First aid for fainting: do's and don'ts
These figures could be less frightening if the victims had time to receive professional, timely
taking medications for migraines
Silent migraine: symptoms, treatment. Say NO to migraines
02/09/2016 Maltseva Marina Arnoldovna Head of the consultation department - neurologist, specialist in the field of extrapyramidal pathologies,
Tinnitus and dizziness as signs of damage to the inner ear
Causes of headaches and tinnitus It is important to determine the cause of headache
What consequences can acute transverse myelitis have?
Infectious myelopathy Viral damage to the spinal cord is accompanied by specific types of myelitis. In the past the most common
Ceraxon. Application, effectiveness and safety in patients with stroke in emergency medical care
Pharmacological properties of the drug Ceraxon citicoline stimulates the biosynthesis of structural phospholipids of neuronal membranes, which helps improve
Traumatic brain injury: classification, features of drug and rehabilitation treatment at different stages
Symptoms of a mild concussion include a decrease in the speed of psychomotor reactions and impaired attention. Sometimes
Why is pituitary microadenoma dangerous in women?
The pituitary gland is an endocrine gland located in the sella turcica (a formation in the human skull).
Vascular system of the brain
The Circle of Willis is open: what is it and how dangerous is such a pathology?
The vessels of the brain form a complex circulatory system, which must ensure constant delivery of nutrients
Alzheimer's disease: causes, symptoms, prevention and therapy
Senile dementia, or Alzheimer's disease, is a severe neurodegenerative disease characterized by a slow progression. Starting
Pinched sciatic nerve: what to do, symptoms and treatment
Complaints of a cold in the sciatic nerve are traditionally reported during the cold season
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