Oxiracetam: brain enhancer, reviews, effects, instructions.

Oxiracetam may improve memory, concentration, and learning ability. It also acts as a mild stimulant that can improve and restore physical and mental energy.

Oxiracetam at a glance
  • ampakines
  • racetams
Good for
  • energy
  • attention
  • Studies
  • Memory
Goes well with
  • Alpha GPC
  • Aniracetam
  • pramiracetam
Typical Dose400–2400 mg
Half life8 ocloc'k

General information about the drug

Oskiracetam is a drug that acts directly on the nervous system.
Belongs to the group of psychoanaleptic nootropic drugs. Its use can enhance the development of logic and helps people whose professions involve constantly counting numbers or solving complex mathematical problems. With regular use, it helps to establish long-term memory functions and restores nerve cells.

This substance belongs to Racetams and was one of the first synthesized by scientists. However, despite this it remains not fully studied. It cannot be isolated from food and does not occur naturally. Often used among students and schoolchildren, this allows them to better concentrate their attention.

Side effects of Oxiracetam

Oxiracetam is generally well tolerated and no serious side effects have been observed, even when taken in high doses.

The most common unpleasant side effect of oxiracetam is headache. It is typical for all nootropics of the racetam class. Racetam-related headaches are usually due to either high dosage or choline depletion, so adding a good source of choline to the regimen or reducing the amount of oxiracetam you take can often correct the problem.

Because it has mild stimulant properties, oxiracetam may potentially interfere with the normal sleep cycle if taken too late.

According to user reviews, side effects such as insomnia and nervousness were reported, but very rarely. These effects can generally be avoided by taking oxiracetam earlier in the day or by reducing the dosage.

Mechanism of action

Its action is based on the increased production of adenosine triphosphoric acid, which improves energy metabolism in the patient’s body. Thanks to this, mental processes occur much faster. In addition, oxiracetam enhances the release of acetylcholine compounds and accelerates analytical thinking.

The drug component increases the patient’s concentration, memory, focusing and perception functions.

Has a powerful stimulating effect.

After oral administration, Oxiracetam dissolves and is absorbed in the intestine, peak concentrations in the blood are observed after 1-3 hours. It is excreted unchanged in the urine, the half-life ranges from 8 to 68 hours (in patients with renal failure). Has the ability to penetrate the blood-brain barrier of the brain.

Nootropic for improving memory: does it exist?

Nootropics include a significant number of drugs, each of which, despite having common properties, is characterized by its own special effect on a specific physiological function of the body. Thus, Oxiracetam affects the process of memorization, promoting long-term memory and logical thinking.

Oxiracetam is a nootropic compound belonging to the Racetam family. Although it was one of the first to be synthesized, its effect on humans is not fully understood. Its structural formula is practically no different from Piracetam, the only difference is in the hydroxyl group. The substance is not contained in food products.

What are the effects of using oxiracetam?

Among the most significant impacts on a person’s cognitive sphere are:

  • increased concentration;
  • eliminating anxiety;
  • clarity of thought process;
  • ability to analyze difficult-to-understand information;
  • strengthening logical analysis;
  • improving the memorization process.

Taking the drug helps increase the amount of ATP in cells. This leads to an improvement in the energy state of the body, stimulation of the nervous system, activation of the thought process and a feeling of vigor. In addition, Oxiracetam sharpens tactile sensitivity and the functioning of the visual and sound analyzer.

Indications for use

In today's frantic pace, a person faces many stressful tensions. Because of this, he becomes distracted and inattentive. Naturally, all these processes affect not only the rhythm of his life, but also his work. Students and schoolchildren are often inattentive in class, which leads to poor performance and, as a result, nervous system disorders. Based on this, among the main indications for the use of Oxiracetam are:

  • poor concentration (absent-mindedness, etc.);
  • loss of cognitive functions (poor memory of information, inability to conduct analytical analysis of information, etc.);
  • pathological processes in the cerebral circulatory system;
  • depression and nervous tension;
  • weakening of intellectual abilities.

