Acupuncture relieves headaches better than medications

Indications for head massage procedures

Massage helps get rid of problems that cannot be cured even with the help of pills: for example, headaches, migraines, insomnia.

For good health:

  • Relaxation of the nervous system;
  • Increasing the level of immunity and performance;
  • Reducing headaches;
  • Relaxation of the muscles of the cervical-collar area, relieving spasms;
  • Normalization of blood pressure.

For beauty:

  • Accelerating hair growth, increasing its thickness;
  • Getting rid of the problem of oily hair;
  • Improved complexion;
  • Reducing the severity of wrinkles, creases, solving the problem of drooping facial oval.

Therapeutic exercises for migraines

Physical therapy is an important component of migraine prevention. During the interictal period, the following physical exercises are recommended:

  • While sitting, after a deep breath, tilt your head, touching your shoulder with your ear. Perform the exercise at a slow pace 6-8 times.
  • While sitting, tilt your head back and slowly rotate your head, first clockwise, then counterclockwise. The number of repetitions is 6-8 times.

All physical activity must be performed strictly after the appointment of a specialist. By relying only on yourself, you risk aggravating your current condition. We recommend that you contact our clinic. The doctor will create a specific set of exercises for you, performing which you will feel the results very quickly.

Self-massage of the head at home

You can conduct a session according to this scheme every day, returning tired from work. The self-massage procedure can be carried out even in the office: in a quiet environment, massage has a relaxing effect, in a work environment it helps to concentrate and improves performance.

Place your fingertips on your scalp and move them in a circular motion while applying slight pressure. Work the hair growth area located on the neck and move upwards.

Contact with hair can also have a relaxing effect: lightly tug on it, of course, to make it pleasant. Already in the first seconds of the procedure you will feel the flow of blood. At the end of the session, gently stroke the scalp and hair with both hands. Duration 1-2 minutes, but if you want more, we're all for it!

Many people do not attach importance to the process of combing, but in vain: it can have a positive effect on blood circulation and improves hair growth. By brushing your hair 2-3 times a day with a massage comb for a minute, you won’t experience hair loss!

Migraine prevention

Prevention of migraine attacks, which makes it possible to ease the course of attacks and make them less frequent, implies:

  • giving up bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs);
  • refusal to take hormonal drugs (contraceptives);
  • refusal of thermal procedures (sauna, hot baths);
  • frequent outdoor activities, walking.

Rehabilitation measures allow you to consolidate the effect obtained from treatment and include:

  • relaxation techniques;
  • yoga classes, water aerobics;
  • Cycling trips with light load.

Classic head massage

  1. Help the client get into a comfortable position.
  2. Begin the procedure by moving the straight palm of your right hand in the direction from the right ear to the left. Halfway through, intercept the movement with your left hand and continue it to your left ear.
  3. Using massaging movements with your fingertips, work the area of ​​your forehead and temples.
  4. Using zigzag movements, work the entire surface of the head.
  5. Superciliary arches, depressions at the outer end of the eyebrows, behind the ears, mastoid processes, occipital protuberance - work all these points by pressing symmetrically on them with your fingertips for 5-10 seconds.
  6. Using straight palms, move from the forehead to the back of the head (when performing such movements, be careful not to catch the hair and cause discomfort to the client).
  7. Gently pull the hair, retreating 1 centimeter from the root. Work this way across the entire head.

Want to add a few moves to enhance the rejuvenating effects of your session?

Repeat these techniques (perform each movement for a minute):

  1. Use your fist to work the forehead area.
  2. Getting rid of crow's feet, bags under the eyes and drooping eyelids: from the outer corner of the eye, go to the inner corner, and then back under the eyebrow.
  3. Work on the wings of the nose.
  4. We tighten the oval and make the facial features more sculpted, working with the main massage lines:
      from the center of the chin to the ears;
  5. from the corners of the lips to the ears;
  6. from the wings of the nose to the temples;
  7. from the outer corner of the eye to the temples.

The procedure time is 10 minutes. The frequency of sessions is 2-3 times a week, usually they are combined with the main procedure.

Migraine symptoms

The main manifestation of migraine is acute throbbing pain, which is characteristic of many diseases. However, the main difference between this disease is that the pain is localized in one part of the head, most often in the frontal or temporal part. Manifestations of the disease develop gradually, and the disease may not always cause all the symptoms, which include:

  • General weakness of the body, which is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting
  • Intolerance to noise and light, which causes pain in the eyes
  • Migraines often cause a feeling of numbness and weakness in the muscles.

Thai head massage

This technique is known throughout the world for its relaxing effect on the body. Masters who have mastered the technique win the hearts of clients, because in 5-10 minutes they can relieve stress that has accumulated for months. Even one session solves the problem of insomnia, soothes headaches and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system of the body.

  1. Warm up the skin using simple movements with your fingertips and straight palms.
  2. Using shock movements and pressure, work out all biologically active points. This is precisely the secret of the powerful anti-stress effect of technology.

What is its use?

Massage is a unique tool for combating migraines , because... Impact on certain points and areas of the body can significantly improve overall well-being and relieve stress.

