Psychological disorders such as neuroses are often found in children. The largest number of cases of disorders is recorded
General anesthesia is a serious burden on the body, which specialists try to avoid whenever possible. IN
Not so long ago you doted on each other, but today you feel
The cause of PA is the release of adrenaline into the blood. It is because of the strong release that an overdose occurs
Neurologist (algologist) Vasilenko Marina Gennadievna Experience 25 years Head of the Pain Treatment Center, neurologist-algologist,
General information Historical facts Effect on the body How to recognize a drug addict Tests for Phenazepam How much
Functions of the temporal lobes Dominant hemisphere (usually the left). language recognition and understanding; medium-term memory; long-term
A person spends a third of his life sleeping, which means it is extremely important for health.
Many people are faced with a situation where the mind requires only actions, and feelings -