Girl with a cap on her head
Transcranial micropolarization of the brain TCMP
The nervous system regulates every process in the human body. Her activities consist of sending, accompanying
Osteoma of the frontal bone
Osteoma of the frontal bone: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation
During the physiological formation of tissue cells, various disturbances can occur. As a result, neoplasms are formed,
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Ceraxon for delayed speech development: effective or not?
General characteristics of the drug Ceraxon is a nootropic drug that has a beneficial effect on the cognitive functions of the brain
Surgical treatment of epilepsy: indications and contraindications
Epilepsy causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention methods
Epilepsy refers to diseases that manifest themselves with different symptoms and have different origins. Clinical picture
Prenatal depression
Depression during pregnancy: symptoms and treatment
Prenatal depression is something every woman needs to know. Pregnancy is an exciting time for
Which doctors treat stroke: a quick guide
Treatment of stroke. Treatment of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. Rehabilitation after a stroke.
Stroke is a cerebrovascular accident caused by rupture or blockage of blood vessels. Usually the cause of this pathology is
Sensitive scalp: what could be the cause?
Dry seborrhea is a problematic condition of the scalp, in which the processes of production are disrupted.
My head blew. Symptoms and treatment in adults
What to do if your head has blown and now it hurts?
The human body reacts to hypothermia in different ways. You can often see a characteristic pose when they rise
Multiple sclerosis and disability: which group is given?
Multiple sclerosis as a basis for disability Very often, MS leads to serious damage to individual
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N. B. Zharkova, G. I. Kopeiko, A. A. Mukhin NCPZ RAMS, Moscow Psychiatry and
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