Regular massage affects the body in the following way:

  1. Improves blood circulation.
  2. Provides complete nutrition to the cells and tissues of various organs.
  3. Eliminates dead cells.
  4. Increases immunity.
  5. Helps remove waste products from the body.
  6. Improves the activity of glands.
  7. Dilates blood vessels.

Massage of active points helps to improve the functioning of important systems:

  • nervous;
  • digestive;
  • vascular;
  • cardiac;
  • lymphatic;
  • muscular.

Their coordinated work plays an important role in getting rid of migraines and for its prevention.

It also stimulates the production of trace elements such as histamine and acetylcholine. They actively spread with the bloodstream throughout the body, which produces a general strengthening effect on tissues and organs, relieves muscle tension, accelerates tissue regeneration, and restores normal metabolic processes.

This helps improve the condition of the body, relieve pain, and increase vitality.

Main points when performing a head massage:

  • Parietal fossae;
  • Center of forehead;
  • Occipital cavities;
  • A point located above the center of the eyebrow;
  • Hollows behind the ears;
  • Whiskey.

Movements should not cause discomfort for the client. Paired points are processed simultaneously. The procedure ends with stroking.

Diagnosis of migraine

The classic manifestation of a migraine attack has characteristic and striking signs, so diagnosis is not difficult.

During your initial appointment, our doctor will:

  • examination and interview of the patient;
  • pulse diagnostics (this ancient method of oriental medicine allows you to get a complete picture of the body’s condition and accurately determine the cause of the disease).

Instrumental diagnosis of the disease using ultrasound of cerebral vessels is limited. During the interictal period, no changes are detected, and during an attack, patients feel so bad that research is often impossible.

Indian head massage

It differs in that it affects not only the head area, but also the cervical-collar area, which gives a complex relaxation effect and allows you to get rid of spasms formed due to a sedentary lifestyle and improper sleep.

  1. Assist the client into a comfortable sitting position.
  2. Start the session with your shoulders: use classic movements to warm up this area.
  3. Using the edges of your palms, massage the upper part of your shoulders.
  4. Work the area of ​​the back of the neck from bottom to top and from the center to the sides.
  5. Tilt the client's head forward, holding it with your palm behind the forehead. Return to original position. Repeat three times.
  6. Work all areas of the head using the movements provided in the classical technique.
  7. Finish with stroking.

Migraine Treatment Methods

Taking medications to relieve pain is not a cure. Only an integrated approach can permanently relieve this disease. Properly selected treatment for migraine by experienced doctors at our clinic allows you to quickly return to a normal, full rhythm of life without pain. To do this, we use effective methods of oriental medicine:

  1. Acupuncture. It is performed in the collar area and in the cervical spine to relieve pain.
  2. Acupressure. Used to relax muscles and normalize blood circulation.
  3. Herbal medicines. They are prescribed individually, taking into account the reasons that caused migraine and provoked the manifestation of its symptoms.
  4. Vacuum therapy. Like acupressure, it is designed to improve blood circulation and relieve vascular spasm.
  5. Kinesiotherapy – overcoming pain with the help of special physical exercises.
  6. Tszyu therapy is an effect on acupuncture points associated with internal organs and systems.
  7. Pharmacopuncture is treatment through the administration of homeopathic remedies.
  8. Traction technique is a special manipulation that leads to the release of the damaged vertebra and fixation of the intervertebral disc in its natural position.

In certain cases, we add treatment with pharmacological drugs, which, in combination with oriental methods, gives a faster and more lasting result.

Effective Eastern methods make it possible to significantly reduce the dosage of pharmaceutical drugs taken, and in some cases completely abandon them.

Migraine treatment at the Paramita clinic

Effective treatment of migraine depends, first of all, on properly selected therapy. Our specialists have extensive experience in treating this insidious disease and use only proven effective methods of oriental medicine. Patients are under no circumstances offered medications that can harm the body!

After a course of treatment in our clinic, you will feel how migraine makes itself felt less and less often. You will regain your usual performance, self-confidence and strength. In addition, especially for you, we will develop a special course for the prevention of illness, which will allow you to improve your health and not remember other diseases for a long time.

In what areas is it useful for masters to learn head massage techniques?

  1. Massage therapists can add this technique to almost any basic session. You can use it as a free “compliment” for the client or offer it as a separate procedure.
  2. Hairdressers. Firstly, after a properly performed head massage, the client will definitely return to you again, because he will definitely like this service! Secondly, care procedures will give a better effect.
  3. For professionals in the spa industry, such a relaxing procedure will not leave guests indifferent.
  4. Cosmetologists - any beauty procedure will work more effectively after such sessions. Why? We explain in the next paragraph.

The secrets of head massage are also useful for those who want to help family and friends by giving a massage after a hard day at work. Even home sessions have a good relaxing effect, relieve mild headaches and insomnia without the use of medications.