Benefits and Effects of Oxiracetam

Oxiracetam provides a wide range of nootropic benefits, including the following:

Improved memory

Oxiracetam's potential as a memory enhancer is one of its best known and most studied properties.

Both animal studies and clinical trials in people with age-related cognitive decline ‍ indicate that oxiracetam may improve memory overall.

There are no studies on how oxiracetam affects people with normal cognitive abilities. However, anecdotal evidence from reviews indicates that it acts as a powerful memory enhancing nootropic. It is especially useful for students taking exams or studying logic-intensive subjects such as mathematics.

Improved learning

Both animal studies and studies involving patients with dementia suggest that oxiracetam may improve learning ability. This effect is associated with oxiracetam's ability to improve the speed of both memory formation and retrieval.

Concentration and attention

Oxiracetam improves overall concentration, making it easier to study for long periods of time without waning interest or alertness.

Oxiracetam's cognitive-enhancing effects combined with its mild stimulant properties make it attractive to people seeking a combination of focus and energy.

Improved verbal fluency

In studies of older adults with dementia, the addition of oxiracetam has been shown to reverse symptoms of cognitive decline, with particularly significant positive effects on verbal fluency and verbal learning.


Research suggests that oxiracetam may have significant neuroprotective effects that could potentially block brain damage associated with Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia.

In animal studies, brain injury, typical of neurological disorders, was modeled by administering neurotoxins known to impair memory formation. Studies have shown that animals pretreated with oxiracetam were resistant to the neurotoxins.

A mild stimulant that promotes wakefulness

Oxiracetam is a cholinergic, or a substance that releases the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, and as a result acts as a mild psychostimulant.

In animal testing, it has been shown to stimulate arousal and suppress sleep.

Research also shows that it may promote wakefulness by increasing blood flow to and within the brain and improving energy metabolism.

Instructions for use

The drug is taken orally with a small amount of water. Eating does not affect the absorption of Oxiracetam components.

The daily dose is 400-2400 mg, which are divided into 2-3 equal doses (the time interval must be at least 8 hours). For patients who are taking nootropic drugs for the first time, it is necessary to start with a minimum dosage, increasing it gradually. It must be remembered that it has an invigorating effect, so it is not recommended to drink it immediately before bed (it causes severe insomnia).

For patients who have been taking drugs from the Racetam family for a long time, it is recommended to take this drug according to the following scheme: for the first 2 days, the daily dose is increased by 2-3 times, then they switch to the standard dosage. Some experts advise taking Oxiracetam according to the following regimen: increase the daily dose by 2-4 times once every 7 days, and on all other days stick to the usual dosage.

It must be remembered that the half-life of the drug is at least 3 hours, so it is best to take the last dose no later than 18 pm.

In general, the drug is well tolerated; in rare cases, the following unpleasant symptoms may occur:

  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • nausea or vomiting;
  • headache;
  • sleep dysfunction (due to a strong invigorating effect);
  • dizziness.

If such side effects occur, it is recommended to stop taking Oxiracetam. In order to reduce the risk of developing these symptoms, you need to include eggs, lecithin or other products that contain the substance choline in your diet. You can also take a course of OMEGA-3, it will help enrich the patient’s body with the necessary choline and reduce the risk of developing side effects.

Combining Oxiracetam with Other Supplements

Oxiracetam works exceptionally well as a cognitive enhancer and mild central nervous system stimulant, either alone or in combination with other supplements.

It is important to remember that when racetams are taken together, their individual effects may be increased.

Oxiracetam and Choline Stack

It is important to take enough choline when taking oxiracetam or any racetam nootropic. Therefore, it is generally recommended to include a good source of choline in your daily regimen.

Maintaining sufficient choline will not only help maximize the effects of oxiracetam. But it will also go a long way in eliminating headaches, which are the most common side effect.

1x – 2x per day

  • 750 mg oxiracetam
  • 300 mg alpha GPC

Stack of Oxiracetam and Pramiracetam

Oxiracetam works especially well with other racetams.

