Drugs used to detoxify the body from alcohol by dropper

How to help your body?

You can avoid such consequences by carefully listening to the state of your own body and treating it with care. It is worth paying attention to the principles of a healthy lifestyle, harmonization of the psycho-emotional state and professional assistance from medical specialists.

One of the methods of maintaining the body is strengthening infusion (intravenous) therapy, which will be effective as a preventive measure for most of the pathologies listed above.

What is an IV?

Intravenous drip (infusion therapy) is a treatment method in which special solutions and drugs are introduced into the bloodstream to improve the patient’s condition and recovery.

Of course, the effect of intravenous therapy is much more powerful and faster than taking drugs orally. Therefore, droppers are used when it is necessary to introduce a special solution at a certain speed and in sufficient volume. It also happens that some drugs can only be administered intravenously. In this case, a dropper is the only way for treatment and therapy.

Non-drug detoxification

In case of alcohol intoxication, specialists purify the blood using devices. The most popular procedures are:

Plasmapheresis is used for acute alcohol intoxication. Plasmapheresis is used for patients who cannot abstain from alcoholic beverages for three days or more. The procedure is carried out using a special centrifuge or membrane. The composition of the blood is divided into components, toxic substances are removed from them. Using this method, the blood is cleansed of toxins and deep and high-quality detoxification from ethyl alcohol is carried out.

Hemosorption. It is used for kidney pathologies. Toxic compounds are removed from the bloodstream using special sorbents for this purpose. The cleansing procedure is carried out outside the body. The patient does not feel pain or discomfort.

The benefits and harms of IV drips

Intravenous therapy is used in cases of illness or disease prevention. For example, an intravenous drip will help you quickly recover from flu and colds, respiratory diseases and various viral infections.

A dropper with a special solution helps quickly restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract) and well-being after food poisoning. Such a dropper allows you to cleanse the body of intoxication, including alcohol.

For general strengthening and maintaining the correct balance of vitamins in the body, special complex droppers are used. Vitamin droppers improve the general condition of the body, increase energy and activity. They are used strictly as prescribed by a doctor and the relevant tests have been carried out.

Thus, the benefit of an intravenous drip is achieved due to the rapid penetration of drugs into the blood and tissues of the body. However, the appointment of an IV, its placement and selection of the necessary solutions should be trusted only to professionals with medical education. Otherwise, you can aggravate the condition and cause irreparable harm to the body.

Indications for use

Let's look at the example of sodium chloride and glucose.

Sodium chloride is used for:

  • large loss of fluid;
  • deficiency of certain substances (burn, diarrhea, vomiting, etc.).

Glucose is used for:

  • intestinal infectious diseases;
  • lowering blood sugar levels;
  • a sharp drop in blood pressure;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • liver treatment (hepatitis, dystrophy, atrophy);
  • poisoning (drugs, acids, arsenic, carbon oxides).

Glutathione droppers

Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that is produced in our body and consists of a combination of three amino acids: glycine, glutamine and cysteine. Essentially, it is a natural substance that blocks the action of free radicals, prevents the development of inflammatory processes and protects every cell in the body.

With age and metabolic disorders, the amount of glutathione produced by the body is noticeably reduced, which leads to weakened immunity and the progression of external signs of aging. Therefore, to preserve youth, detoxify the body and restore the nervous system, droppers with glutathione are used.

An effective way to deliver glutathione to the body is through intravenous administration. In this way, the body absorbs about 99.5% of the antioxidant, and the results from use occur immediately.

Symptoms of alcohol intoxication

The task of a narcologist is to cleanse the alcoholic’s body of toxic breakdown products of alcohol that were formed due to prolonged alcohol intoxication. It is recommended to carry out detoxification in a hospital setting; in other cases, it can be carried out at home. The severity of intoxication is assessed in three degrees:

  • Easy.
  • Average.
  • Heavy.

You can cope with a mild degree on your own. In case of moderate and severe symptoms, it is necessary to urgently seek help from a narcologist. Otherwise, great damage can be caused to the patient’s health, even death.

