Possible factors triggering the development of fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia: causes, diagnosis and treatment
Fibromyalgia is a complex disorder characterized by diffuse musculoskeletal pain, the presence of specific painful
Cluster headaches: who is at risk?
New hopes in the treatment of cluster headaches.
Causes of cluster pain It is believed that cluster headaches occur when the trigeminal nerve is stimulated, which
10 factors for the development of residual encephalopathy in children
© Author: A. Olesya Valerievna, candidate of medical sciences, practicing physician, teacher at a medical university, especially for SosudInfo.ru
parts of the skull
Skull fractures: types, symptoms, treatment and consequences
Skull fractures are among the most severe injuries. Such violations of the integrity of the cranial bones occur after
Dementia in Men - Summer
What should relatives of a patient with senile dementia do?
Senile dementia in men is common after 60 years of age. It is important to notice the first signs
West syndrome - diagnosis and treatment in South Korea
Pathologies of the brain and central nervous system significantly reduce a person’s quality of life and lead to
Treatment of Alzheimer's disease
Alzheimer's disease: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
One of the most common forms of dementia is Alzheimer's disease. An acquired neurodegenerative disease is characterized by
Brain dysfunction
What is paranoid schizophrenia: causes, symptoms, treatment?
Schizophrenia is one of the most complex and mysterious mental disorders. Scientists are not studying it
What is the pineal gland for? Hormones, functions, diseases, prevention
We continue a series of publications devoted to neurosurgical diseases. The project was prepared jointly with MBOO assistance
Brain dysfunction
Mental automatism syndrome: causes, treatment
There are a huge number of myths and misconceptions about psychiatry among people. As a practicing physician, I
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