What to do with nervous tremors in the body: causes and methods of treatment

Trembling throughout the body, arising from nervousness, is familiar to absolutely all people on the globe. At least once in a lifetime, even in childhood, every person trembled with excitement, fear, and excitement.

This reaction to overexcitation is so common and normal that it would not be worth talking about if it did not become a real scourge for people who are constantly in an anxious state.

Symptoms of trembling due to nervousness

Psychogenic shaking can manifest itself as follows.

  1. A person feels their arms, legs, abdomen, buttocks, back, and sometimes the whole body simultaneously shaking and vibrating. In this case, trembling can be both noticeable from the outside and felt only internally.
  2. If it starts in one part of the body, it can gradually spread throughout the body. The whole body becomes “nervous”, it vibrates. And the vibration can come from inside, or maybe from outside. Sometimes it occurs all over the body at once.
  3. The condition often worsens after sleep, whether it is a long night's rest or a short nap during the day. The period of going to bed, the desire to relax and rest can also serve as triggers for an attack.
  4. Nervous tremors can develop against a background of severe anxiety and panic. Or it can appear as if out of the blue, without obvious excitement.
  5. The intensity of the symptom can vary from internal trembling barely noticeable to the patient himself, to obvious shaking that is visible to others.
  6. An attack often has a wave-like course: it goes away, then comes back in a wave.
  7. Nervous tremors can occur only occasionally, or can plague a person throughout the day. Its intensity can vary from hour to hour, from day to day, from month to month. Sometimes a symptom may go away completely for several years, and then return again.
  8. Often the symptom is complemented by other bodily manifestations of anxiety. It could be palpitations, nausea, abdominal pain - anything. A state of intense psychogenic vibration, especially one that is noticeable externally, is usually accompanied by obvious excitement, fear, and often panic.
  9. Sometimes, during an attack, a person can stop trembling by saying something soothing to themselves and/or squeezing and relaxing their muscles. But sometimes there is no way to overcome the vibration. Both options may be characteristic of the same patient. And they can occur during the same attack, depending on the intensity of its waves.
  10. For some people, the trigger for development may be overexertion of certain muscle groups. But more often the occurrence of the symptom has nothing to do with physical activity.

Main Causes of Nervousness and Trembling

The feeling of nervousness and (or) internal trembling is familiar to almost every adult. These sensations are observed in healthy people during periods of stress or threat of danger. Feelings of tension and anxiety in ordinary people are always accompanied by nervousness, a feeling of internal trembling, sometimes trembling of fingers, arms, and legs. In addition, these symptoms can be observed due to overwork. This is a manifestation of excitation of the nervous system, mainly its vegetative centers, designed to help the body cope with external threats and stress.

The main reasons for the manifestation of trembling and nervousness are the presence of formed mental disorders (most often - borderline mental states, post-stress disorders, anxiety states), the presence of organic or toxic lesions of the nervous system (more often with the manifestation of various complications of alcoholism, with the manifestation of withdrawal syndrome after drinking alcohol, drugs , drug addiction, etc.). Depending on the causes, the treatment of nervousness and yeast is wiped off according to individual principles.

Treatment of anxiety disorders.

Psychiatrists and psychotherapists (psychotherapists) are more interested in the sensations of nervousness and internal trembling as symptoms of illness (mental or internal organs) or any painful conditions.

Nervousness and inner tremors in life

Patient: Woman, 21 years old, university student, unmarried, no children, no bad habits, occasionally drinking small amounts of alcohol on holidays, resident of a big city. I contacted my therapist with a complaint:

“Lately I’ve been worried about my health, I don’t even know where to turn and what’s causing my ailments. The symptoms are: restlessness, sweaty hands, trembling noticeably when excited, constant internal tension, internal trembling, nervousness, aggressiveness, conflict with others, perhaps because of all this, low mood, a desire for complete loneliness. But most of all I am tormented by a general weak condition and a nasty internal trembling, the temperature constantly stays around 37-37.5, my legs often hurt (as if after prolonged stress or weakness and aches throughout the body), low blood pressure. In general, this state of affairs is simply exhausting. What could all this be connected with? I don’t drink, but I feel like I did after a month of heavy drinking.”

