Medicines for hand tremors: review of drugs and recommendations

Hand tremor is a fine trembling of the fingers and hands. Some people's wrists also shake. The causes of this condition are different: they can be either a psychological state or the presence of various types of physical diseases. Medicine for hand tremors helps relieve shaking and discomfort. However, it is very difficult to choose an effective drug for yourself. First, you need to visit a doctor and make sure what exactly is the cause of hand tremors. Treatment in adults can be not only pharmacological. Doctors often recommend changing your lifestyle for a while - relaxing in a sanatorium, giving up bad habits, quitting a stressful job.

What is hand tremor and why does it occur?

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Probably, any person in his life has experienced a condition in which his hands are shaking. The amplitude of the shaking can be very small, but even very slight trembling of the fingers is considered to be a tremor in medicine. This condition can occur in both children and adults. Tremor can be both a manifestation of excitement (for example, a teenager is nervous before a performance and his fingers are shaking slightly) and a symptom of diseases. In the latter case, treatment is necessary - medications for hand tremors will come to the rescue. It is important to understand that the drugs are not specifically for tremors, but for conditions and diseases that lead to tremor. Some of the medications for tremor must be taken over a long course, while others can be taken only during an exacerbation of the condition.

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Why do tremors of the hands and head develop? Causes can be classified as physiological and psychological.

Physiological causes of tremor of the hands and head:

  • Multiple sclerosis provokes the appearance of tremors and a number of other symptoms due to the deposition of autoimmune complexes in the nervous structures.
  • In Parkinson's disease, hand tremors are quite pronounced. The disease is mainly diagnosed in older people. Tremor occurs not only during the day, but also at night when the patient is sleeping. This disease is characterized by tremors not only of the hands and head, but also of the shoulders, feet, and lips. Depending on the course of the disease, trembling can be observed only on the left side of the body, or only on the right.
  • Essential tremor develops in patients of any age. Occurs when it is necessary to perform some action that requires small and precise work. For example, bringing a spoon to the mouth, tightening nuts, painting with a brush, etc. During physical activity, during periods of nervous tension, essential tremor intensifies.
  • Thyrotoxicosis provokes a violation of potassium metabolism in the muscles, resulting in tremor. Thyrotoxicosis is a rather complex disease of the thyroid gland, which is characterized by metabolic disorders. The patient requires long-term treatment and is often forced to take hormonal medications for many years.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the cerebellum, which is responsible for the coordination of movements. Tremors of the hands and head appear at any time. The patient cannot control this condition; somehow it is not possible to relieve the tremor. You need a consultation with an experienced neurologist and selection of complex treatment.
  • Osteochondrosis of the spine in the cervical or thoracic region.
  • In chronic alcoholism, hand tremors appear during the abstinence period. As a rule, it goes away after a week without repeated use. If chronic alcoholism has led to the development of encephalopathy and changes in the brain and nervous system, then tremor can become a constant companion for the patient. At the same time, trembling is observed not only in the hands, but also in the head, lips, feet, etc.
  • In patients with diabetes, tremors appear when blood glucose levels drop. If you eat a product rich in carbohydrates, the condition stabilizes and the tremor goes away. In this case, you can do without taking medications.
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia may also be accompanied by the appearance of tremor. The patient also suffers from sweating, anxiety, palpitations, and blood pressure may decrease or increase.
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    Psychological reasons:

  • Psycho-emotional stress that has reached its limit. It is better not to bring yourself to such a state, as it is fraught with the development of psychosomatic diseases.
  • Severe physical fatigue coupled with hunger. This is typical for girls who torture themselves with training and do not eat according to heavy loads. Fasting and exercise lead to severe exhaustion.
  • Changes in the conditions of your usual life: moving, changing jobs, divorce or death of a loved one. Do not think that such events can lead to a nervous breakdown only in a weak person. On the contrary, the sooner you throw out all your anxiety, the better for your psyche.
  • The presence of bad habits - smoking, alcohol abuse - disables the central nervous system. This is often the cause of hand tremors. There is no pill for bad habits. There is no such magic remedy, a “miracle pill” that would give up bad habits for the person himself. How to get rid of hand tremors caused by bad habits? It’s simple: you need to show willpower before chronic alcoholism develops and outgrow your vice.