When combined with pramiracetam, it can enhance and extend the powerful cognitive effects of both supplements, and the mild CNS stimulation it provides can improve feelings of alertness and mental energy.

1x – 2x per day

  • 750 mg oxiracetam
  • Pramiracetam 300 mg

Stack of Oxiracetam and Aniracetam

When combined with Aniracetam, which like Oxiracetam is an ampakine, the powerful cognitive enhancement and mild stimulant properties of both supplements work very well together.

Aniracetam's various mood-boosting and anxiety-reducing effects create an effect that users describe as mild and pleasant.

An example of an oxiracetam and aniracetam stack might look like this.

1x – 2x per day

  • 750 mg oxiracetam
  • 750 mg aniracetam

Features of the drug use

Since Oxiracetam is filtered and excreted through the kidneys, it should be taken with caution in patients with impaired function of this organ.
It is recommended to constantly monitor the function of urine excretion; if its volume becomes less than 50 ml per day, you should immediately consult a doctor. Otherwise, there is a risk of complete kidney failure. Due to insufficient research on the ability of oxiracetam to cross the placental barrier and breast milk, you should not take this drug without a doctor's prescription.

Prescribe with caution to patients suffering from chronic insomnia. When taken together with other nootropic drugs, Oxiracetam enhances their properties.

Reviews from doctors and patients

Patients leave only positive reviews after using this drug. Below are a few of them:

My work involves constant sitting in front of a monitor screen and stress. From the Internet I learned about the new nootropic drug Oskiracetam. I decided to try it and was pleased with the result. Within a week I became more concentrated and attentive.

Vitaly, 33 years old

Lately I have become very absent-minded, I constantly lose or forget something. The doctor suggested taking a course of Oskiracetam and additionally prescribed OMEGA-3 to increase choline levels. Already 7 days after I started taking it, I felt a positive result, I highly recommend this drug.

Albina, 29 years old

Patients often come to me with problems of cognitive impairment. Oxiracetam is very popular in the nootropics market today. It is recommended to use it in combination with Aniracetom, they enhance each other’s effect. I can only name their negative side symptoms: excessive excitability.

Azonov A.P., neurologist

Oxiracetam reminds me of the effect of a regular energy drink: for a short period of time you become more active, more efficient. Then you fall back into a state of stupor. I was dissatisfied with this drug.

Anatoly, 35 years old


Among the analogues, the following nootropic drugs can be distinguished:

  • Piracetam is the leader of all Racetams, improves memory, thinking, learning and memorization. Stimulates both brain centers;
  • Pramiracetam is the most powerful drug. Its effect lasts for 8 hours after the first dose;
  • Aniracetam - the effect of its action occurs in a short time. Reduces anxiety, stabilizes the emotional background, activates the functions of creativity and eloquence.

Before starting treatment, you should definitely consult your doctor.

The effect of racetam on the human body

  1. Acceleration of metabolism in brain tissue. When consuming racetam, metabolism improves - this happens by stimulating oxidative catabolism (decomposition). The level of cyclic AMP (cyclic adenosine monophosphate) and ATP (adenosine triphosphate) significantly increases, which affects energy throughout the day. In the brain, the level of the protein component increases, as well as the phospholipid level, which is extremely important for metabolism. The hippocampus is the part of the brain that is responsible for long-term memory and space, along with dopamine and acetylcholine. However, all reactions within the body do not occur within the hippocampus alone, and this is because racetam is present. A supplement such as ginkgo biloba (leaf extract) greatly improves the efficiency of human memory. Racetams, in turn, have a major effect on hippocampal neurons.
  2. Improving the functioning of the right and left hemispheres. Racetams establish communication between the brain, which is divided into two hemispheres. The generally accepted hypothesis is that by increasing the amount of clear communication between the right and left sides of the brain, a person will support an idea that is more suitable for him. This result results in memory that is most responsive. This connection between the hemispheres leads to a greater ability to think more deeply.
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