Idiocy - Summer
Mental retardation in the degree of debility, idiocy and imbecility
Idiocy is the most severe form of mental retardation (previously in psychiatry to describe this pathology
Differences between male and female brains: are women better coders?
In the wake of total tolerance, it became indecent to declare that the male and female brains function and
20 best sedatives for the adult nervous system
The best dietary supplements to calm the nervous system Types and characteristics of sedatives Sedatives, or
Head tremor: causes, treatment
What kind of illness is it if your head is shaking and how to get rid of tremors
Head tremors are rhythmic, involuntary rocking and oscillations of the head. They can be sent from
Basal ganglia of the brain
Lenticular nucleus: description, structure and structure
The striatum helped diagnose schizophrenia automatically Ang Li et al. / Nature Medicine, 2020
brain work
Frontal lobe: functions, structure and damage
Scientists consider the frontal cortex as a set of formations that exhibit pronounced
How to avoid getting meningitis / I remember as a child, when in the early spring I ran to school with my head uncovered, my mother always said: “Put on a hat, otherwise you’ll get meningitis!” In fact, meningitis is an infectious disease, caused by viruses and bacteria, and sometimes fungi. Most often, children get sick, and just in the warm season, when the swimming season begins. The most common form, according to doctors, is serous meningitis, an outbreak of which occurred in Ust-Urkim in May and whose diseases are now being recorded in different regions of Russia.
8 symptoms of meningitis that everyone should know
Immunity to circulating serotypes of enteroviruses that cause meningitis is acquired in children by age 5. Mother,
Stroke on the left side. Consequences and treatment
Brain stroke: damage to the left hemisphere
A rapidly developing acute cerebrovascular accident is called a stroke. There are hemorrhagic and ischemic forms of the disease.
Relieve headaches from hangover - Alkoklinik
Why do you get a headache after drinking alcohol?
Useful articles Before giving advice on how to relieve a headache from a “hangover”, you should
Fainting causes, methods of diagnosis and treatment
Fainting (an outdated medical name is syncope) is a condition characterized by loss of consciousness and falling
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