Adaptation disorder (adaptive reactions) - symptoms and treatment

Astheno-neurotic syndrome

Astheno-neurotic syndrome is manifested by chronic fatigue, apathy, increased fatigue and irritability. This disease is complemented by loss of appetite and insomnia. Physical signs are associated with apparent heart disease. It may seem to a person that he has a slow heartbeat, or vice versa – tachycardia. No changes are observed on the cardiogram. However, the patient feels pain in the heart muscle. Stomach problems and migraines are also possible. Diagnostics involves interviewing and examining a person. An examination is being carried out for a viral infection. The prognosis is favorable, especially if the person additionally attends art therapy sessions. Drawing has a relaxing effect on the psyche, negative thoughts dissipate, and the patient feels harmony.

Symptoms of psychogenic sexual disorders

The main manifestations of mental impotence in men :

  1. weak erection , when the penis remains insufficiently tense, or tension, having barely arisen, quickly subsides, which makes sexual intercourse impossible;
  2. premature ejaculation – it can occur literally after several frictions or even before the start of sexual intercourse;
  3. prolonged onset of orgasm;
  4. slow restoration of erection.

In women, psychogenic sexual disorders have their own picture:

  1. lack of orgasm , or weak orgasm;
  2. lack of sexual desire;
  3. pain during or after sexual intercourse;
  4. chronic inflammation of the vaginal mucosa (vulvovaginitis, thrush and various kinds of “inexplicable” discomfort).

Often, symptoms in the sexual sphere are combined with general manifestations that indicate an unstable state of the autonomic nervous system (the autonomic nervous system keeps the entire body in a state of “high alert”). It can be:

  • heartbeat;
  • headache;
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • sensitivity to weather changes;
  • panic attacks;
  • irritable bowel syndrome.

Whatever the manifestations of psychogenic sexual disorders, successful treatment is possible after corrective work with a psychotherapist.

What are psychogenic sexual disorders?

Psychogenic sexual disorders are those disorders in which the leading role is played by an obvious or hidden “stuckness” of the nervous system in a state of readiness to respond to danger. And to emphasize that they are the cause of the problem, they use special terms, for example, mental impotence .

Psychogenic sexual disorders occur in both men and women. Only in men they are more obvious, affecting potency and the ability to perform full sexual intercourse. Therefore, it is simply impossible not to notice them. We offer assistance in the treatment of psychological (psychogenic) impotence.

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