Symptomatic epilepsy with generalized seizures: causes and signs
Childhood epilepsy: epidemiology, clinical features
Epilepsy is a chronic disease of the central nervous system characterized by the occurrence of two or more epileptic
Structure of the lower eyelid
Eye twitching - what to do? Causes and treatment of eye twitching. Blepharospasm
A nervous tic is a sudden, repetitive movement that occurs as a result of an involuntary contraction of a certain
Pinched thoracic nerve
Pinched nerve in the thoracic spine: symptoms, treatment
Heart pain or spinal problems? Find out everything about your health! "Novoklinik" is not
There are several types of headaches. Each of them has its own causes and consequences. One of the areas of pain is the frontal part of the head and eyes. In this article we will try to figure out what the causes of this type of ailment may be.
Why does the top of my head hurt? Causes and treatments
Why might the top of your head hurt? The parietal part of the head can hurt due to many reasons. Sometimes
what is a midlife crisis
A woman's midlife crisis: when it occurs, how to overcome it
Midlife crisis in women is a condition that absolutely all representatives will have to face.
Brain death: how it develops, causes, signs, diagnosis
If the brain dies, this means the onset of biological death. The death of the tissues that make it up is irreversible.
leg cramps
Clonic and tonic seizures: what are they, causes, difference
Clonic seizures are a type of seizure that is characterized by rapid alternation between periods of contraction and relaxation.
ulnar nerve compression
Pinched nerve in the elbow joint. What is Elbow Neuropathy?
Ulnar nerve compression (UCN) can occur in two places: at the level of the elbow joint and
Innervation of the eye
Trigeminal neuropathy
Home / Articles / Trigeminal nerve symptoms The trigeminal nerve got its name due to the presence
Misogyny – what is it?
Misogyny: what is it in simple words, causes of misogyny
Many complexes of a man appear in childhood from an accidental or deliberate negative act,
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