If the cause that underlies the disease is removable, treatment of tremor begins with this. Then conservative therapy comes into play, which includes:

  • Improving quality of life by changing habits and environment. Patients need to avoid stress and also surround themselves with more comfortable and safe things. For example, knives should have dull edges so that a person cannot hurt himself. If a person is often left alone at home, an emergency phone should have voice control.
  • Exercise therapy, massages, and additional treatment options such as reflexology. Also, many patients are recommended to use special braces that are attached to the wrists and make movements more rigid and limited.
  • The use of various medications, which are selected exclusively by a doctor after a thorough diagnosis. Under no circumstances should you prescribe something for yourself.

If conservative methods do not help, patients are offered surgical intervention. This is relevant in the case when tremor can make a person disabled. Then, during the operation, special electrodes are implanted into the body - by influencing the brain with special impulses, they help to align movements.

If you want to cure hand tremors or get detailed advice on this issue, neurologists at the Meditsina JSC clinic in Moscow are ready to see you at a convenient time and provide professional assistance.

Diagnosis of diseases that cause tremor

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In order to identify the causes of physiological or pathological tremor, it is necessary to undergo a series of examinations. After this, you can already choose a medicine for hand tremors. If the trembling is pathological in nature, then you will need to undergo a fairly detailed and extensive examination, which includes tests for the presence of endocrine pathologies, computed tomography and MRI of the brain, consultations and examination by a neurologist, psychiatrist, and endocrinologist.

To clarify the diagnosis, it may also be necessary to carry out functional tests, thanks to which it will be possible to draw a conclusion about the degree of tremor (mild, moderate or severe).

There is a simple testing method that will help you understand the nature of the tremor. The patient should stand straight on two legs, straight back, extend his arms in front of him and fix them for a while. With pathology of the cerebellum, postural tremor of the hands will appear. This is the easiest way to understand whether tremor is related to the functioning of the cerebellum. Also pay attention to whether your hands shake when you try to bring a glass of water to your mouth - this can help determine intention tremor.


  1. Causes of tremor
  2. What happens if you don’t remove the shaking after a binge?
  3. Tremor - how to get rid of it after binge drinking 3.1. Non-drug methods of dealing with the problem 3.2. Medicines that help combat tremors

The shaking after a binge, which all alcohol addicts experience sooner or later, is called tremor by narcologists.
With this condition, involuntary trembling of the limbs or the whole body and even the face occurs. The symptom develops as a result of prolonged use of alcohol-containing drinks and indicates the presence of severe alcohol intoxication. All alcohol addicts are interested in how to relieve the shaking after drinking on their own. But doctors do not recommend carrying out independent home therapy for severe tremors. The most sensible thing a drinker can do is to seek qualified drug treatment help. Today, thanks to the advent of new medical technologies, narcologists can treat the problem described even at the patient’s home.

Medicines for hand tremors: list of the most effective

The modern pharmacological market offers many drugs, and without special education it is quite difficult to understand this diversity. Neurology offers the following classification:

  • anticonvulsants are used to slow down processes occurring in the nervous system, and also gently reduce the severity of muscle spasms (Hexamidine, Acediprol);
  • inhibitors help weaken the transmission of nerve impulses (Neptazan, Pyrazidol);
  • tranquilizers and antipsychotic drugs normalize the functioning of the nervous system, block panic attacks and relieve anxiety (Atarax, Teraligen);
  • antidepressants help restore the emotional background, allow you to survive difficult life moments without damage to the psyche, and even out the balance of neurotransmitters (Paxil, Fluoxetine);
  • nootropics improve cerebral circulation, restore vital activity, increase cognitive abilities, relieve unmotivated anxiety, and stabilize sleep (Phenibut, Pantogam).
  • How to get rid of hand tremors on your own, without resorting to the use of pharmacology? This is only possible if the tremor is caused by anxiety, stress or alcohol abuse. If there are neurological diseases, then you will have to resort to the help of pharmacological agents in any case.


