Atrophic changes in the brain - what is treatment?
Why does brain cells die and what are the consequences of atrophy?
The human brain is the main organ of the central nervous system. Its superficial layer consists of many nerves
Experience of using Afobazole in the treatment of pathological anxiety in patients with general somatic practice
DlyaSerdca → Drugs → Afobazole or Novopassit – what to choose? Afobazol – simple daytime
Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia in children and adolescents
Vegetative-vascular dystonia: to treat or not to treat? The disease itself, as well as its symptoms, are known
Long-term depression: causes, diagnosis and treatment
Depression is a very common mental disorder nowadays, the causes and symptoms of which are well known.
Training of impaired muscle functions using the myographic biofeedback method (EMG biofeedback)
All materials on our website are presented in a simple and understandable form, easy to understand and
How the human spinal cord works: structure and functions, what makes up the gray matter
How the human spinal cord works: structure and functions, what makes up the gray matter
The spinal cord is the most important internal organ related to the structure of the central nervous system. Surface
Craniostenosis, craniosynostosis and cranial deformities
Nonsyndromic craniosynostosis (NCS) is often found among children and is manifested by numerous combined and isolated functional
Dropper for cleansing the body - what are the types, medications and cost
This program can be prescribed only after consultation with a neurologist. Depends on the functioning of the brain
Corticonuclear tract, tractus corticonuclearis (scheme 11, 12)
Good afternoon, dear readers. Today we will study the midbrain pathways. Before starting work
Neurologist consultation
Movement therapy. How to regain coordination and balance
Complex treatment of movement coordination disorders in Moscow. Diagnosis of the causes of ataxia and accompanying symptoms on
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