Causes of migraine

It is almost impossible to identify specific causes of migraine. People suffering from this disease often note that even a light breeze or a simple turn of the head can trigger an attack. The main factors that can cause an exacerbation of the disease include:

  • Psycho-emotional reasons: mental, physical or nervous overstrain, fatigue, stress Bad habits: drinking alcohol, smoking
  • Migraines can be triggered by any changes in usual living conditions: sudden climate change, insomnia, hunger, hormonal disorders, menstruation
  • Some foods that contain a vasoconstrictor enzyme may also cause an attack.

Why does head massage help get rid of wrinkles?

  1. Head massage relieves spasms - the main causes of age-related changes. The oval of the face often becomes unclear precisely because of tension in the cervical-collar area, and not because of age.
  2. Wrinkles appear not only due to a lack of collagen: nervousness, stress, and a state of constant tension lead to their formation. Massage relaxes and solves these problems even better than injections, because it affects the root of the problem.
  3. Improving blood circulation refreshes the complexion, speeds up metabolism in skin cells, allowing them to receive more beneficial nutrients.
  4. Getting rid of insomnia and headaches cannot but affect a person’s appearance!

Studying the technique is also useful for those who only dream of becoming a massage master: courses on teaching this technique do not take much time and are inexpensive. After completing the program, you can easily determine whether you like this field of activity. We bet you'll love it! Therefore, there are no random people in this profession, there are only those who really fell in love with massage and made their hobby their job. You can take online and offline training in head massage at the School of Massage Masters, whose specialists have prepared this article for you!

Author of the article:

Practicing: 15 years, Teaching: 8 years

Research and evidence

This claim has been proven in the UK and relevant studies have been carried out. The first, control group of patients continued to take their usual medications. The second group of patients was deprived of the opportunity to take pills; the patients underwent acupuncture sessions.

The study found that the frequency and intensity of cephalalgia in patients treated with acupuncture was 43% less than in the control group. In patients who continued to be treated with tablets, headache intensity decreased by only 16%. A fairly important by-product of this study was that patients receiving acupuncture sessions visited doctors less often than those in the comparison group.

This study became possible, among other things, thanks to the careful recording of changes in well-being, which during the study yielded interesting results. Patients in the groups recorded their well-being using diaries. Each of the subjects kept a diary for a year, in which he entered all the data about his headaches. These are facts such as the frequency of attacks, localization of pain, intensity, and the connection (in the opinion of the subject) of the occurrence of headache attacks with other factors. This is overwork, drinking coffee, physical activity, weather change, and so on.

Those patients who visited a specialist acupuncturist reliably had a total number of days with headaches of 22 less during the year than in the control group. The number of days of disability associated with headache attacks was also 15% less.

According to experts, regular use of acupuncture in the complex treatment of various chronic cephalgic syndromes causes a significant improvement in the patient’s condition. This is especially true for migraines, as well as tension headaches.

The pharmacoeconomic outcome of this study is also important. Acupuncture, of course, takes time and appropriate qualifications of specialists. But at the same time, this is a cheaper method, and, what is very important, it is free of side effects, which are characteristic of almost all medications.

Therefore, in many public clinics in the UK, acupuncture can be recommended as one of the accepted methods of improving the condition of patients with chronic cephalgic syndromes in complex therapy for the treatment of chronic tension-type headaches, as well as migraines.


Acupuncture is a branch of traditional Chinese medicine, better known to us as acupuncture.
The technique is most often used to treat migraines, relieve pain symptoms, restore the digestive tract, relieve nausea and vomiting, and fibromyalgia.

In acupuncture, the thinnest needles are used, the insertion of which the patient does not even feel.

They are fixed at special points of the body, thereby influencing certain centers.

Sometimes an electric current is passed through the needles or they are burned with small mugwort cigarettes.

Features of the disease

Migraine is a neurological disease characterized by attacks of severe headache of vascular origin. On average, the disease occurs in 10-15% of people, with women getting sick more often than men. Signs of the disease:

  • most often the pain is one-sided, although sometimes it affects the entire head;
  • pain is not associated with injuries, tumors, changes in pressure;
  • bright light, movement, loud sounds and strong smells increase pain;
  • Possible nausea or vomiting;
  • the pain is pulsating;
  • the attack lasts from four hours to three days;
  • shortly before an attack or simultaneously with it, a phenomenon such as an aura is possible.

Migraine with aura means that the headache is preceded by a set of symptoms. These may include hallucinations, dizziness, loss of orientation, and visual disturbances. Such disorders last no more than an hour, and then disappear without a trace. Usually a set of symptoms is repeated time after time, and patients understand by their aura that they are about to have an attack. Aura is characteristic of basilar migraine - this is a severe form of the disease that is difficult to treat.


The general name is used for different types of headaches. All of them are of vascular origin.

  • The cervical variety occurs due to impaired blood flow in the vertebral arteries. A neurologist treats cervical migraines.
  • Abdominal migraine - as the name implies, severe abdominal pain is also added to the usual symptoms. This variety usually occurs in children and adolescents.
  • Atrial scotoma, or ocular migraine, is a disease in which vision is periodically impaired in certain areas. Characteristic sensations include flickering, the appearance of phosphenes, and loss of visual fields. Treatment of ocular migraine is carried out by a neurologist, not an ophthalmologist, since the pathology is associated with disorders of the brain.
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