Pain in the lower abdomen in women in questions and answers

About pain during the menstrual cycle

Every woman at least once in her life has encountered unpleasant and painful sensations during menstruation. For some, they occur occasionally with colds and weakened immunity, while others suffer from pain all their lives. Gynecologists of the Federal Scientific and Clinical Center FMBA say: “Pain during menstruation is not normal!”

In modern medicine, painful menstrual syndrome is regarded as a disease called “algodysmenorrhea” or “dysmenorrhea”. The first name is considered to be more accurate, but due to its length, the second name is more often used - dysmenorrhea.

There are two types of disease:

  1. primary (functional) dysmenorrhea – observed in adolescence and in women aged 20-25 years. Repeats cyclically, pain occurs 12 hours before menstruation or on the first day of the menstrual cycle, lasts from 2 to 42 hours. It has an aching, cramping or bursting character, radiating into the intestines or bladder. The disease is not associated with pathological changes in the genital organs;
  2. secondary (organic) dysmenorrhea – occurs against the background of pathological processes of the pelvic organs due to urogenital diseases and inflammatory processes. Characteristic of women after 25-30 years. It is characterized by heavy bleeding with clots and severe pain in the lower back. Pain appears and intensifies 1-2 days before the start of the menstrual cycle.

Causes of pain during menstruation

Depending on the type of dysmenorrhea, the causes of pain differ.

For functional dysmenorrhea causes:

  • physiological – disruption of hormone synthesis. There is an increased production of prostaglandins - lipid substances that are responsible for contraction of the uterus during menstruation. An excessive amount leads to strong uterine contractions, which provokes pain. Increased production of adrenaline, norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin also leads to discomfort;
  • psychological – low pain threshold, fear of pain, neurological disorders and psycho-emotional abnormalities that enhance and aggravate the perception of pain;
  • vascular disorders;
  • lack of magnesium in the blood.

Secondary dysmenorrhea is observed in patients with pathologies of the reproductive organs and can be caused by:

  • abnormal location of the uterus, its underdevelopment and malformations;
  • abnormal development of the genital organs, complicating the outflow of menstrual blood;
  • endometriosis (proliferation of the inner layer of the uterine wall to other organs);
  • inflammatory processes in the organs of the reproductive system;
  • varicose veins of the pelvic veins;
  • adhesions in the pelvis and fallopian tubes caused by inflammation of the tubes, ovaries or previous operations;
  • uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • installation of an intrauterine device;
  • injury (consequence of surgery, frequent medical abortions);
  • psychological and physical fatigue (frequent stress, violation of rest and work schedules).

Physical procedures

Painful sensations can be caused by physiotherapeutic treatment, only in rare cases. The cyst may remind itself after undergoing a magnetic therapy procedure, but only if the woman resorted to self-medication and underwent the procedure without consulting a gynecologist.

Physiotherapeutic treatment does not act as an independent method, but is used only in combination with other methods. Typically, such procedures are resorted to during the rehabilitation period to prevent the formation of adhesions, normalize blood circulation, and stabilize hormonal levels.


Unpleasant sensations during or a few days before menstruation can be of varying degrees and intensity. If the ailment is not pronounced and is short-term, and the pain is not significant and does not affect the usual way of life, there is no need to worry. Slight discomfort in the lower abdomen in the first days of the menstrual cycle is considered normal for the body.

However, severe pain symptoms and accompanying ailments may indicate pathology in the body:

  • pain syndrome: severe pain in the lower abdomen of various types (pulling, stabbing, cramping). It can radiate to the appendage area, lower back, intestines, bladder, inner thighs;
  • psycho-emotional disorder: sleep disturbance, nervousness and irritability, anxiety, depression, excessive sensitivity, mood swings, odor intolerance, change in taste preferences;
  • autonomic disorders: nausea, bloating, diarrhea or constipation, dry mouth, frequent urination, chills or fever, increased sweating;
  • vegetative-vascular disorders: headache, dizziness, loss of consciousness, numbness of the extremities, facial swelling, tachycardia, bradycardia, heart pain;
  • metabolic-endocrine manifestations (hormone imbalance): changes in body temperature (both decrease and increase), weakness, loss of strength, joint pain, swelling, limpness in the body (wool-like legs), itchy skin.

These symptoms may be signs of a minor pathology or indicate a serious illness. The multidisciplinary center of the Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency recommends that patients contact our specialists to determine the causes of the ailment and their treatment.

Depending on the severity of pain symptoms, dysmenorrhea is classified:

  1. first degree (mild) – moderate, short-term pain in the lower abdomen. There are no violations of other body systems. Performance is maintained;
  2. second degree (medium) - a pronounced nature of pain, accompanied by endocrine and autonomic disorders: weakness, nausea, vomiting, frequent urination, chills, insomnia, changes in mood, depression. Requires consultation with a doctor and prescription of medications;
  3. third degree (severe) - severe, unbearable pain in the abdomen and lower back are supplemented by symptoms of the second degree. Accompanied by fainting, tachycardia, pain in the heart. Painkillers do not work, and the ability to work completely disappears.

If you experience monthly pain during your period, don't tolerate it! Over time, their intensity may increase, and pathological processes may develop into serious diseases. In our clinic, you can undergo a routine gynecological examination, which will help identify the causes of the ailment, detect concomitant diseases and begin adequate treatment.

Localization: where it occurs

The location of pain depends on several factors. A particularly strong influence is exerted by:

  • Associated inflammatory processes.
  • Dimensions of education.
  • Complicated course.

