Clinical features of the use of mirtazapine (Mirtazonal)
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics Mirtazapine is an antagonist of presynaptic alpha-2 receptors, stimulates central norepinephrine and serotonergic transmission
Inflammation of nerve endings: treatment and symptoms
The life of a modern person is associated with many unfavorable factors - stress, conflicts, poor ecology, poor quality
Alcohol depression: symptoms and treatment
Alcoholic depression: how to recognize and get out of the vicious circle
Home>Articles>Alcoholic depression: symptoms and treatment quick menu (hide) How does alcoholic depression begin? Symptoms
signs of stress
How to restore peace of mind after stress: practical advice from a psychologist for those who have recovered from COVID-19
Stressful situations follow us everywhere. They are especially harmful to the nervous system of susceptible people. To
Kleine Lewin syndrome
Sleeping Beauty Syndrome: Symptoms of a Sleep Disorder
Sleeping 18-20 hours a day is a pathology called sleeping beauty syndrome or
Amphetamine and methamphetamine for weight loss - Verimed
Autonomic disorders: what are the differences and how to live with it?
Often we are faced with poor health and try to understand what is the cause of this condition.
Treatment of neurogenic bladder dysfunction and secondary enuresis in children and adolescents
Causes and mechanisms of development Most often, bladder infections are caused by bacteria that are usually found
Depression in teenagers: how to recognize and how to help
Depression in a child (adolescent) – what is it? The word "depression" comes from the Latin deprimo -
Intellectual impairment: causes, identification, classificationmaterial on the topic
Good afternoon Today we will study psychiatry again. On our agenda is intellect (mind),
the nerve under the eye twitches what to do
Startling when falling asleep: normal or pathological? Alexey Malkov's answers on the TUT.BY portal
Why does the muscle under the eye twitch? The life of a modern person with its problems and constant workload
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