purpose. According to Lauren R. Nutbony, the course consists of 31 injections that are administered to the forehead, back of the head, temples, neck and shoulders - all of which are involved in the biological processes that lead to migraines. The drug spreads to the painful areas and stops the release of chemicals that affect pain. Blocking them prevents pain areas in the brain from being activated. Most often, procedures are carried out every 12 weeks, and it may take only 2-3 sessions to improve the condition. However, it is important to remember that in any case it is necessary to consult a certified doctor who will prescribe further treatment.

Migraine and food

The concentration of serotonin and histamine depends on many factors, including nutrition. Some foods contain tyramine, nitrate additives, MSG, and more. Some of them relax blood vessels, others constrict. This triggers the mechanism for the development of pain. Based on this, when drawing up a treatment plan, doctors do not limit themselves to just taking medications, but also prescribe a specific diet. By eliminating migraine-causing foods from your diet, you can reduce the number of attacks and even the severity of pain. By strictly following all the doctor’s recommendations, it is possible to completely get rid of the disease.

Products for migraines

To control symptoms and prevent attacks, you should include the following foods in your diet:

  • carbonated drinks, but without caffeine;
  • raw chicken and quail eggs, or poached eggs;
  • different types of meat and fish, which should be cooked exclusively by steaming. At the same time, it is advisable to eat it immediately after cooking, which will help you receive all the necessary nutrients
  • dairy products, including processed cheeses, but the milk should have a low fat content - no more than 2%;
  • You should diversify your diet with cereals, from which you can make porridge;
  • flour products, including pasta;
  • vegetables and fruits that should be served fresh, boiled or steamed; • spices that will help give dishes a new taste;
  • homemade broths and soups;
  • natural and freshly squeezed juices;
  • honey and other sweets;
  • foods that contain large amounts of magnesium.

Nutrition rules

Nutrition is a factor that can help get rid of numerous diseases. This is also a factor that can lead to complications, the development of severe symptoms and exacerbation of diseases. Doctors recommend including natural foods in the diet, and the consumption of harmful ones should be limited and minimized. Following these simple rules will help relieve painful symptoms. There is another “side” effect - strengthening the immune system. It has long been known that errors in nutrition are provoking mechanisms. Hunger or large gaps between meals are provocateurs of severe headaches and other symptoms. Therefore, people suffering from symptoms are advised not to skip meals and always have access to snacks.

It is important to observe the drinking regime. You need to drink water regularly throughout the day, following general recommendations - at least 1.5-2 liters, depending on the time of year.

Trigger foods for migraines

In addition to healthy foods that need to be included in the diet, there are also those that should definitely be excluded or at least minimize their consumption. The list
of products that need to be limited includes the following:

  • fermented milk products: fatty cheeses, sour cream. It is necessary to limit the amount of yoghurt and kefir;
  • products made from yeast dough;
  • some fruits: bananas, citrus fruits, dates and avocados;
  • ice cream.

But there are also those foods that need to be completely excluded from the diet.
The fact is that during an attack they only increase the severity of pain, and outside of attacks they can provoke their appearance. First of all, you need to limit the consumption of drinks with a high content of caffeine and alcohol, even if we are talking about low-alcohol drinks. Sausages and semi-finished products cannot be called healthy, and they are completely contraindicated for people suffering from such serious headaches. Canned food, marinades and pickles should not appear on the table. Dishes and foods high in food additives, soy and walnuts can also cause headaches. You should not overuse fried and baked meat products. An active lifestyle, giving up bad habits, playing sports, walking, preventing stress are measures that will help prevent attacks.

Drug therapy and following a diet are measures that can reduce the severity of pain, reduce the likelihood of attacks, and, possibly, give a chance to forget about what a migraine is.

Text: Yulia Lapushkina.

Chinese restaurant syndrome

Everyone has heard about monosodium glutamate. True, most are sure that this flavoring additive is found only in cheap fast food: bouillon cubes, crackers and chips. In fact, you can get a fair amount of glutamate in an expensive restaurant. Chinese and Thai establishments are especially prone to addiction to this additive. However, this is not such a big sin. After all, the Chinese and Thais extract their glutamate from natural products (usually from fermented fish and shrimp), while Europeans use a chemically synthesized product. In principle, monosodium glutamate is not harmful, unless, of course, you eat it in excess (that is, more than 9 g per day). But still, in 10% of people, even a pinch of this spice causes a headache (as well as excessive sweating and difficulty breathing). It is these symptoms that have earned the name “Chinese restaurant syndrome.” For those who cannot tolerate glutamate, it is better not only to avoid restaurants serving south-eastern cuisine, but also to carefully read the ingredients of the products you buy (sometimes glutamate is hidden under the name of hydrolyzed vegetable protein).

