Damage to the hypoglossal nerve (hypoglossal nerve neuropathy, hypoglossal nerve neuropathy)
The coordinated work of the internal systems of our body and its reaction to external influences is ensured by the nervous system.
White matter development in babies' brains linked to language skills in primary school
What is it and what does it consist of? The white matter of the brain is a collective concept,
Work and epilepsy. What kind of work can you do if you have epilepsy?
A person suffering from epilepsy will not be able to get a job in some professions, since for epileptics there are
Panic disorder: how to stop worrying
Panic is a reaction of the body in response to stress that is threatening in nature. All
First aid for epilepsy, how to provide emergency medical care (protocol) for seizures
Epilepsy (falling sickness) is a fairly common pathology of the nervous system, the main manifestation of which is epileptic
Demyelinating brain disease
Demyelination of the brain and central nervous system is often a matter of life and death
Demyelinating disease is a pathological process of destruction of the myelin sheath, which affects the neurons of the brain
Treatment of microstroke in women
Stroke and microstroke. Differences, symptoms and consequences
A microstroke is a pinpoint injury to the structure of the brain. They mean a tiny cerebral hemorrhage.
Where did the glasses go again? We talk about the causes of memory impairment
Memory loss is a common complaint among both older and younger people.
Local Complications After Tooth Extraction - Osteomyelitis of the Tooth Socket and Neuritis
Trigeminal neuropathy (trigeminal neuralgia) is a chronic pain syndrome that involves
Tenoten or Novopassit: comparison of products and which is better
The display window of any modern pharmacy presents such a variety of sedatives that you can
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