The therapist referred her to a psychiatrist or psychotherapist for consultation. She came in wondering why she needed a psychiatrist. The examination revealed the presence of anxiety-depressive syndrome, complicated by autonomic dysfunction. The treatment was carried out using complex methods: neurometabolic therapy, psychotherapy, a diet was prescribed, and an optimal daily regimen was selected. Relief of the acute phase of mental disorder in a day hospital lasted 5 weeks, after which acute symptoms did not appear. Transferred to home treatment, under the supervision of a psychotherapist with attendance at group psychotherapeutic sessions. After 6 months there was no need for treatment or maintenance therapy. A general regimen is recommended, following a non-strict diet and daily routine. A stable mental state has been observed for three years.

Feeling of nervousness and internal tremors

It can be observed in many mental disorders and behavioral disorders, ranging from asthenic conditions to severe endogenous diseases, with alcoholism and drug addiction, with the consequences of traumatic brain injuries, epilepsy and other disorders of higher nervous activity. In the case of an asthenic state, nervousness is often accompanied by vegetative symptoms: palpitations, rapid or uneven pulse, dry mucous membranes or increased sweating, trembling (or a feeling of internal trembling), a feeling of internal waves (“hot flashes”).

The feeling of increased nervousness can also be one of the first symptoms of many endogenous diseases (from depression to schizophrenia), and can appear long (several years) before the main painful manifestations, which will be felt by a person and reduce the quality of his life. This is explained by the fact that most painful biochemical changes during diseases in the brain occur slowly, and in cases where the metabolic processes of the brain (for example, the exchange of neurotransmitters) are not severely disturbed, or are just beginning to be disturbed. The body immediately reacts to this by trying to “put up” defense mechanisms, which manifests itself in feelings of anxiety or nervousness. When changes become more profound over time, the main manifestations of the disease occur. In these cases, it is important to correctly assess the manifestation of feelings of nervousness and feelings of internal trembling. Whether it is just a healthy reaction to stress or fatigue, or whether it may indicate the possibility of developing a mental disorder in the future, this can only be determined by a psychotherapist, only in a face-to-face consultation.

The main cause of nervous tremors in the body

The main reason for the nervous vibration of the body is its preparation for “fight and flight.” In a state of anxiety, the body mobilizes internal resources so that it has the opportunity to enter into battle or escape. This is the oldest animal survival mechanism.

If anxiety is short-term, then defensive behavior does not last long. The body will turn on the stress response. The muscles will tense and possibly begin to tremble. But as soon as the threat disappears, everything will pass.

But if a person is in a state of chronic anxiety, sometimes without noticing it, his body is constantly in a state of semi-preparedness for fight and flight. And at any moment this half-readiness can turn into readiness. And obvious symptoms of overexertion will appear, including nervous tremors.

Moreover, the transition from a state of semi-readiness to overt defense can occur both against the background of increasing excitement, and seemingly out of the blue. For example, I went to bed. I tried to relax. But it turned out differently.

Other causes of psychogenic tremors throughout the body

Chronic anxiety, leading to constant overstrain of the body, is the main reason for the development of nervous tremors. But there are other less significant reasons. Usually they simply complement the main one - constant preparation of the body for danger.

Internal vibration may intensify against the background of:

  • consuming large amounts of caffeine;
  • lack of sleep;
  • dehydration;
  • hyperventilation.

Excess caffeine, lack of sleep, and dehydration, in turn, can be consequences of a chronic anxiety state, enhancing its bodily manifestations. Hyperventilation almost always occurs with an anxiety disorder and worsens its physical symptoms.

Associated symptoms

Often people who say that their hands shake when I’m worried also experience other unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​their hands, and sometimes along the entire length of their upper limbs. The legs, especially the feet, may also be affected.

Complaints include:

  • burning sensation, pins and needles and/or numbness in the hands (often found in the presence of panic disorder, associated with hyperventilation);
  • the inability to quickly and accurately perform well-known actions, for example, difficulty typing text on a computer or sending SMS on a phone;
  • restlessness of the hands (the need to constantly twirl something in them);
  • convulsions (begin when, against the background of excitement, dehydration of the body occurs, so they usually occur in the heat or in people prone to excessive sweating due to nervousness).

How to quickly get rid of nervous tremors at home

Drink some water

Dehydration can cause shaking. People who are anxious are more likely to become dehydrated, as they may experience increased urination and/or sweating. However, in most cases, a few sips of water or tea have not so much a hydrating effect as a calming one.