Article on the topic

Headache: symptoms, causes and types of attacks


A migraine attack develops in four stages:

  1. First of all, irritability and fatigue appear, and for some, on the contrary, excessive activity.
  2. Next, an aura appears, a so-called change in the surrounding space, but not for everyone, but only for 20% of people. Flickering zigzag lines, black dots, or entire areas of vision appear before the eyes.
  3. The period of migraine pain. Often accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
  4. The attack weakens. At the same time, the person becomes lethargic.

With a tension headache, the pain is always bilateral, not pulsating, but rather of a compressive, encircling nature, and does not intensify with movement. The attack lasts from 30 minutes to 48 hours and often goes away with painkillers.

This type of headache often appears due to hypertonicity of the neck muscles, for example, due to an incorrect position at the desk, constant emotional stress, or as a result of vision problems.

Diet for migraines: food will relieve headaches!

Diet for migraines: food will relieve headaches!
Proper nutrition during migraine can sometimes significantly reduce the likelihood of an attack and reduce its intensity.

migraine, therapeutic diets, therapeutic nutrition

A therapeutic diet for migraines involves eliminating possible triggers and fully supplying the body with nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

Several domestic and foreign studies have proven the undeniable role of magnesium deficiency in the development of migraine. Positive results have been obtained from the use of magnesium preparations for the treatment of attacks and the prevention of migraines. Therefore, the diet of a migraine patient should contain a sufficient amount of this element. The main sources of magnesium: milk, bread, oatmeal, seaweed, vegetables and fruits (melon is especially rich in magnesium).


1. Sanoeva M. Zh. Saidvaliev F. S. MIGRAINE - YESTERDAY, TODAY, TOMORROW.
A MODERN VIEW AT THE PROBLEM. International Journal of Neurology. 2016 2. L. S. Manvelov. MILLENNIAL MIGRAINE. Lecture. Journal of Nervous Diseases. 2011, 1 (4).

3. A. N. Boyko, S. A. Sivertseva, N. F. Popova, P. R. Kamchatnov, O. V. Ryabukhina, etc. MIGRAINE WITH AURA. Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry. S.S. Korsakov. 2010, 11.

4. Flomin Yu. V., Gavryliv I. R., Voinilovich L. V. Dizziness: definition of subtype International Neurological Journal 2012, 5.

5. K.A. Sadokha, T.G. Golovko. The role of serotonin in the pathogenesis and treatment of migraine. Journal "Medical News", 2004, 4.

6. S. V. Kopishanskaya, A. V. Gustov. Celiac migraine. Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry. S.S. Korsakova, 2015, 8.

7. V.M. Studerkin, L.A. Pak, S.Sh. Tursunkhuzhaeva, T.E. Borovik, V.I. Shelkovsky. MIGRAINE AND MODERN APPROACHES TO ITS TREATMENT. Journal "Medical Council". 2010.

Therapeutic exercise to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Basic rules of diet for migraines:

  1. You should adhere to the rules of three to four meals a day. Skipping meals or prolonged periods of hunger can trigger an attack.
  2. It is important to avoid food excesses and not get carried away with fatty, salty, sweet and pickled foods.
  3. It is not recommended to experiment with various exotic foods and diets. An unusual diet, a sharp change in nutritional culture are a provoking factor for migraines.
  4. Fasting is contraindicated.
  5. Tolerance to various foods during migraine varies individually. Careful personal observations are required to accurately select a diet.

Life without salami, but with sugar

Nitrites (substances used to preserve meat and give it a special flavor and pinkish color) can also cause migraines in some people. By the way, not only expensive meat products, but also affordable sausages can lead to a headache. It is not without reason that they even distinguish a special “hot dog headache” (manifested by throbbing pain in the temples half an hour after consuming nitrites).

And finally, we can’t help but mention the artificial sugar substitute – aspartame, which can also cause headaches. Therefore, it is safer to add real sugar to your tea (a little at a time), and also be careful when buying gum, fruit juices, low-calorie ice cream and desserts that contain sugar substitutes.

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