It is necessary to call a doctor at home to administer a hangover drip, which relieves the following symptoms:

  • Distraction of attention.
  • Short-term loss of orientation in space.
  • Nausea, pain in the head.
  • Loss of coordination.
  • Impaired diction.
  • Increased heart rate and increased blood pressure.

Emergency detoxification from alcohol is necessary if the patient has:

  • Loss of consciousness.
  • Convulsions.
  • Holding or stopping breathing.
  • Heart rhythm disturbances, bradycardia.

Vitamin droppers

To compensate for the deficiency of vitamins, macro- and microelements, infusion vitamin therapy is used. The fastest way to deliver essential micronutrients to the body is to administer them intravenously into the bloodstream.

Before installing an IV, it is necessary to take tests to determine the content of vitamins and microelements in the cells of the body. The composition of the vitamin dropper is selected based on the results of the analysis. Only the correct dosage of a “vitamin cocktail” will provide a powerful healing effect for the body.

Detox dropper

Detoxification (cleansing) droppers help with intoxication of the body caused by viruses and infections, or long-term use of certain medications. The procedure can also be prescribed for liver diseases and digestive disorders.

The detox solution allows you to quickly restore cellular processes, stabilize energy metabolism and put the body’s immune system in order. As a result of such cleansing, the functioning of internal organs, psycho-emotional state and general well-being improves.


The main principle of anti-age medicine is a personalized approach. Therefore, before prescribing medical procedures, the patient will need to undergo a thorough examination.

So, droppers may be contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Oncological diseases;
  • Severe dysfunction of internal organs;
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period;
  • Bleeding disorders (eg hemophilia).

Drippers Laennec

The innovative drug "Laennec" has powerful healing properties, restores health, restores beauty and youth. Under the influence of the drug, blood circulation and metabolism improve, as a result of which cellular respiration and anti-inflammatory properties of the body are activated, waste and toxins are eliminated.

The effectiveness of the dropper is immediately noticeable. Mood and well-being improve, body functions stabilize. The drug restores the body's cells, providing a powerful rejuvenating effect. Laennec droppers are carried out according to doctor's indications or for preventive purposes.

IVs for cancer patients

To facilitate rehabilitation after a course of chemotherapy and treatment with serious drugs, a nutritional drip will help. A drip for cancer patients has an analgesic effect, delivers intravenous nutrition and helps to quickly restore body functions.

The effect of a dropper for cancer patients significantly alleviates the patient’s condition, reduces the risk of complications and improves the quality of life. Before installing an IV, preliminary diagnostics are required to assess the severity of the disease and identify contraindications.

Anti-binge drip

Breaking out of binge drinking with a drip is the most effective way. The composition of the drugs for the drip is selected individually for each patient and depends on his condition and the severity of the problem.

First, detoxification is carried out, through which alcohol and its breakdown products are removed from the body. Then the hangover syndrome is relieved. As a result, nausea, dizziness and pain go away. Highly effective drugs normalize the functioning of the nervous system and eliminate the craving for drinking alcohol.

“Paramedic Help” provides professional placement of IVs at home. Drugs for drips are selected individually in accordance with the characteristics of the body, indications and complaints of the patient. We provide effective and high-quality medical care, helping to improve the health and quality of life of our patients.

To install an IV at home, fill out and submit the application. Our specialists will contact you as soon as possible.



The drug is a hemoderivative obtained by dialysis and ultrafiltration.
It contains 30% organic compounds (amino acids, lipids, etc.), as well as trace elements. For osteochondrosis, droppers with Actovegin are prescribed to improve trophism and stimulate the processes of regeneration of damaged tissues.

The drug stimulates the active consumption of oxygen and glucose, thereby increasing the energy potential of the cell and regulating the metabolism of neurons. Improving oxygen diffusion in neuronal structures helps reduce the severity of trophic disorders.

Dropper with Actovegin

Actovegin stimulates peripheral microcirculation, vasodilation (expansion of the lumen of blood vessels), aerobic energy exchange of vessel walls and releases prostacyclin. Thanks to this action, swelling of the affected area, hypoxia and microcirculation disorders in the area of ​​compression of the nerve root are reduced.

