Kurganskaya Natalia Valerievna Doctor - obstetrician-gynecologist ✓ Article verified by a medical expert Hot flashes are called strong
The history of psychological tests began in France, when, commissioned by the Ministry of Public Education, researchers Theodor
Medical information is reliable Checked by Shaidullin Renat Flyurovich Depression is a disease of our time, so
Inner peace is considered to be a state of serenity and peace. Happiness of spirit and peace of mind help
History of the discovery British ophthalmologist Warner Tay and American neurologist Bernard Sachs independently
Introduction Migraine is a common primary form of headache (TH), which manifests itself as
Adolescence is a period of life when the formation of a person’s character traits occurs. Child's psyche
Human long-term and short-term memory can be compared to modern information storage, in which mono
...a cyst is not a tumor... An arachnoid cyst of the brain, which is the most common type of brain cyst,
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