Quite often the question arises, what is better to drink - hot or cold, just water or some other drink? The best thing to do is drink something that calms you down. For some it might be a glass of cold water, for others it might be a cup of hot cocoa.

Move over

If the muscles are trembling and require activity, they need to provide it. So get moving.

Exactly how you move depends on your preferences. Some people just like to walk around. Some people find rotational movements of their arms more helpful.

Physical activity can be anything, but not exhausting. Walk, but don't run. Rotate your arms, but don't push up.

Slow down your breathing

During preparation for “fight and flight,” a person’s breathing becomes more active. Hyperventilation occurs, which aggravates all the physical symptoms of anxiety, including nervous trembling.

So try to slow down your breathing. To do this, take a normal breath (not too deep), slowly count to 4 and only then exhale. Count to 4 again and only then inhale.

Continue breathing in this rhythm until you feel better.

Have trembling in certain parts of the body

During attacks, many people are frightened by the fact that they seem to lose control over their body: their arms and legs tremble, their teeth chatter, and nothing can be done about it. The growing fear of loss of control intensifies the nervous trembling.

Indeed, it can be difficult to quickly stop trembling throughout the whole body. But you can always take control of its individual sections. For example, give an order not to shake your hands or not twitch your thigh muscles.

Often the realization that the shaking is, in principle, controllable is reassuring. And thus helps relieve an attack.

Let go of the situation

The easiest and most effective way to stop shaking is to allow yourself to shake. The more you internally resist the shaking, the more the muscles tense and the stronger they contract.

Therefore, the most effective method of dealing with nervous tremors is to allow it to happen. Give your muscles the opportunity to do the work they need, and they will quickly relax. And the tremor will stop.

What to do at home to prevent an attack of nervous tremors

The main symptomatic prevention of an attack is associated with relaxation of the muscles, which in an anxious person are always in increased tone.

When an attack has already begun, doing muscle relaxation exercises is ineffective. And often impossible. But as a means of prevention, such techniques help.

You can accept:

  • wet dog exercise;
  • hanger exercise;
  • abdominal muscle relaxation technique.

But what works best is the progressive muscle relaxation technique, which makes it possible to remove excess tone from all major muscle fibers at once.

Any other techniques and procedures that promote relaxation also work: massage, hot shower or warm bath, acupuncture, yoga, etc.

Shakes during conflict! What to do?

Dear Victor!

When you get into a conflict with a stranger, most likely you feel angry at him, do you try to restrain it, not show it to your opponent, or do you get into a fight? If you try to restrain, then the phenomena that you describe occur: the emotion of anger is accompanied by a powerful release of certain substances in the body, which lead to the contraction of certain muscles, and excessive tension of these muscles leads to the fact that the neck goes numb and the body shakes. This is an ancient mechanism necessary for human survival: when there is danger, a person's muscles tense up so that he can protect himself or escape from danger. You can do an experiment, for example, lying on your stomach, try to raise your leg, often the leg begins to vibrate due to strong muscle tension, i.e. This is caused by excessive tension. What to do? Release your anger through physical action: running, jumping, boxing with an imaginary partner, push-ups, screaming, then deep breathing, which leads to relaxation. I understand that my suggestions in a situation of conflict with a person look more than strange, so you can also use an anti-stress ball, which you can throw or squeeze in your hand, expressing your anger. The best suggestion in this situation would be to consider situations that have already happened with you and analyze how your tension grows in a conflict, at what point you can make sure that the tension does not reach its peak when it begins to shake, because anger does not arise suddenly - irritation arises first , then anger, then anger, rage. The best thing is to realize your emotion at the stage of irritation, without allowing it to develop into rage; at this stage you can leave (leave the field of anger), begin an internal dialogue with yourself (What am I feeling now? What is my goal? Will my presence help in this situation will it interfere with achieving my goal? Etc.), by being distracted by internal dialogue, you will focus on yourself, and not on how the other person behaves incorrectly, and this is taking care of yourself, your body. I would not take any drugs, because the mechanism of muscle tension in case of danger is very ancient and is necessary for a person; by knocking it down, you will not be able to protect yourself at the right moment. If you would like to discuss this issue in more detail, please contact me, I can advise you via Skype.

Sincerely, psychologist Liliya Volzhenina, Novosibirsk

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