What is greed: concept, examples, reasons for its appearance

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Each of us strives to improve living conditions for ourselves and our families. And today, a motivated person has much more opportunities for self-realization than ever before. Therefore, there is nothing reprehensible in striving for prosperity and wealth, earning good money and buying expensive things. However, it is important to ensure that this desire does not develop into greed - a trait that has always caused hostility and condemnation from others. Today we will look in detail at what greed is and what consequences it can lead to. Let's not waste time, let's get started.

Is greed a character trait?

Life in the material world dictates its own rules. It is extremely difficult to imagine people who are able to completely give up money, comfort, pleasures and other “benefits of civilization.” But this is not necessary! Unless, of course, you practice strict asceticism or live in a secluded monastery, ashram, or monastery.

Hand on heart, it is worth admitting that truly modest individuals, devoid of acquisitive tendencies, are extremely rare in the 21st century, especially in megacities. But greed, greed, acquisitiveness, hoarding are quite common character traits of modern people.

Greedy people will suffer from “Plyushkin syndrome” or plunge into shopaholism. The former can hardly part with even things that are completely unsuitable for use, while the latter love to spend money on unnecessary purchases. Sound familiar? We invite you to talk about what greed is and how this character trait can affect the quality of life of any of us.

What's wrong with greed?

Many literary works written in ancient times ridicule greed as one of the worst vices. As a rule, greedy people are the main negative characters in them, who in the end are put to shame precisely because of excessive greed. This trait is also considered one of the main sins in the most widespread religions of the world. But where did such unanimous dislike for greedy people come from?

As noted above, greed is a survival mechanism that was formed among primitive people under the influence of evolution. But at the same time, completely opposite forms of behavior developed in our ancestors: generosity, mutual assistance, care for fellow tribesmen and joint work for the common good. For the sake of survival, people joined forces and shared the extracted resources. And even then, our ancestors understood perfectly well that an overly greedy and greedy individual puts the entire tribe at risk.

Greed makes a person do ugly things to accumulate wealth. He himself does not notice that by attaching increased value to material goods, he is destroyed on a spiritual level. This flaw is destructive and painful for a person, because it makes him worry about every expenditure of money, limiting himself to a good rest, beautiful clothes, delicious food and other human joys.

Is greed a gift or a punishment?

The word “greed” has many interesting synonyms. You can find the archaic “love of money” or the more modern ones – “greed”, “stinginess”, “greed”, “acquisitiveness”.

From a psychological point of view, greed is an irrepressible desire to accumulate and increase material values, “seasoned” with the fear of losing what a person already possesses.

This character trait could be called completely neutral if it manifested itself as frugality, thrift, and the ability to save money. However, greed, unfortunately, knows no limits and can push a person obsessed with stinginess to act rashly. In pursuit of ever new profits or other benefits of our world, an individual is capable of committing dishonest acts and even illegal acts! And this is already serious.

Even if a person does not commit a crime, greed is a catalyst for such manifestations of character as anger, quarrelsomeness, timidity (we are talking about the fear of losing one’s property).

Are greed and greed synonymous?

How would you answer the question “What is greed?” You would most likely use the term "greedy".

In fact, these two words are synonyms, but their meanings are somewhat different. We most often use the word “greedy” when we talk about wealth and material values. But “greedy” has a broader meaning. Compare: greedy for knowledge, for attention, affection (love), but greedy for money (for money).

Linguists argue that the word “greedy” has a neutral connotation, while its synonym “greedy” has an openly negative connotation.

How to overcome greed?

Is it possible to overcome greed? The meaning of this vice makes it clear that a person has false values ​​and guidelines. Money is everything to him! But in reality, people begin their pursuit of material values ​​when they cannot find happiness. Therefore, in order to free yourself from acquisitiveness, you need to understand that true wealth is spiritual. Happiness is within us, and a person can only know it by sharing. It does not depend on the amount of money in the account and gold on the neck, ears and fingers. Generosity has always been a counterbalance to greed. Only by giving something can you make your life easier.

To get rid of money-grubbing, you need to stop collecting bills and coins. Money should be spent on things that truly bring you pleasure. Only by finding your purpose in life can you experience peace. In order to feel truly happy, you don’t need money at all.

Greedy people: the reasons for this phenomenon

If we talk about this very briefly, then greed arises due to the substitution of life values. Modern man, being in the grip of mass culture, which is based on the theory of consumption, begins to seriously think that money and happiness are one and the same thing.

Greed can also manifest itself due to an overdeveloped ego. A stingy person asserts himself not through his own outstanding achievements or noble deeds, but through acquisitiveness and hoarding.

It’s not for nothing that Sigmund Freud argued that the causes of all our problems should be sought in childhood! Greed is no exception. Let's say that the child's parents were extremely busy with their own careers or personal lives. They did not have the time (energy, opportunity) to take care of the child and instead the child received expensive gifts as the equivalent of love. It is clear that this attitude will “work” in adult life! Such a person can measure any manifestations of feelings and emotions by material resources.

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Greed is a mortal sin. Is it so?

