Depression during pregnancy: symptoms and treatment

Prenatal depression is something every woman needs to know. Pregnancy is an exciting period for every woman. It is characterized by the emergence of a wide palette of sensations. Of course, the expectant mother is happy about the imminent appearance of the child, but not in all cases it can be said that this happiness is absolute. Sometimes there are situations when a woman feels completely unhappy. She blames herself for not feeling the happiness she deserves, and as a result, she sinks even more into depression...

Why does prenatal depression develop?

There are many factors that trigger the development of prenatal depression. These include illness during pregnancy, stressful life circumstances (for example, relocation), previous lost or complicated pregnancies, past or present violence, financial difficulties and social instability. According to statistics, about eighty percent of prenatal depression is provoked by troubles in the family and discord in relations with the husband. A common cause of the development of prenatal depression is the personal characteristics of women. Young mothers are often afraid of their emotions and get lost in conflicting feelings. This is especially true at the moment when they are faced with the idealized concept of motherhood accepted in society. “Motherhood is a responsibility...”, “a good mother should...”, “a loving mother must...”, etc.

Sometimes prenatal depression is caused by a pregnant woman's worries about her sex life. The husband, concerned about the well-being of the mother and child, tries to disturb them as little as possible and restrains his sexual impulses. As a result, having sex becomes less frequent than before. The woman feels that she has fallen out of love, that her partner has lost interest in her. This leads to signs of depression.

Self-assessment test for stress resistance (authors S. Couchen, G. Williansona)

1. Unexpected troubles throw you off balance:

  • never – 0
  • almost never – 1
  • sometimes – 2
  • quite often – 3
  • very often – 4

2. You feel like the most important things in your life are out of your control:

  • never – 0
  • almost never – 1
  • sometimes – 2
  • quite often – 3
  • very often – 4

3. You feel “nervous”, depressed:

  • never – 0
  • almost never – 1
  • sometimes – 2
  • quite often – 3
  • very often – 4

4. You are confident in your ability to cope with your personal problems:

  • never – 4
  • almost never – 3
  • sometimes – 2
  • quite often – 1
  • very often – 0

5. You think that everything is going exactly the way you want:

  • never – 4
  • almost never – 3
  • sometimes – 2
  • quite often – 1
  • very often – 0

6. You can control irritation:

  • never – 4
  • almost never – 3
  • sometimes – 2
  • quite often – 1
  • very often – 0

7. You feel like you can't handle what's being asked of you:

  • never – 0
  • almost never – 1
  • sometimes – 2
  • quite often – 3
  • very often – 4

8. You feel like you are successful:

  • never – 4
  • almost never – 3
  • sometimes – 2
  • quite often – 1
  • very often – 0

9. You get angry about things you can't control:

  • never – 0
  • almost never – 1
  • sometimes – 2
  • quite often – 3
  • very often – 4

10. You think that so many difficulties have accumulated that they cannot be overcome:

  • never – 0
  • almost never – 1
  • sometimes – 2
  • quite often – 3
  • very often – 4

Features of sexual life during pregnancy

During pregnancy, there are periods of decline and rise in sexual activity. So, for example, in the first three months, sexual desire often decreases somewhat. The reason for this is the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy and the presence of such signs of toxicosis as nausea, vomiting, intolerance to certain foods and odors. The changeable mood of a pregnant woman can lead to conflicts in the family. The woman has the feeling that things will only get worse.

However, this is not so, because already in the second trimester your health improves. Fears pass. The child begins to push and this lets you know that everything is fine with him. A rounded tummy looks very beautiful. Sex life “blooms” during pregnancy. In the third trimester, the belly increases significantly in size and sex becomes difficult. In addition, worries come again, but they are already associated with an imminent birth.

Interpretation of the stress resistance self-assessment test:

  • a score from 0 to 5 indicates a high level of stress resistance
  • from 6 to 10 – good stress resistance
  • from 11 to 20 – a slight decrease in stress resistance, psychotherapy is required to prevent the development of neurotic disorders
  • from 21 to 30 – low resistance to stress, consultation with a psychotherapist is indicated
  • 31 and above – a state of stress, you need to see a psychotherapist and undergo a course of treatment

The truth about prenatal depression

According to statistics, every fourth pregnant woman experiences prenatal depression. This violation is dangerous not only for the woman herself, but also for her child. Pregnant women who have experienced prenatal depression have an increased risk of preterm pregnancy. This is explained by the fact that women who experienced depressive disorders during pregnancy have a significant increase in the level of stress hormone in their blood. This hormone is known to be capable of triggering premature onset of labor. That is why early detection of prenatal depression and its timely correction is very important. Especially because half of the women who experience it continue to suffer from depression after they give birth.

Signs of prenatal depression:

- reduced ability to work; - decreased attention, inability to concentrate on any specific task; — certain difficulties in decision making; - increased anxiety and irritability; - tearfulness; - insomnia, sleep disorders not related to pregnancy; - increased appetite, or vice versa, its absence; - rapid weight gain or loss not related to pregnancy; - constant sadness or guilt; - decreased interest in sexual relations; - fear of being parents; - thoughts of death and suicide.

It is too difficult for a pregnant woman to determine the presence or absence of these symptoms. Her loved ones nearby (husband, parents, brothers, sisters, girlfriends) play an important role in this.