    Tremors can be of different types, but first let’s distinguish between primary and secondary. Primary, essential tremor occurs independently, and secondary - in the form of a reaction to various diseases, the administration, or the effect of certain medications.

    You should also distinguish between physiological and pathological tremor. The first is considered normal and occurs in healthy people - for example, with severe anxiety. It is characterized by a small range of movements, as well as the ability on the part of the person himself to remove this state - simply to calm down.

    Pathological is caused by various disorders in the nervous system. It is divided into a large number of different subtypes - for example, there is the so-called cerebellar variant.

    It is necessary to highlight one more group of such disorders: motor and at rest. Moreover, motor tremors also come in several varieties. We won’t describe everything, but let’s give an example of kinetic - this is a tremor that is observed when trying to perform an action. If it is not targeted (conditionally, any), we are talking about a simple kinetic version of the state. When the action is purposeful (for example, the patient wants to take a cup), and the trembling itself intensifies as it approaches the goal, they speak of intention tremor.

    Antidepressants for anxiety-induced tremors

    The advisability of taking antidepressants should be determined by a doctor for each individual patient. Antidepressants can be used in people with chronic alcoholism to relieve withdrawal symptoms, which are characterized by severe hand tremors. Also, while taking antidepressants, it is easier to survive difficult life moments. However, self-administration is fraught with serious consequences, since antidepressants affect the production and preservation of neurotransmitters.

  • Paxil has paroxetine as its main active ingredient. This is an SSRI that does not have an activating effect. Suitable for those patients who suffer from anxiety, hyperactivity, sleep problems, depression, obsessive-compulsive behavior. Showed good results in patients with chronic alcoholism during the abstinence period.
  • Fluoxetine has a fairly pronounced activating effect. Therefore, it is prescribed relatively rarely for hand tremors and increased anxiety. However, it helps those patients who suffer from apathy, lack of interest in life, and various kinds of psychosomatic disorders.
  • Causes

    There are many causes of hand tremors:

    • Genetic factor (determines the essential form of the disease).
    • Parkinson's disease.
    • Some pathologies of the endocrine system.
    • Metabolic disorders. For example, Wilson-Konovalov disease may be the cause.
    • Cerebral vascular lesions are different types of strokes.
    • Diseases due to infections. This includes epidemic encephalitis.
    • Various space-occupying formations: from tumors to hematomas.
    • Taking certain medications. The shaking effect is caused by some types of antidepressants and antipsychotics.
    • Serious poisoning - carbon monoxide, salts of heavy metals.
    • Withdrawal syndrome that occurs during withdrawal of a substance to which a person is dependent. These are drugs, alcohol, some strong medications.

    These are not all factors - in the practice of doctors there are others that can cause tremors of the limbs.

    "Grandaxin": instructions and patient reviews

    The main active ingredient is tofisopam. The drug belongs to the class of anxiolytic drugs, i.e., it has a pronounced anti-anxiety and sedative effect, and its use has a beneficial effect on sleep. Neurologists often prescribe this drug for hand tremors at a young age, but many older people have also benefited from this medicine.

    Indications for use:

    • anxiety disorders;
    • insomnia;
    • abstinence period in chemically dependent people;
    • depressive disorders.

    "Grandaxin" for tremor helps if the condition is provoked by the conditions mentioned above. During treatment, patients improve their sleep and psycho-emotional state. Nervous tics and tremors disappear. Reviews from patients also report that it improves performance, gives them energy for hobbies and sports.

    Causes of alcoholic tremors

    The main cause of the condition is severe alcohol poisoning. It has long been known that ethanol destroys neurons. As a result, brain cells begin to die. The cerebellum is responsible for coordinating movements in the human body. Damaged by toxins, it does not work properly. Because of this, the alcoholic’s gait becomes unsteady, he suffers from the inability to maintain balance, and often falls and stumbles.

