Lump in throat: psychosomatics, symptoms and treatment
If you feel a lump in your throat or a foreign body, do not panic. In most cases this
Causes, symptoms and treatments of bulbar disorders
Article: Dysarthria is a complex speech disorder, one of its most common forms is bulbar. Self
Neurologist at SM-Clinic spoke about the course of Wilson-Konovalov disease in adults
In 1912, simultaneously in our country and abroad, a special hereditary
What is reverse psychology
What is reverse psychology, history and examples from life
What is reverse psychology? Reverse psychology as a manipulative technique. When and on whom does it work?
Spinal cord
Lumbar puncture - indications and contraindications, technique
The procedure, during which a special needle is inserted into the subarachnoid space, is called a lumbar puncture (spinal puncture,
Elicea Ku-tab, 28 pcs., 10 mg, tablets dispersible in the oral cavity
Doses and method of administration: Orally, 1 time per day, regardless of meals. Depressed
No-Shpa: contraindications, what they help with
No-Shpa: contraindications, what they help with
The drug "No-Shpa" refers to antispasmodic medications. It relieves pain from smooth muscle spasms.
Diagnosis and treatment of alcoholic neuropathy
Alcoholic polyneuropathy: causes, symptoms, treatment
It is a neurological disease in which activity is impaired at the same time
Anxiety disorders and experience with paroxetine
Paroxetine Paroxetine is a drug from the antidepressant group. Known since the late 1980s. Currently
Throbbing pain in the back of the head: causes, treatment
Throbbing pain in the back of the head can be associated with both vascular pathologies and
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