Patient reviews

Doctor: Ayvazyan Tatyana Albertovna


I would like to thank the wonderful psychotherapist T. A. Ayvazyan, thanks to her approach, my mental health has improved, relationships with loved ones have improved, I was able to convey to them that depression is a diagnosis, and not a simple lack of mood. I’m still at the beginning of treatment, but I’m sure that with such a doctor I can cope with my problem.

Doctor: Ayvazyan Tatyana Albertovna


Tatyana Albertovna Ayvazyan helped me at one time. Many thanks to her. An insurance agent recommended that I go to her (I have health insurance). She really helped me. There was psychosomatics there. But now my depression is slowly creeping up again. They say there is also a good doctor there, Bogdan, but I didn’t go to her. Others went, because after 2 years of hell they really saved me and I recommended my doctor to a bunch of people with psychosomatics from another forum. One of them went to Bogdan. Ayvazyan also helped some. As for bad and good. It's like a lottery. If the scheme works for you, then the doctor is good, but if it doesn’t work, then he’s bad. Velaxin and Truxal worked for me and within a week there were noticeable improvements. But my scheme didn’t work for someone. After all, all hell and neuroleptics have different effects on everyone. Before this, during the first period of depression, they couldn’t find me any medications for almost a year. I blamed the doctors for everything, but then I realized. They have the same regimens (well, on average - if advanced doctors, then newer ones use regimens and newer medications) almost. You just need to find your scheme.

Doctor: Ayvazyan Tatyana Albertovna


I would like to thank Tatyana Albertovna Ayvazyan for her extraordinary approach to psychiatric problems. So competently and subtly she led me to a conscious solution to my unhealthy condition. I was able to overcome all the negative emotions that had accumulated in me, and most importantly, I changed my attitude towards the situation. Thank you again for your patience and your optimism and enthusiasm!!!

Doctor: Ayvazyan Tatyana Albertovna


Thank you so much Tatyana Albertovna for such an accurate, one hundred percent article about panic attacks. I am now undergoing treatment for this case and I want to tell you with certainty that you are right about these symptoms. Thank you very much, there should be more doctors like you with a capital “P” !

Doctor: Ayvazyan Tatyana Albertovna


Briefly about your problem. Nervous and work overload recently led to the fact that every morning I forced myself to start a new day, and then forced myself to perform work duties, and then forced me to do at least something around the house after work... My whole life was going on under pressure. I am not a doctor by profession, but I read quite a lot of literature on medical topics. Last fall, I saw an announcement on the Internet about lectures at the clinic, in particular by professor-psychotherapist T.A. Ayvazyan... I came and found out that it is possible to determine the problem in one visit to the doctor and, perhaps, even begin treatment! Six months passed... Specialists helped me “get out of the hole.” Then I can handle it myself. Many thanks to the clinic team for the optimal process of assistance.

Doctor: Ayvazyan Tatyana Albertovna


A doctor who, after 15 minutes of conversation, sorted my whole life into pieces. Tatyana Albertovna prescribed therapy, which made me feel better almost immediately. It was this doctor that I was looking for for so long and thanks to her, my life changed for the better, for which I am very grateful to her!

Doctor: Ayvazyan Tatyana Albertovna


I went to the doctor with a phobia. The doctor prescribed treatment and gave recommendations. I was treated for a year and a half. Thank you for your professionalism.

Neurotic disorders during pregnancy

  • Appearance of anxiety
  • Tension
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Fears
  • Unpleasant sensations in different parts of the body

Psychotherapist's recommendations

If you contact at the very beginning, when negative feelings first appear, there is a high probability that this can be dealt with with the help of psychotherapy. When time is lost and the disease has already developed, drug treatment is necessary.

There is no need to listen to those who advise “to cope on your own, or endure it.” Mental disorders are no different from any other illness and require medication. Recommending “coping” with depression is as pointless as “coping with” a broken leg or pneumonia. Many are afraid of “harming the child if they take any drugs.” But you must understand that no specialist will prescribe drugs whose safety has not been studied. In recent years, serious research has been carried out on the effectiveness and safety of the use of various psychotropic drugs in pregnant women, and drugs have been identified whose use can cure the disease without harming the development of the child.

Treatment of prenatal depression

The difficulty in treating this type of depression is that the list of medications and treatment methods for pregnant women is very limited. First of all, the relatives of a pregnant woman must create psychological and comfortable living conditions for her. You should talk openly with your spouse about problems. If independent conversations are ineffective, conversations can be moved to a psychotherapist’s office. Psychotherapeutic methods have a positive effect: art therapy, auto-training, Gestalt therapy, psychoanalysis, etc. There is also information that light physical activity reduces the manifestations of prenatal depression and normalizes the course of pregnancy.

Ayvazyan Tatyana Albertovna


Doctor of Medical Sciences Work experience: More than 40 years

Initial appointment: RUB 8,000.

Repeated appointment: 8,000 rub.

Leading doctor of the La Salute clinic with extensive experience in medical practice.

She uses original and classical methods of psychotherapy, including relaxation methods, in her treatment. Author of new methods of psychotherapy (patents for inventions). Author of more than 220 scientific papers. Repeatedly took part in international symposia and WHO expert meetings

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