    At the same time, the interaction of neurons in the cervical spinal cord is disrupted. It controls the activity of the arm muscles. Disruption of connections between motor nerves and the braking function causes decreased muscle tone and hand tremors.

    Alcohol intoxication affects not only the upper limbs, but also the torso and legs. This is due to the powerful toxic effect of ethyl alcohol. Acetaldehyde formed during its breakdown disrupts the activity of the autonomic nervous system and vestibular apparatus.

    The effectiveness of Teraligen against tremors of the hands and head

    The main active ingredient is alimemazine tartrate. The drug belongs to the group of mild antipsychotics. Effective against tremors of the hands and head if the condition appears as a result of psychiatric spectrum disorders. The antipsychotic effect is very mild, so Teraligen is prescribed even to children from seven years of age.

    The intake should be carried out incrementally, from small dosages (a quarter of a tablet) and up to two or three tablets per day. Cancellation should also be carried out “ladder”, otherwise the condition will worsen and the tremor may return with double intensity. Teraligen is a strictly prescription drug and should not be taken on its own; there is a high risk of side effects.

    How to remove shaking

    At home, mild stages of tremors can be relieved using the following recommendations:

    1. Take sedatives, such as glycine. Proper nutrition with the addition of citrus fruits and chocolate will help compensate for the lack of this amino acid.
    2. Chills after heavy drinking and muscle spasms are relieved by No-shpa, Spazmalgon and aspirin. These are antispasmodics that help relieve tremors in the hands, but it is advisable to consult a doctor before using them.
    3. Quality sleep will be beneficial for calming the nervous system. To improve falling asleep, you can use sedatives (Persen, Novo-passit).

    A similar effect can be achieved by using natural herbal preparations. A decoction of sage, motherwort, heather and valerian helps fight depression and nervous tension.

    A small amount of dry herb (about 10-20 grams) is poured with boiling water and left for 8-10 hours. Take infusions 2-3 times a day in a dosage of 50 ml. Before using herbs, it is advisable to consult a doctor to avoid allergic reactions.

    "Atarax": instructions for use

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    "Atarax" is a tranquilizer, quite often used as tablets for hand tremors. The main active ingredient is hydroxyzine hydrochloride. Doctors prescribe Atarax as a sedative for children aged three years and older. Atarax can also be used as part of a complex treatment for hand tremors in older people. You can purchase the drug at any pharmacy if you have a prescription from a doctor.

    Reviews from patients report that sleep improves while taking it. Anxiety and suspiciousness become less or disappear completely. As a rule, Atarax is rarely prescribed as an independent remedy; it is usually used as part of a complex treatment of psychosomatic disorders or neurological diseases.

    What happens if you don’t remove the shaking after a binge?

    Tremor appears on the second to fifth day after regular drinking (but sometimes it happens that the first symptoms appear ten days later). The peak of negative symptoms occurs on the third day of sobriety. Only after one and a half to two weeks the situation begins to stabilize.

    It is wrong to wait for everything to be resolved by itself. Abnormal functioning of the central nervous system does not go unnoticed. Subsequently, the patient may develop various diseases of the central nervous system.

    It is especially dangerous when, without knowing anything about the causes, symptoms, treatment of tremor, an alcohol addict decides to improve his health by lowering the degree. Indeed, after a bottle of beer, your hands begin to tremble less. But this does not mean that there is a positive trend. Alcohol only masks the problem and does not cure it.

    The shaking is accompanied by other withdrawal symptoms. Hallucinations, delirium tremens, psychosis, hyperthermia, hypertension - all these are complications of alcoholism. It can get to the point where the addict falls into an alcoholic coma and dies.

    The effectiveness of Phenibut

    "Phenibut" has a substance called phenibut as its main active ingredient. The drug has a hypnotic effect if taken before bed and an activating effect if taken in the morning. Belongs to the group of nootropic and anxiolytic drugs. With prolonged use it can cause drug dependence. Therefore, it is not recommended to take Phenibut for tremor for a course longer than two months. This is an important condition.