As we know, in the Christian religion there are 7 main sins, called mortal sins. Greed in this “top” is in second place, after pride.

There is an opinion, including among spiritual thinkers, that the cause of greed is an unfulfilled need to feel safe. Suppose a person whom everyone behind his back calls Plyushkin or, even worse, Gobsek, simply does not feel confident in his material security. That is why he drags all sorts of rubbish from the trash heap into the house, skimps on spending money on basic things, and tries to earn money by hook or by crook.

Thus, it turns out that greed may be a sin, but a greedy person is more likely a victim of circumstances.

How and in what ways does greed manifest itself?

  • Professional activity. It is difficult to cooperate with a greedy person. Any activity is a relationship with people; a greedy person cares only about himself.
  • Relationship. Because of greed, a person can ruin relationships with people close to him.
  • Personal growth. Excessive greed can become mania and overshadow all the good principles in a person.
  • Psychological health. The feeling of greed causes overstrain of a person’s psyche and can negatively affect his health.

A greedy person: how to recognize him?

We figured out a little about what greed is and what are the reasons for the development of this property of nature. The next step is to conduct a “diagnosis” and find out who from your environment falls into the category of individuals obsessed with stinginess and acquisitiveness. Although, perhaps, you can recognize yourself by reading these points.

  • A greedy person always saves on everything, and, first of all, on himself. New things are bought only when they are completely out of order. Treat yourself to something new or something nice? For a greedy person this is an unacceptable luxury.
  • A cheapskate is not the easiest person to talk to. A greedy woman will always be dissatisfied with the income of her lover, while a man obsessed with greed will demand an account from his missus for every penny spent.
  • Food is a fairly significant part of our budget, isn’t it? A stingy person always saves on food! He doesn’t buy what he really loves, chooses products that are about to expire, and “hunts” for discounts and promotional offers.
  • Why pay if friends, relatives, colleagues are always nearby? This is roughly how a self-interested person argues. If there is an opportunity to save on services by turning to loved ones for help, such a person will always choose this option.
  • Do you think greed will allow you to give generous gifts to loved ones and friends? Of course not! If a greedy type does something similar, he tries to reduce expenses to a minimum.
  • The last item on our checklist is visiting. Greedy people do not like to receive guests, but they themselves come for a courtesy visit without warning. They know that when visiting, you can profit from something delicious!

Symptoms of acquisitiveness

There is perhaps no more painful vice than greed. Synonyms for this word - “acquisitiveness”, “gluttony” and “greed”, completely complement the current picture. Sometimes the pettiness of such people reaches the extreme. A greedy person always carefully calculates the cost of even the most insignificant purchase. He will not leave the cash register without counting all the change. And if there is not enough money there, he will create a scandal and take it away at any cost.

Greedy people talk about money all the time. They complain about their shortage. They envy and spoil those who earn more than them. Moreover, such a person may well occupy a good position and be wealthy. Greedy people buy the cheapest clothes, food, they never spend on entertainment. Even if they have a hobby, it is always associated with the idea of ​​saving money. For example, a person prone to money-grubbing can buy a dacha, so he can provide himself with food and not spend money, or he sews clothes, although at the same time altering old trousers and sweaters.

Greedy people will not miss the opportunity to get money illegally; they always take bribes and do not disdain blackmail and theft. Such a person will constantly demand to borrow money from his relatives, but he will not give it back. This constantly provokes scandals. At the same time, he can steal from a relative or friend who lives worse than himself. Acquisitiveness can be taken to extremes. Greedy people will not disdain to search garbage barrels, they hope to find there something that will allow them to save money, for example, old furniture, clothes or metal that can be sold for money.

How to deal with greed?

To fight something, you need to know its source. Greed is born from a person’s lack of confidence in himself and his importance. An illusion is created, as if without a fortune, this or that person will not have weight in society, without which it is impossible to achieve recognition.

In fact, the significance of a figure depends not on external factors, but on the personality as a whole. And here we are not talking about banal good nature. If it’s interesting to communicate with a person and spend time, then “rich scenery” is the last thing that will bother others. As soon as the uncertainty about your importance disappears, the need to create expensive surroundings for yourself will disappear.

To do this, it is enough to focus on spiritual resources: develop versatility, read interesting literature, look for new interests and hobbies, find zest in even the simplest little things - in a word, become interesting to yourself without financial resources.

The main thing to remember is that money is an auxiliary attribute to achieving intangible goals. In addition, the main weapon against greed is generosity, which includes not only finances, but also a person’s time and energy. The ability to share is the greatest wealth of the human soul, and this is one of the important points in the thinking of rich people.


An unhealthy attitude towards money in the form of stinginess, excessive prudence and greed is a psychological illness widespread throughout the world.

This is the same addiction, only from money. Before condemning such people, you should remember that this is not a quality of the soul, but an acquired problem that can be overcome if desired. If treatment for this addiction is not started in time, advanced cases will lead to disastrous results.

First of all, the health and nervous system will be greatly affected, irreversible processes will begin to activate, as a result of which a person will no longer be able to return to a healthy state of mind and body.

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