For osteochondrosis, Actovegin can be administered intravenously using a dropper. The dosage ranges from 250 to 500 ml per day. The recommended infusion rate is approximately 2 ml per minute. The full course consists of 10-20 infusions. Since there is a potential risk of developing an anaphylactic reaction, it is better to conduct a test before the procedure.


Droppers with Actovegin are not prescribed for:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • decompensated heart failure;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • anuria;
  • oliguria;
  • tendency to edema.


For osteochondrosis, this drug is prescribed to improve microcirculation and rheological properties of blood. It has an indirect vasodilating effect and helps eliminate circulatory disorders.

Trental injection solution

The injection solution can be administered using a dropper or a jet. Ringer's solution, 5% glucose solution or 0.9% sodium hydrochloride solution are used as a solvent for preparing the infusion composition. The dose of trental ranges from 100 to 600 mg 1-2 times a day. The duration of the infusion is determined depending on the dosage and volume of the injected product. The minimum duration of administration of 100 ml of trental is 1 hour. If the symptoms of osteochondrosis are severe, due to significant circulatory impairment, a 24-hour infusion may be prescribed. In such cases, the dosage is determined at the rate of 0.6 mg per hour per 1 kg of patient body weight. Regardless of the severity of the osteochondrosis clinic and the patient’s body weight, the daily dose cannot exceed 1200 mg. As a rule, the maximum volume of solution for infusion is 1.5 liters per day.


Droppers with trental are not prescribed for:

  • bleeding tendency;
  • hemorrhagic stroke;
  • retinal hemorrhage;
  • pregnancy.

The drug is prescribed with caution if the patient has the following diseases and pathological conditions:

  • atherosclerosis of coronary and cerebral vessels in severe form;
  • arrhythmia;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • frequent fluctuations in blood pressure


The product improves peripheral and cerebral circulation, eliminates muscle spasms, and has an analgesic effect. Its use in osteochondrosis is mainly due to the last two properties.

Eufillin capsules for dropper

For drip administration, a solution of aminophylline (10-20 ml) is diluted with an isotonic solution of sodium hydrochloride (100-150 ml) 100-150 ml. The rate of administration should be from 30 to 50 drops per minute. The maximum single dose of the drug is 0.25 g, daily dose is 0.5 g.


Droppers with aminophylline for osteochondrosis are not indicated for the following concomitant diseases:

  • hypertension or hypotension;
  • heart pathologies;
  • epilepsy;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • renal or liver failure;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug.


Droppers with vinpocetine are prescribed for cervical osteochondrosis. This drug helps to correct cerebral circulatory disorders, which occur quite often in this form of the disease. Vinpocetine dilates blood vessels and has an antihypoxic effect due to increased transport of oxygen and glucose. However, it does not have a pronounced effect on the heart and peripheral circulation. The active substance selectively affects the affected areas and improves brain metabolism.

For cervical osteochondrosis, vinpocetine is administered using a dropper. The maximum infusion rate is 80 drops per minute.

The initial dosage should not exceed 20 mg per day, or 2 ampoules. The concentrated product is diluted with a solution for intravenous administration.

In the future, the dose can be increased to 50 mg per day. Course duration is 10-14 days.

Ozone drippers

For osteochondrosis, droppers with ozonated saline solution are also quite effective. In this case, a composition with a fairly low ozone concentration is used. This method provides a long-term effect on the internal environment of the body.

The procedure allows you to:

  • normalize metabolic processes;
  • improve microcirculation;
  • restore oxygen transport;
  • dilate blood vessels;
  • reduce the severity of the inflammatory process;
  • strengthen the immune system.

Drip administration of ozonized saline solution is carried out in two ways:

  • infusion against the background of continuous bubbling - in this case, the solution remains saturated throughout the entire procedure;
  • infusion with cessation of bubbling during the procedure - in this case, the dose that the body receives in 30 minutes is equal to 67% of the dose received with continuous bubbling.


Ozone drip administration is not prescribed for:

  • acute phase of myocardial infarction;
  • allergies to ozone;
  • low blood clotting;
  • internal bleeding;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • hypotension;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • acute pancreatitis.
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