    Phenibut can be used as a sedative for hand tremors. But there is an important nuance: do not take the drug for longer than one month. Otherwise, there is a high risk that insomnia will develop, tremors may return, irritability and apathy will appear. These are all the consequences of abrupt withdrawal of the drug after it has been used for a long time.

    What forms can motor dysfunction take?

    The shaking is accompanied by headache, chills, pain in the body and muscles. How long it will last depends on the physiological state of the body, the amount of drinking and the duration of the drinking bouts.

    Movement disorders in different patients can be of different types:

    1. Hand tremors in the morning.
    2. Major trembling throughout the body.
    3. Shaking in the head and neck area, twitching of the eyelids.
    4. Cramps in the limbs.

    It is difficult to say exactly what manifestations of tremors a particular alcohol addict will have - it all depends on individual characteristics. Some twitches are almost imperceptible and only appear when fine motor skills of the fingers are used. Moderate and severe forms of tremors cause a lot of discomfort, to the point that a person is unable to hold objects.

    Types of alcoholic shaking and the reasons for their occurrence:

    1. Muscle contractions and chills during withdrawal symptoms. They appear depending on the concentration of toxic substances and ethanol breakdown products. The more there are, the worse the patient feels.
    2. Tremor coupled with fever indicates the presence of a large amount of cryoglobulin in the patient’s blood. Intoxication can result in damage to the joints and kidneys, requiring hospitalization.
    3. Trembling throughout the body can be a symptom of a lack of dopamine. Its deficiency is compensated with medication and with the help of a special diet rich in fruits.
    4. If shaking is accompanied by flapping movements of the fingers, this is a sign of critical liver dysfunction. An urgent visit to the hospital is necessary.

    Tremors in the limbs after heavy drinking last from a couple of days to a couple of weeks. The longer it persists, the higher the likelihood that concomitant pathologies occur in the addict’s body. You should consult a doctor for a diagnosis and prescription of medications.

    Features of taking Phenazepam for tremor

    "Phenazepam" has bromodihydrochlorophenylbenzodiazepine as its main active ingredient. With prolonged use, it can cause drug dependence even stronger than Phenibut. Before purchasing, you should get a prescription from your doctor. Phenazepam is not sold without a prescription, as the substance is classified as psychotropic.

    The drug has the following effects:

    • sedative;
    • hypnotic;
    • muscle relaxant;
    • anticonvulsant;
    • amnestic.

    A prescription for Phenazepam can be obtained from a doctor if the patient suffers from insomnia, nervous tics, alcohol or drug withdrawal. Also, this drug is often prescribed to patients if they have started taking antidepressants. Then the duration of use of Phenazepam should not exceed two weeks. In psychiatry, Phenazepam is prescribed as part of complex therapy to patients with hallucinations of various etiologies.

    If at the initial stages of using the drug a person experiences drowsiness and positive emotions, then after about a few months (with continuous use of Phenazepam) a “rollback” occurs. The person becomes irritable and angry. If drug dependence has developed, the drug should be discontinued gradually. In some cases, it may be necessary to cover it with other tranquilizers or even antipsychotic drugs (neuroleptics). Therefore, it is better not to experiment with taking Phenazepam on your own.

    Get a free consultation on purchasing a Neurodoctor device for the treatment of tremor in Moscow

    Our company has been selling the Neurodoctor device for over 30 years. During this period, serious experience was accumulated, which made it possible to come up with programs for the treatment of tremor and some other diseases. The operating features of the device are carefully described in the instructions.

    However, before ordering, it would be safer to contact our doctors to receive a free consultation on selecting the most suitable program and assistance in registration. At the same time, you can try the device for free, that is, if it does not suit you, we will provide a full refund. Contact us in any convenient way, and you will definitely be satisfied with the cooperation.