The first manifestations are usually noted on the left or right in the lower abdomen. Most often, cysts develop on the right, which is explained by the peculiarities of the female ovaries; in this case, their manifestations are confused with appendicitis. If the formation grows quickly, then the pain becomes wandering in nature.

Most often, discomfort can be observed in the area:

  • Breasts. The appearance of unpleasant sensations in the chest area is characteristic of a corpus luteum cyst.
  • Lower back. Localization in this area often indicates rapid growth of formation and a high probability of rupture.
  • Lower abdomen. The appearance of discomfort indicates the progression of the pathology and an increased risk of complications.
  • Left or right side with discomfort in the leg. Localization of pain on the left or right indicates the location of the formation, and unpleasant sensations in the leg indicate compression of the vessels of the hip area.
  • Rectum. Unpleasant sensations indicate that the formation has grown significantly and is affecting the functioning and blood supply of neighboring organs.
  • Sacrum. Pain indicates the progression of the disease and the presence of complications.

Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis, determine the type of cyst, its location and possible complications after conducting a thorough diagnosis.


Diagnosis during menstrual pain should be comprehensive. At the initial examination, it is important to tell the doctor in detail what is bothering you. Based on complaints, symptoms, and a description of lifestyle, the gynecologist will be able to exclude acute abdominal syndrome (for example, appendicitis). After an oral interview, the doctor examines the patient and prescribes a series of tests. These include:

  • gynecological smear (including flora, sexually transmitted diseases, hormonal function of the epithelium, cytology);
  • clinical blood and urine analysis;
  • biochemical blood test to determine the level of hormones in the blood;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • vulvoscopy;
  • colposcopy.

In our center of the Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency, diagnostics are carried out according to international standards. The clinical diagnostic center, which is part of the clinic, guarantees the accuracy of the results and the speed of their provision. Modern equipment in the gynecology department allows for accurate diagnosis.

Prevention of pain during menstruation

Like any other disease, dysmenorrhea needs prevention. To prevent painful sensations during menstruation, you must follow several rules:

  • visit a doctor regularly (if there are no complaints, once a year);
  • promptly treat gynecological diseases;
  • use contraception to avoid sexually transmitted infections and unwanted conception (as a consequence – abortion);
  • follow the recommendations of the gynecologist;
  • Consult a doctor immediately if you experience pain during your period.

Additional recommendations include: playing sports and leading an active lifestyle, abstaining from bad habits, maintaining a vitamin and mineral complex in the body, maintaining a daily routine, a balanced diet, regular sex life with a regular partner (for adult women).

Advantages of MC “HEALTHY FAMILY”

Cost of treatment for ovarian cysts

Ovarian cysts are a fairly common disease, which, despite a favorable course, can lead to a number of serious complications. To maintain women's health and diagnose as early as possible, you need to regularly visit a gynecologist and undergo preventive examinations.

With early diagnosis, specialists prescribe conservative treatment followed by physical therapy, but if large formations are detected, a tendency towards malignancy or other complications, surgery may be required. The cost of treatment depends on:

  • Forms of education.
  • Conditions of a woman.
  • Presence of complications.
  • The chosen treatment method.

You shouldn't skimp on your health. Contact qualified gynecologists and forget about living with pain.

How to treat

The gynecological department of the Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency determines and develops an approach to the treatment of dysmenorrhea individually for each patient. Depending on the causes of the disease, treatment can be preventive in nature with the prescription of medications (painkillers, antispasmodics, sedatives), or complex.

Complex therapy includes:

  • taking antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • restoration of hormonal balance;
  • correction of the intake or type of oral contraceptives (installation of the IUD before birth is undesirable);
  • surgery.

During therapy, consultation with related specialists (endocrinologist, mammologist, psychologist) may be indicated.

It is important to understand that relieving pain symptoms with painkillers is not a cure. Dysmenorrhea is a pathological condition and it must be treated comprehensively under the supervision of an experienced specialist!

You can make an appointment or get advice from our specialist by calling our number or filling out a convenient form on the website.

How to relieve pain before going to the medical center

If pain with a left ovarian cyst greatly affects the quality of life, then before contacting a specialist, you can use painkillers. Painkillers are most often used in combination with antispasmodics:

  • Ibuprofen.
  • No-shpa.
  • Paracetamol.
  • Spazmolgon.

Additionally, you can use sedatives that will reduce the intensity of pain and help relax the muscles. In some cases, it is possible to use a heating pad, which is placed at the location of the cyst. This allows you to relieve spasm and further relax the muscles.

But you should not resort to self-medication and simply dull the pain. Based on the strength and nature of the manifestations, the doctor can determine:

  • The patient's condition.
  • Presence of complications.
  • Localization of the cyst.

When pain is dulled by taking medications, this diagnostic method becomes ineffective, so immediately before visiting a doctor you should stop taking pills.

Why do they trust us with their health?

  • The Department of Gynecology has been providing high-tech medical care in the treatment of all types of gynecological diseases since 1987;
  • Every year more than 2,000 patients come to us and receive professional medical care;
  • For each patient, our doctors develop an individual treatment plan. In complex and critical situations, the multidisciplinary center allows you to gather a consultation with specialists in related fields and quickly determine treatment tactics;
  • In daily practice, doctors use the latest international achievements and advanced treatment methods;
  • The operating rooms are equipped with new high-tech equipment;
  • We carry out more than 2,500 operations of varying complexity per year;
  • Doctors regularly take part in international congresses and research.
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