Spastic diplegia - symptoms and effective treatment
August 21, 2021 Spastic diplegia is one of the most common forms of childhood
Darkening in the eyes of a teenager (causes, treatment, prevention)
Date of publication: August 21, 2020 Sometimes, when you have to change your body position, darkening occurs in
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease - treatment in Moscow by qualified specialists
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (Mad Cow disease, Corticostriospinal degeneration syndrome, Spastic pseudosclerosis)
Medical information is reliable Checked by Renat Flyurovich Shaidullin Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is a rare type of degenerative disease
Rehabilitation after meningitis: recovery of the body and possible complications
Serous meningitis Acute lymphocytic choriomeningitis The incubation period takes 6-13 days. Not only soft ones are affected
Time to remove Phenazepam from the body - Verimed
Hallucinations when taking Phenazepam
Phenazepam is a benzodiazepine tranquilizer, a common sedative, anti-anxiety, vegetative stabilizing, anticonvulsant and hypnotic. Widely applied
Self-regulation - its types and functions, effective methods
Self-regulation is an important part of the human psyche, and it is useful for every person to master it. Speech
Psychiatrist, psychologist and psychotherapist - what are the differences?
Many people suffer from mental illness. Some - because of problems in their personal lives, others -
Effect of phenazepam on the human body - Verimed
Phenazepam addiction: symptoms of addiction and treatment options for addiction
Anonymous Around the clock Article prepared by expert Ekaterina Sergeevna Knoblokh Leading psychologist of the “Zdravnitsa” Center Medical psychologist,
girl, tears, cry
Tearfulness in women after 40-45-50-55 years. Causes and treatment
Tearfulness is a common occurrence for the fairer sex. But in some cases it is excessive
"Kanner's disease as one of the varieties of early childhood autism"
Kanner's syndrome 2. Kanner's syndrome Described in 1943. The prevalence of autism, according to various sources,
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