    "Pantogam": a nootropic drug with a long-term effect

    Taking Pantogam for tremor is advisable if the condition is triggered by stress. There are two forms of release of the drug - syrup and tablets. The syrup is usually prescribed to children aged six months and older. while taking Pantogam, the ability to learn increases, memory improves, and a person becomes more positive. Irritability, suspiciousness, and anxiety go away.

    The main active ingredient is hopantenic acid. This substance began to be used back in the Soviet years, and it has established itself as a relatively safe remedy for a number of neurological pathologies. Hopanthenic acid exhibits moderate anticonvulsant and nootropic activity, increases the brain's resistance to toxic effects during hypoxia of various origins. The drug is prescribed to both elderly people and young children for various types of neurological disorders, decreased learning ability, and developmental delays.

    "Pantogam" is relatively rarely used as a drug for hand tremors. However, in complex therapy it is prescribed for many neurological disorders. Pantogam has a significant advantage: the effect lasts for about a month from the moment of discontinuation. This is one of the few drugs with a truly prolonged effect. In addition, Pantogam can be purchased at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.


    Alcohol tremor - what is it?

    This term means trembling. The upper and lower limbs and head may tremble. At the same time, the patient experiences a lack of coordination of movements. It is difficult for him to move in space.

    Involuntary muscle contractions that contribute to the occurrence of such shaking are a consequence of severe alcohol intoxication. They usually occur the day after drinking or a few hours after it ends. In some alcohol addicts, alcoholic hand tremors persist on a permanent basis and do not go away even when intoxicated.

    Before we tell you how to cure alcoholic tremor, we list its main features. Their knowledge is necessary for carrying out differentiated diagnostics. This means:

    • maintaining normal muscle tone;
    • fairly large amplitude of trembling;
    • a decrease in the severity of the symptom during rest and intensification when trying to do any work or lift something;
    • disappearance of the problem after using alcohol.

    Most often, alcoholics' hands tremble, but in advanced cases, the face, eyelids, cheeks, and tongue can shake.

    How it's done?

    Magnetic resonance imaging creates an image of the brain. Using a map of the brain, neurosurgeons calculate the probable location that causes the tremor. After which, ultrasound “puts to sleep” this area of ​​the brain for a while. The size of this area is less than 1 mm. Next, you can evaluate the likelihood of side effects and the correctness of the hit.

    When the focus is located where this hibernation (euthanization) of neurons is performed, doctors see the disappearance of symptoms and the absence of side effects. Then after this the impact at the point is repeated and is irreversible. The tremor goes away.

    If the source is located elsewhere, the exposure stops. All neurons “wake up” after 2-3 minutes. Using a map of the relative positions of the brain nuclei, the doctor determines the next point of influence.

    In this way, a controlled, irreversible effect is achieved. Therefore, it is possible to prevent most side effects. They appear at the stage of euthanasia (preheating), go away on their own after a couple of minutes and do not become irreversible.

    Visual video about the technique:

    What are the disadvantages of MRFUS?

    The procedure can sometimes cause a headache at the time of sonication (exposure), this happens in approximately one case out of twenty. During the procedure, the head is in contact with cold water for some time. All this is not so dangerous, especially in comparison with surgery. Not all patients are suitable for FUS treatment:

    1. Those patients who cannot have an MRI (for example, if there are staples, clips in the brain and pacemakers incompatible with MRI). Most other implants (joints, teeth, etc.) are not contraindications for treatment. This should be assessed at consultation.
    2. Those patients whose bone tissue is too dense (doctors evaluate this in advance before therapy using a CT scan of the brain)

    Taking medications after the procedure for Parkinson's disease

    For patients with Parkinson's disease, medications are required due to altered metabolism. DBS, RFA, and FUS procedures remove symptoms, but do not eliminate the disease. This is the same as coronary artery stenting or bypass surgery. They do not cure coronary heart disease, but eliminate its manifestations. Parkinson's patients need to take their medications to keep the disease from progressing, including to control rigidity, depression and other symptoms. Eliminating tremor allows patients to take care of themselves, improves the quality of life; by eliminating tremor, they can eat, drink tea, write SMS and call, and sleep peacefully.

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